Funassyi, the unofficial "yuru-chara" from Funabashi, might be in trouble once he or she files for income tax. It is said that Funassyi has earned \200 million during the past fiscal year.
The first question that comes to everyone's mind will be the talent fee. When Funassyi was only starting out, he received particularly harsh treatment and was only paid \10,000 to 30,000. There were also instances when Funassyi wasn't even paid at all. But now according to a TV program staff, Funassyi gets at least \200K-300K for a prime time TV show appearance, while the special programs around the New Year earned him a maximum of \500K per show.
Another source of income for Funassyi are the commercials. Funassyi was in a total of 6 commercials last year such as Jūrokucha (Asahi), Fuji Film, and Mynavi rent. "That was at least 5 million per endorsement deal. The talent fee rises along with the popularity, and Funassyi's talent fee has reportedly ballooned up to 10 million per commercial deal. And for events related to commercials, Funassyi earns 1 million per appearance. He earns much, much more than most idols out there."
Along with the above talent fees, "he will also earn about 20-30 million a year from goods, CD, and photograph rights. As for the goods, there are talks of a major toy company getting involved, and Funassyi will just keep on raking in the money this year." - (staff)
The first question that comes to everyone's mind will be the talent fee. When Funassyi was only starting out, he received particularly harsh treatment and was only paid \10,000 to 30,000. There were also instances when Funassyi wasn't even paid at all. But now according to a TV program staff, Funassyi gets at least \200K-300K for a prime time TV show appearance, while the special programs around the New Year earned him a maximum of \500K per show.
Another source of income for Funassyi are the commercials. Funassyi was in a total of 6 commercials last year such as Jūrokucha (Asahi), Fuji Film, and Mynavi rent. "That was at least 5 million per endorsement deal. The talent fee rises along with the popularity, and Funassyi's talent fee has reportedly ballooned up to 10 million per commercial deal. And for events related to commercials, Funassyi earns 1 million per appearance. He earns much, much more than most idols out there."
Along with the above talent fees, "he will also earn about 20-30 million a year from goods, CD, and photograph rights. As for the goods, there are talks of a major toy company getting involved, and Funassyi will just keep on raking in the money this year." - (staff)
- 3: チキンウィングフェースロック(dion軍) 2014/02/16 23:06:40 ID:E4xPMfb10
- ふなっしーって、中にオッサンがいるの?
Is it an old man inside Funassyi? - 16: ウエスタンラリアット(東京都) 2014/02/16 23:11:11 ID:3Jj3ktD20
- >>3オバサンっぽい
I heard it's actually an old lady - 31: ビッグブーツ(茨城県) 2014/02/16 23:15:28 ID:rGwcphEk0
- >>16これが実際お兄さんなんだな
But it's actually a young man - 4: レインメーカー(千葉県) 2014/02/16 23:06:50 ID:iPTeoIoB0
- なお、船橋市には1円も入っていない模様
And it seems that Funabashi City does not get a single yen - 9: ミッドナイトエクスプレス(埼玉県) 2014/02/16 23:09:47 ID:oEQ18ln+0
- >>4非公認だしな
Funassyi is unofficial, you know - 15: ドラゴンスリーパー(チベット自治区) 2014/02/16 23:10:58 ID:vkJdr7q40
- >>9お前も住民税払ったことない子供か?
Are you a kid who's never paid resident's tax? - 21: 不知火(愛知県) 2014/02/16 23:13:08 ID:DiYlpLA70
- >>4入ってるよ
They do receive money - 8: バックドロップ(千葉県) 2014/02/16 23:08:55 ID:RLhEVpIA0
- そろそろ潮時かなあ
The time has probably come for him to disappear - 12: 魔神風車固め(静岡県) 2014/02/16 23:10:15 ID:2bE5yAkd0
- 個人でここまでやれるのがTalentだろう
He's got talent for coming all the way here by himself - 19: ハイキック(愛知県) 2014/02/16 23:12:39 ID:uSN0QMGU0
- 他のタレントより面白いからね老若男女に好かれるふなっしー最強でしょFunassyi is funnier than the other talents.
Men and women, young and old alike like Funassyi. He's the strongest. - 20: ダイビングヘッドバット(チベット自治区) 2014/02/16 23:12:40 ID:xIldY8ZI0
- ふなっしー叩きが始まるな
Here comes the Funassyi bashing - 22: キャプチュード(千葉県) 2014/02/16 23:13:17 ID:um5IpvTj0
- 俺は全力で支持するそこらの無能芸能人より稼いで当然異論は木端微塵もあり得ないI support him with everything I've got.
It's just natural that he earns more than those stupid celebrities out there.
Not an ounce of objection from me here whatsoever. - 23: スターダストプレス(東日本) 2014/02/16 23:13:30 ID:zwo1oc/ZO
- ふなっしーの中身はそもそも何してる人なんだ?
What does the guy inside Funassyi actually do? - 30: フェイスロック(内モンゴル自治区) 2014/02/16 23:15:19 ID:csaVJ0oEO
- >>2330代リサイクル店主らしい
I heard that he's in his 30s and the owner of a junk shop - 26: ファイナルカット(神奈川県) 2014/02/16 23:14:37 ID:5Lw1S49W0
- ふなっしーはすごい俺が行くホームセンターでもぬいぐるみが売ってたwFunassyi is amazing.
They were even selling stuffed toys of him at the home center where I go to w - 28: ニールキック(宮城県) 2014/02/16 23:15:13 ID:mhqd5beE0
- こいつよりくまモンの方が見る機会多いんだがTVは違うのか
There are actually a lot more times where I see Kumamon than this guy, but is it different on TV? - 38: スターダストプレス(dion軍) 2014/02/16 23:16:56 ID:85pAnvvw0
- >>28くまもんは著作権フリー
Kumamon is copyright-free - 32: ダイビングエルボードロップ(千葉県) 2014/02/16 23:15:44 ID:6paMtHZ50
- ツタヤでふなっしートランプ売ってたけど地味に欲しくなった
They were selling Funassyi playing cards at Tsutaya, and I actually wanted one - 33: ハーフネルソンスープレックス(千葉県) 2014/02/16 23:15:47 ID:F1VOT0Q40
- 家具屋やってる場合じゃねえ!
This is no time to be running a furniture shop! - 36: 不知火(芋) 2014/02/16 23:15:59 ID:DwmpWJ+TP
- これ流行った瞬間グッズとか売り出してるしな胡散臭いわThe moment this guy became popular, they started selling goods.
It all seems so fishy. - 40: アトミックドロップ(東京都) 2014/02/16 23:17:21 ID:kfUGMcXW0
- ちゃんと申告しろよ脱税はだめだぞFile your taxes properly.
Don't avoid the taxes now, alright? - 43: パイルドライバー(大阪府) 2014/02/16 23:18:52 ID:GD2dG6RI0
- 45: ストマッククロー(やわらか銀行) 2014/02/16 23:20:36 ID:2r3priA10
- ふなっしーのことだから着ぐるみ代と交通費以外は全額恵まれない子供達に寄付してるに決まってるだろIt's Funassyi here we're talking about. I'm sure that outside of his costume expenses and travel expenses, he'll donate the whole amount to unfortunate children.
- 46: ドラゴンスープレックス(茨城県) 2014/02/16 23:20:50 ID:aRM7OqwF0
- 意外と大した事ないな。飽きられる事考えるともう少し稼いでおきたい感じThis is surprisingly not that big of an amount.
When you consider that the time will come when people will be growing sick of him, he should think of earning a bit more. - 50: ボマイェ(愛知県) 2014/02/16 23:21:53 ID:5YZtAcSU0
- ふなっしーちゃんはいつも全力だし売れないころは苦労してるしみんなを笑顔にしてくれるわFunassyi-chan's always giving it all he's got, and he worked hard when he still wasn't popular. He just makes everyone smile.
- 51: ナガタロックII(北海道) 2014/02/16 23:22:09 ID:X0RzqSa+0
- 税金がとんでもないな
The tax will be tremendous - 55: ドラゴンスクリュー(福岡県) 2014/02/16 23:23:21 ID:WGwVQE9l0
- 空気読めてトークも出来て体張って一発当たって2億ならむしろ少ないくらいだろう球蹴ってベンチに座ってるだけで10億稼げる奴もいるんだしHe can read the mood, can talk, sacrifice his body, and produce a hit. 200 million isn't even enough.
There are some who just kick balls, sit on the bench, and earn 1 billion, you know. - 56: ウエスタンラリアット(やわらか銀行) 2014/02/16 23:23:27 ID:Wky98jHh0
- 香取や草薙が言ってたゆたかさんて人は誰?
Who's the Yutaka-san person which Katori and Kusanagi mentioned before? - 69: ドラゴンスープレックス(茨城県) 2014/02/16 23:29:31 ID:aRM7OqwF0
- >>56おかま声とかテンションとか似てるから香取が言ったらしいけど信ぴょう性は薄いとの事A gay person.
Katori mentioned it because of the similar voice and high tension, but it's not trustworthy. - 64: マシンガンチョップ(秋田県) 2014/02/16 23:27:54 ID:DPpczt3L0
- 船橋市(公認にしとくんだった・・・)
Funabashi City: (We should've appointed him as our official mascot...)
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