There had been no news about Fuji TV's April Monday-9 drama for quite a while, but there's now finally some inside information available. According to some, it was going to be the 2nd season of Takuya Kimura's HERO, while some said that a woman will be playing the lead. The latter seems to be the likely case.
According to a source from an advertising firm: "As Fuji's new president Chihiro Kameyama's reign officially kicks in, they promised that they will be casting no one but megastars of 'homerun caliber' as the lead of their Monday-9 dramas."
"Aside from Kimura's HERO, Shun Oguri's Rich Man, Poor Woman Season 2 was also considered. However, HERO has been moved to July due to Kimura's schedule, and Rich Man wasn't possible since Satomi Ishihara had been cast in this season's Shitsuren Chocolatier."
As they went back to the drawing board, they came up with a list of potential stars for the time slot which included Arashi's Satoshi Ohno and Eri Fukatsu, among others. The actress who had the (仮) mark (meaning 'tentative') removed next to her name is apparently Machiko Ono.
"They're not going for a sequel but an original story. Ono's recent work with Fuji includes the recently concluded Saikou no Rikon SP. This has a relatively good reputation within the industry, but the ratings weren't exceptionally high. Some staff were expressing their disappointment of not having someone of KimuTaku's caliber parade their Monday-9 brand at the beginning of the new fiscal year (Japan's fiscal year is from April 1 ~ March 31 of the following year), and that Ono is not 'Monday-9 material'." - (same source as above)
Ono may not have the name value, but that is also why good things can be expected of her. "Her main field has always been in movies, and she's been winning a lot of awards, like the Élan d'or for her role in the 2012 morning drama Carnation on NHK. Ono has had an illicit romance scandal before with Hosshan, but not flinching despite such a damaging scandal is also proof that she's got what it takes. Here's to hoping that she can produce an out of the park, come-from behind homerun for Fuji." - (same source)
According to a source from an advertising firm: "As Fuji's new president Chihiro Kameyama's reign officially kicks in, they promised that they will be casting no one but megastars of 'homerun caliber' as the lead of their Monday-9 dramas."
"Aside from Kimura's HERO, Shun Oguri's Rich Man, Poor Woman Season 2 was also considered. However, HERO has been moved to July due to Kimura's schedule, and Rich Man wasn't possible since Satomi Ishihara had been cast in this season's Shitsuren Chocolatier."
As they went back to the drawing board, they came up with a list of potential stars for the time slot which included Arashi's Satoshi Ohno and Eri Fukatsu, among others. The actress who had the (仮) mark (meaning 'tentative') removed next to her name is apparently Machiko Ono.
"They're not going for a sequel but an original story. Ono's recent work with Fuji includes the recently concluded Saikou no Rikon SP. This has a relatively good reputation within the industry, but the ratings weren't exceptionally high. Some staff were expressing their disappointment of not having someone of KimuTaku's caliber parade their Monday-9 brand at the beginning of the new fiscal year (Japan's fiscal year is from April 1 ~ March 31 of the following year), and that Ono is not 'Monday-9 material'." - (same source as above)
Ono may not have the name value, but that is also why good things can be expected of her. "Her main field has always been in movies, and she's been winning a lot of awards, like the Élan d'or for her role in the 2012 morning drama Carnation on NHK. Ono has had an illicit romance scandal before with Hosshan, but not flinching despite such a damaging scandal is also proof that she's got what it takes. Here's to hoping that she can produce an out of the park, come-from behind homerun for Fuji." - (same source)
- 2: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:18:55 ID:gOc5sLC80
- >>2なら彼女できるかもしれない
If I get response #2, then I might have a girlfriend - 186: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:50:17 ID:UOCWBq7VI
- >>2おめでとう!因みに小野真千子は昔の彼女にそっくりCongrats!
And btw, Machiko Ono looks exactly like my ex-girlfriend. - 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:19:05 ID:y2D7DHAU0
- おいおい、小野真千子は女優としての格ははるかに上だろうがw
Hey now, Machiko Ono's level as an actress is far up top w - 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:19:10 ID:E2xdovQrO
- 尾野さん演技うまいじゃないか
But Ono-san's a good actress - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:19:47 ID:fxGGReV90
- 脚本の問題でしょ
It'll all depend on the screenplay - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:20:13 ID:LtcGlHZV0
- もう恋愛ドラマやめたらいいのに数字とれんよThey should stop doing romantic dramas altogether.
They can't get the ratings. - 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:20:30 ID:wl9s3tzR0
- 何やっても低視聴率だから誰でもいいだろ
Anyone's fine since the ratings will be low no matter what they do - 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:20:35 ID:ijwUowA60
- フジテレビ・月9枠のドラマだが、ようやく内定情報が伝わってきた。↑まるで国民が待ち焦がれてるような言い草だな> There had been no news about Fuji TV's April Monday-9 drama for quite a while, but there's now finally some inside information available.
↑ Right, as if the public has been eagerly anticipating this - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:21:07 ID:zGyjDQ1X0
- 演技は上手いけど、華はないよね
She's a good actress, but she doesn't have the glamour - 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:21:16 ID:FXtt/IBuO
- オノマチは持ってるよこうなると逆に見たくなるなOnoMachi has the "it" factor.
This actually makes me want to watch what this will be. - 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:21:17 ID:deNNb7Rb0
- 月9にそんな価値ないだろなに言ってんだよw
Monday-9 doesn't have that much value anymore, what are you talking about w - 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:21:19 ID:KpPe8HpQ0
- いまだに「月9」にブランド性があると思ってるのが痛い。
It's actually sad at how they think that the Monday-9 slot is still a "brand". - 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:22:04 ID:uMTFcVYi0
- 尾野さんなんだし、月9で演技派集めた堅いやつやって欲しい
It's Ono-san we're talking about here, so I want to see a smart Monday-9 drama with all these great actors - 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:22:56 ID:TJ298y1+0
- タレントで視聴率が取れるってキムタクしかいないだろwそのタクも内容がひどかったらちゃんと落ちるようになったしKimuTaku's about the only one who can command the ratings just by being there.
And now Taku's ratings will also drop if the contents are horrible. - 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:23:20 ID:b3VAXRn30
- >>29福山
Fukuyama - 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:23:03 ID:zGyjDQ1X0
- 月9といえば、今や「吉田類の酒場放浪記」の時代だからw
If you're talking about the Monday-9 timeslot, then it's now Yoshida Rui no Sakaba Hourouki's time in the spotlight w - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:23:59 ID:gOc5sLC80
- >>30あれめっちゃ面白いよな。場末の居酒屋の良さが存分に伝わってくる。That one's really interesting.
It really shows you how good the drinking pubs are in the outskirts. - 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:29:55 ID:T1dHQkF40
- >>30あれはおもしろいなwwつかおいしそおでも吉田さんて結構顔あかくなってるから酒がよわそうなThat show's really good ww
And the food there looks really yummy.
But Yoshida-san's face turns too red
so he probably doesn't have a high level of alcohol tolerance. - 191: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:50:44 ID:kZcUsRCZ0
- >>30ほんこれwwThis so much ww
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:23:50 ID:w6U3q/tb0
- いや器というか単に向いてないってことだろwそりゃ尾野のスイーツ恋愛ものなんて見たくもないよハードコアな猟奇犯罪ものとかにしてくれIt's not that she doesn't have the capacity, she's just not suited for the Monday-9 dramas.
Even I wouldn't want to watch a sweet romantic flick that stars Ono.
Make hardcore bizarre crime dramas for once. - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:23:52 ID:LPvcnOM50
- 中山美穂、和久井映見、松嶋菜々子以降器になる女優が出てきてない気がするI don't think there have been actresses of a high caliber to emerge after the likes of Miho Nakayama, Emi Wakui, and Nanako Matsushima
- 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:27:11 ID:y2D7DHAU0
- >>34その人たちは時代がよかっただけで、役者としてはたいしたことない
Those people just got lucky with the times that they were in, they weren't exceptionally good actresses - 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:24:17 ID:3c/a9wEm0
- HEROは違うけど、いい加減恋愛枠扱いはやめればいいだけ
HERO's different, but they should really put a stop to treating it as a romance story time slot - 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:24:50 ID:fd1RS/XJ0
- 月9の器ってなんだよw尾野真千子はいい女優さんだし、下手なジャニーズやゴリ押し女優がでるよりいいんじゃないの?What do they mean by "Monday-9 caliber" exactly? w
Machiko Ono's a good actress, and she's much better than Johnny's or gori-oshi actresses. - 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:25:25 ID:19BZdKa90
- 個人的には大物正統派女優の系譜だと思う
I personally think that she's one of the successors to the traditional type of great actresses - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:25:45 ID:bJtmHEfh0
- 剛力ですらゴリ押し主演して爆死してるのに今の廃れた月9で器じゃないとか言ってもwEven Gouriki was shoved into the Monday-9 slot and bombed, so I don't get it when they say that she's not up to this now obsolete Monday-9 slot w - 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:27:32 ID:LtcGlHZV0
- >>45剛力で「すら」ってなんだよまるで剛力だったらうまくいくと思ってたみたいじゃないかWhat do you mean by "Even Gouriki"?
It's as if you're thinking that things would go well if Gouriki was cast? - 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:29:02 ID:bJtmHEfh0
- >>54文全体で見るとそう見えちゃったねもちろん「剛力ですら主演できた」って意味You can interpret it that way when you read the whole sentence, huh.
But what I meant of course was: "Even someone like Gouriki was able to play the lead". - 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:26:29 ID:54b1FyER0
- ジャニタレがネチネチやってるよりよっぽど期待できるわ
There's much more hope in this rather than seeing Jani-talents and their nagging ways - 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:27:46 ID:AwQyUFir0
- 所帯じみてるし地味だし華やかさがないから近所の子持ちババアにしか見えないShe looks plain like a housewife, and she's got no star power. She just looks like some granny with a kid who lives next door.
- 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:27:59 ID:ItjXuw0uP
- 向き不向きってもんがある
Each person has his own forte, as well as his own faults - 158: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:44:50 ID:80b1e4Lp0
- >>59そうか?事務所枠で主演してる女優よりはるかに期待しちゃうけどなIs that so?
I can actually pin my hopes up for this girl, more so than the actresses who get to have spots because of their agency's authority. - 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:31:11 ID:XANfpmYa0
- 月9とかすでにオワコンだろ
But Monday-9 is already finished - 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:31:27 ID:ZNKd7O7yP
- 尾野真千子でもいいと思うよただ脚本とキャストだな尾野真千子のイメージを上手く利用できるか?キャストをゴリ推しとかヘタクソ起用するか?それなりに面白ければ、12%は堅いだろうI think that Machiko Ono would be nice here.
All that's left is the screenplay and the cast.
Will they be able to utilize Machiko Ono's image efficiently?
Will they force someone in here, or cast bad actors?
If it's modestly good, then I think you can lock it in for 12%. - 105: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:35:18 ID:LJ1pJ4pt0
- 新作で勝負するところだけは買えるなコケ確定の今更感いっぱいの続編じゃ見るだけ時間の無駄だしI can commend them for trying to come up with a brand new franchise.
Watching worn-out sequels that are destined to flop is just a waste of time. - 110: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/19 17:36:00 ID:YSlo+rUWP
- 誰がどうとかじゃなくてフジテレビの月9が終わってるだけだろ
It's not a matter of who stars anymore, Fuji TV's Monday-9 slot is already finished
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