Huge congrats to @JensonButton and @jessybondgirl on their engagement! #attaboy
— McLaren (@McLarenF1) February 21, 2014
The couple have been dating since 2009. They reportedly split up in 2010 but reconciled soon after. She has been hugely acknowledged as Button's girlfriend, as she's been spotted numerous times at the pit during major competitions. Button's father passed away this January.
- 2: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:30:15 ID:R1nlS72b0
- おめでとう
Congrats - 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:30:46 ID:EzuY5w+O0
- おめでとう!で、いいのか??
Is congrats the right thing to say here?? - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:30:55 ID:4rJPMQVn0
- ジェシカおめでとう!!!
Jessica congrats!!! - 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:31:18 ID:JDYUzou70
- 上り詰めたなあ
She's really climbed up the ladder - 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:31:25 ID:MJZk6e9+0
- 2000年からF1乗ってるんだから超ベテランだな
He's been in F1 since the year 2000 so you can say that he's already a seasoned veteran - 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:46:23 ID:rj0m6jyK0
- >>7超ベテランと言われる年数が経ったんだな・・・
So that much time has passed for people to consider him a seasoned veteran, huh... - 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:31:45 ID:R3ShGcnN0
- ここまで長続きするとは思わんかった
I never thought that they would last this long - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:31:52 ID:fa0xzHmZ0
- バトンならもっと選べそうなのにな勝利の女神なのがでかかったかI think someone like Button could go for a better woman.
I guess that she becoming his goodluck charm was a huge deciding factor. - 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:32:22 ID:YfJqdQKD0
- あらら、いいの捕まえたね
Wow, she got hold of a good one - 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:32:28 ID:OkzCmQPV0
- あら、やっと♪
Oh, finally♪ - 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:32:37 ID:DoXaNp8g0
- 職業が「バトンの恋人」から「バトンの嫁」になるのか
So now her profession will change from "Button's girlfriend" to "Button's missus", huh - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:33:03 ID:OgiOhUji0
- えー、バトンの父ちゃんなくなったのか…
Ehh, Button's daddy passed away?... - 176: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 01:40:11 ID:SB6P9S+UP
- >>16だからこその婚約だろずっとバトンの父親が反対してたAnd this is why they've gotten engaged.
Button's dad was against it all this time. - 280: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 05:48:10 ID:KF5iq5H40
- >>176逆だよ。お父さんは早く結婚してほしかったのにバトンがずるずる引き延ばしてた。
It's the other way around. His dad wanted him to get married as soon as possible, but Button just dragged it on. - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:33:24 ID:IcdQBaga0
- 芸能界一番の勝ち組ですね
She's the biggest winner in life to emerge from the entertainment industry - 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:34:46 ID:igj3pJLx0
- おめー!やった玉の輿!Congrats!
Wow, she's married into money! - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:35:00 ID:Re3Ak3b00
- バトン、考え直すなら今のうちだぞそいつはヤバいButton, you still have time to reconsider.
That woman's trouble. - 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:35:39 ID:IuJsC6zw0
- なにげにジェシカ三姉妹は稼いでるよな
The 3 Jessica sisters are actually earning quite a few, huh - 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:36:50 ID:f4iKuo00O
- アホやな世界の美女を選び放題だったのぬWhat a stupid guy.
He could've chosen any other beauty from the whole world.
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:38:25 ID:k5+S7pyM0
- ジェシカそんなに悪いかなあアスリートだし健康的でレーサーとの相性悪くないんじゃないか?バトンの地位と財産と顔ならどんな女でも選び放題だろうし
Is Jessica really that bad?
She's an athlete, she's healthy and I don't think she's a bad match for a racer?
But Button could've chosen any woman with that status, fortune and face of his. - 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:38:49 ID:4WjBxKHbO
- 数いるガールフレンドの中で道端ジェシカが勝ち抜いたか!でかした!玉の輿争奪戦は凄い戦いだったんだろうなぁJessica Michibata just conquered the battle among his numerous girlfriends, huh! Well done!
This battle for wealth must've really been a mighty struggle. - 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:39:26 ID:D2VRMoMo0
- これで今年バトンがコケたら、完全にサゲマン扱いになるね。マクラーレンはテストでどんな感じなんだろうか?If Button flops this year, she'll totally be considered a bringer of misfortune.
I wonder how his tests are with McLaren? - 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:40:24 ID:wo/uF1DgI
- でもジェシカと付き合ってらから、震災の時とかも支援やら安全アピールやらに奔走してくれたんだよねカタールに嫁いだ日本人の人もだけど、こうゆう人たちもまた世界で日本に貢献する日本人だよね。残念ながこれは日本人の男にはできないことだしBut because he was dating Jessica, he was able to help us out during our disaster, and he was also able to prove the safety of the location.
This was also true with the Japanese person who married someone from Qatar, and these Japanese people who are living overseas have contributed to Japan in one way or another.
Too bad, Japanese men are not capable of doing something like this. - 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:40:43 ID:4JcmVhTu0
- バトンのファンがジェシカの事を酷く叩いていたからなおめでとう これから嫉妬が凄いだろうけどButton's fans were really harsh on Jessica.
Congrats. I'm guessing now that the jealousy will be much greater than before. - 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:44:24 ID:MB/vpvYD0
- なんかすごいね。顔やスタイルだけじゃ無理だろうから、何かほかにもあるんだろうなThis is amazing.
It wouldn't have been possible if it was just her looks and her figure so she must have had something else. - 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:45:46 ID:Mc9GaX1a0
- バトン本業でもう一花咲かせろよ。まだ老け込む歳じゃねーぞ。
Button should at least bloom one more time in his career. He's still not that old yet. - 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:46:25 ID:IcdQBaga0
- 中途半端な金持ちじゃなくて世界的セレブおとしてくるのがすごいw
What's amazing is that she didn't just get some half-baked rich guy, but an international celeb w - 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:46:59 ID:JnXpPp1V0
- へえ遂に
Whoa, finally, huh - 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:49:18 ID:fa0xzHmZ0
- なんで向こうのやつはわざわさ婚約するの?スパッと結婚しないよな
Why do the people abroad need to get engaged first? They don't just get married, huh. - 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:49:26 ID:jVxqBrsz0
- バトンの趣味に合わせて身体鍛えてトライアスロン出たりしてるし、なんだかんだ尽くす女なのがよかったんじゃない?She trained to be able to participate in triathlons which was Button's hobby, right?
Don't you think that he married a fine woman who actually gave it her all for him? - 117: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 01:07:35 ID:FCxUCZcB0
- >>73レースの近くで集中したい時とかには何も言わずに一人で行動してくれるので楽らしいよ話さなくても相手の気持ちを読むのは日本人ならではだなあ欧米人の彼女だと自分にかまえと五月蝿いのかもなI heard that she can silently act independently when he wants to focus for a race so it's easy for him.
It's the trait of a Japanese who can read the mood of a person even without speaking to him.
Maybe his Western girlfriends would keep bugging him to pay attention to them - 283: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 06:01:47 ID:KF5iq5H40
- >>117確かに、離れたところで文庫本読んで時間つぶしてる写真があるな。あれ見たときは偉いと思った。
Now that you mention it, I remember this picture of Jessica reading a book at a distant place while waiting for time to pass. I thought she was a good girl when I saw that. - 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:49:27 ID:RTE5oprN0
- 道端ジェイソンになるのか
So he'll turn into Jenson Michibata? - 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:49:52 ID:SVSZ/Q580
- えらく長い期間かかってるな他にも女がいて女同士で争ってそうだなあんまり興味ないけど海外の大物釣り上げる日本人がいてもいいからいいんじゃないThis took them long enough.
I feel that he has other women, and these women were fighting it out for him.
I'm not really interested in this, but I guess I'm fine with a Japanese getting a huge catch for once. - 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:53:26 ID:ZSRBk5MT0
- >>77そうなのかな?でもどこにでもジェシカを連れてってない?Really?
But isn't he bringing along Jessica wherever he goes? - 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/22 00:51:33 ID:jAUtws9F0
- やったな、ジェシカ!でかしたぜ!
Nice going Jessica! Well done!
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