Most liked
10. Tomohisa Yamashita - 47 (7)
10. Tsuyoshi Kusanagi - 47 (N/A)
*9. Yoshihiko Inohara - 49 (N/A)
*7. Masaki Aiba - 50 (2)
*7. Kazuya Kamenashi - 50 (10)
*6. Junichi Okada - 63 (N/A)
Most Hated
10. Goro Inagaki - 23 (N/A)
*9. Kazuya Kamenashi - 25 (5)
*9. Tomoya Nagase - 25 (N/A)
*7. Kazunari Ninomiya - 27 (N/A)
*6. Go Morita - 32 (8)
(5 and up after the jump)
5. Satoshi Ohno - 71 (3)
4. Jun Matsumoto - 76 (N/A)
3. Masahiro Nakai - 85 (9)
2. Takuya Kimura - 88 (5)
1. Sho Sakurai - 107 (1)
Most Hated
4. Masahiko Kondo - 58 (4)
3. Masahiro Nakai - 114 (3)
2. Jin Akanishi - 231 (1)
1. Takuya Kimura - 281 (2)
Cho! Mateyo!
- 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/26 14:20:50 ID:Dd0UsItwO
- >>2/Thread at >>2
I really don't get Sho Sakurai's popularity.
Jani-wotas really have such queer tastes.
Joshima-kun provides the most comfort
KinKi Kids...
The average age is too high, they're all oldies
Those who are both in the most liked and most hated may be popular, but what about Akanishi who's near the top of the hated rankings? He's seriously in trouble w
Women really are different living creatures.
No Leader, eh.
Who cares about Akanishi wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
The way I see it, KimuTaku seems to have gone on to Higashiyama's position.
Must be the passing of the times.
I like Leader
Yama-P is mankind's miracle
- 205 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2014/02/26(水) 15:06:33.60 ID:/2jLGTyH0
- >>25ロンパリ界の奇跡
The Ronpari* world's miracle
* (Ronpari, or London Paris, refers to crossed eyes or "walleyes", where one eye looks like it's looking at London, while the other looks at Paris)
I've hated KimuTaku and Ninomiya since 15 years ago
Oh, a survey of SMAP-otas vs Arashi-otas, huh.
What about Katori who's not in both lists? Is he like thin air within SMAP?
Why is Nagase hated?
- 38 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2014/02/26(水) 14:26:37.41 ID:w+0etvTF0
- >>35AVが好きだから;
Because he likes AV w
Being able to rap must really be a huge deciding factor, huh
There's no way Nagase is in the hated list.
Maybe they meant Kokubun w
I'm not sure if KimuTaku wants to try and show off that he looks intelligent, but he should really stop trying to complicate his speech.
There are a lot of times when he just misses the point and just makes people go "Dafuq is this guy saying w", and people will just think he's dumb.
- 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/26 14:29:20 ID:lUMcEkmT0
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/26 14:29:24 ID:9MPPLNqsO
- >>44お前の理解力が無いだけだろ
You just don't have the ability to comprehend
The only good looking ones in Johnny's now are KimuTaku, Okada, MatsuJun, Yamashita, and Nagase, right?
Until when are these uncles going to keep using the suffix
I don't see a problem with Kimura and Nakai who are in both lists.
Someone like Kusanagi is the one who's in danger.
- 65 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2014/02/26(水) 14:31:55.84 ID:lUMcEkmT0
- >>59いや両方圏外の香取が一番悲惨だろw
No, Katori who's not included in both rankings is the most tragic one w
好きだけにランクインは 哀れみを持って投票されてる情けない男 嫌いだけにランクインは 単純に嫌われ者
People ranked in both lists are popular enough to have haters.
The ones who are only in the liked column are the sad guys whom people feel sympathy for. The ones only in the hated list are hated, simple as that.
It's been a couple of years since I saw Go Morita's name w
I can't remember his face, though.
Seeing Ninomiya rank 7th at the hated list makes it seem realistic
Nagase-kun's rank is really a surprise here
Wow, Kanjani's pathetically irrelevant, huh
やっぱり嵐は櫻井と松潤のツートップ が人気なんだね
Akanishi who's only in the hated list is finished www
Arashi's 2-top of Sakurai and MatsuJun are really popular, huh.
No Domoto? w
Also looks like jealousy votes to me
これだけごり押ししても知名度なくてワロタ w
Busumai and Kanjani
Despite being overpushed, they still haven't become household names w
No Takizawa and Imai, huh.
Is this where we talk about Morita turning into EXILE?
It's already impossible for Nagase.
He just looks like an old man.
So Nagase's actually hated?...
I didn't know that.
- 137 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2014/02/26(水) 14:47:10.31 ID:9y/tPzKG0
- >>127ジャニーズっぽくないからじゃね .長瀬は同性に支持されるタイプじゃねーかな
Maybe because he doesn't seem like he's from Johnny's. Nagase's the type who's liked by the same sex.
- 142 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2014/02/26(水) 14:48:40.17 ID:dPYLoVqa0
- >>137同じ事を思ったw あとなんだっけ。V6のイノ・・・・? この2人のどっちかかな、好感度的な好きという意味で。
I thought of the same thing w And, V6's Ino....? I think it's one of those 2 who are likeable.
- 157 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2014/02/26(水) 14:52:05.33 ID://g82Fg10
- >>142井ノ原が1番の勝ち組かもな 長瀬は結婚できないし
Inohara must be the real winner there. Nagase can't even get married.
Nagase doesn't seem like a narcissist.
Everyone else in Johnny's does, though.
All I can say is that Akanishi gets what he deserves w
Tomohisa Yamashita is mankind's miracle, even from a man's point of view
So Kimura and Nakai who ranked in the top half of both proves that they're both popular.
Is this alright? Won't Eternal-san get pissed at this?
But I don't think there will be a woman who'd decline Nagase if he told you "Let's have sex".
But women wouldn't want to marry him, though.
- 172 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2014/02/26(水) 14:55:48.15 ID:pCg7o7ue0
- >>167ホモのほうが断らないだろ ジャニオタって長瀬みたいな濃い顔苦手な奴多いよ
Homos won't decline that. A lot of Jani-wotas can't stand deep faces like Nagase's.
- 187 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2014/02/26(水) 14:59:36.62 ID:ezcLgcP70
- >>172ホモ受けがいいのかw まあテレビ越しに見るのと実際に会う時とでは印象が違うと思うけどね 長瀬はリアルでモテるタイプと読む
So he's popular with homos? w Well, I do think that it's pretty different when you meet them in person than when you see them on TV. I think that Nagase's the type who's popular in real life.
Junichi Okada's the only one I like. A lot of his dramas are pretty good too.
I don't care about the rest.
ここが空白の世代扱いだな やっぱ少人数グループはきついのかw
KinKi, Tackey & Tsubasa
Looks like they're considered as the "blank age", huh? Must be really tough for groups with a small number of members w
But he's still 2nd in the most liked ranking.
He's still safe as long as he has haters.
バイクのTWとかみんな乗ってたし HEROのオレンジダウンジャケットに
KimuTaku was amazing for creating the culture of the young generation.
Everyone rode the TW bikes and wore the orange down jacket from HERO.
Johnny's threads always have lots of replies.
Based on this, I think 40% of the 2ch population consists of women.
Leader Joshima is popular with the men
>> Reason why Nagase's hated: "He used to be so cute, but I got shocked at how he transformed into a burly guy".
Getting hated because of this is kinda unreasonable.
Just hold general elections already.
If it's free voting, Joshima will get 1st by a landslide.
If I were to vote, I'd vote for Joshima.
He's got this stability to work on a travel program and earn a living even if he decides to leave Johnny's someday.
Shigeru Joshima's the most handsome one of all, right
Hated reasons:
"He's got the body of a child, and he's too short." (43/housewife)
"He always acts like the senpai, and just clings onto the industry." (32/sabbatical)
"He used to be so cute, but I got shocked at how he transformed into a burly guy." (30/Engineer)
"Because he split up with Ayumi Hamasaki whom he dated for such a long time." (49/Housewife)
"He thinks that 'There's no other man cooler than me'." (51/housewife)
"I don't think he's a good actor, and he's bad at singing. I don't know why people are crazy about him." (63/housewife)
"I shrink back because he's too handsome." (34/IT)
"You can't have long hair at that age. I find it pathetic that he's so hung up on young, ikemen roles." (51/housewife)
"I'm sick of him." (29/sales)
- 336 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2014/02/26(水) 15:53:55.54 ID:aPCG8WFd0
- >>284キムタクもおはさんから叩かれて気の毒だなw
I feel sorry for KimuTaku since he's being bashed by oldies too w
- 427 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2014/02/26(水) 16:22:03.92 ID:/0fZ0FjT0
- >>284>>284 >「かっこ良すぎて、ひいちゃいます」(34歳/IT関係) これおかしいだろw
"I shrink back because he's too handsome." (34/IT)
This is odd w
Okada and Nagase are the only unwavering ones who are accepted by 2ch's men.
- 311 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2014/02/26(水) 15:43:01.08 ID:iwXZSOK7O
- >>295長瀬に限らずTOKIOってジャニーズの中でも男人気高いだろ。 一応バンド形態だし鉄腕での内容といい。
Not just Nagase, but TOKIO's the group from Johnny's that's relatively popular with men. They're a band afterall, and because of the stuff they do on Tetsuwan.
*2位 相葉雅紀 92票
*3位 大野智 87票
*4位 長瀬智也 85票
*5位 木村拓哉 75票
*6位 二宮和也 72票
*7位 山下智久 60票
*7位 生田斗真 60票
*9位 中居正広 49票
10位 亀梨和也 46票
1. Sho Sakurai (95)
2. Masaki Aiba (92)
3. Satoshi Ohno (87)
4. Tomoya Nagase (85)
5. Takuya Kimura (75)
6. Kazunari Ninomiya (72)
7. Tomohisa Yamashita (60)
7. Toma Ikuta (60)
9. Masahiro Nakai (49)
10. Kazuya Kamenashi (46)
Last year's Shuukan Josei Ranking
I heard that Yamapi is mankind's miracle according to Jani-wotas
I hate SMAP but I like ___ I hate ___ but I like Arashi
The infinite loop
Original Thread
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