TOKIO's Taichi Kokubun and his new morning show Ippuku! will be replacing TBS' long-running informational program Hanamaru Market when it ends in March. The main MC for this program is a former Johnny's talent himself, Hirohide Yakumaru. On the same time slot is another Johnny's talent, V6's Yoshihiko Inohara on NHK's Asaichi.
Johnny's has forbidden their talents to go up against one another on the same time slot, and this can be considered a bit of an "issue". But if you look at it from a different perspective, you can also say that the TV industry is in a "state of emergency" as there's no one else worthy enough to become MCs, or no one has the ability to overturn the power of Johnny's.
Other shows where you see Johnny's talents are:
Arashi's Sho Sakurai on NEWS ZERO (NTV), TOKIO's Taichi Kokubun on Sporto! SATURDAY SPECIAL (Fuji TV), NEWS' Keiichiro Koyama on news every. (NTV), TOKIO's Tatsuya Yamaguchi on ZIP! (NTV), TOKIO's Shigeru Joshima on Minna no Gimon News naze Taro (TV Asahi), KAT-TUN's Kazuya Kamenashi on Going! Sports & News (NTV), and KAT-TUN's Yuichi Nakamaru on Shu-ichi (NTV)
The agency must be all smiles with these developments, but most consumers have probably had enough of them already.
- 2: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:20:01.89 ID:JA1yiqYK0
- フジの韓流デモみたいにいい加減怒り爆発させるかあの時の高岡みたいに何かキッカケ来ねーかなマジでみんなジャニのやり口には相当辟易してるでしょMaybe it's time to make things blow up like the anti-Hallyu rallies against Fuji TV.
Won't someone start the fire, like how Takaoka did at that time?
I'm sure that everyone's already fed up with Johnny's methods. - 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:32:33.90 ID:kdIOufT6O
- >>2俺の視聴帯にはジャニほとんどいないぞ。番組選べば見ずに済むこれで相棒の次パートナーが嵐、とかなったら深刻かもしれんあらゆる隙間に侵食したから韓流は騒ぎになった訳でI don't really see that many Johnny's talents during the time that I watch TV.
You won't see them if you choose your programs. It'll be a serious case if the next partner cast in the Aibou series will be someone from Arashi, though.
And the reason why the Hallyu thing blew out of proportion was because they kept slithering their way into any perceivable opening. - 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:34:40.28 ID:FjyDxWuW0
- >>2いや、これに関しては視聴者がアレコレ口を出すより業界内での自浄作用が必要だろうなジャニが893とつるんでたり、犯罪を犯しまくってるとかならともかく普通にテレビに出てるだけなら叩きようがないThere's no helping it even if the viewers keep complaining about this, as I think that the industry itself needs to clean their act. It'd be a different story if Johnny's was involved with yakuzas or have been committing criminal acts, but there's no point in bashing them if they're just there on TV
- 165: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:54:37.65 ID:JA1yiqYK0
- >>92いや韓流だって別に893とつるんでたわけでもねーし犯罪をしたわけでもねーけど視聴者の怒りにより排除されたんだよIt wasn't like Hallyu was connected to the yakuza nor did they commit any crimes. They were just exterminated because of the anger of the viewers.
- 680: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 15:12:46.00 ID:WZd9woEg0
- >>2お前が自分できっかけを起こせばいい他人任せにせずに自分でやれば?
Why don't you take the initiative and not rely on others? - 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:20:28.19 ID:7J7Q5HHK0
- 見なけりゃいいよ。いつもスカパーのドラマ見てる。Just don't watch them.
I always watch dramas on Sky Perfect TV. - 219: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 13:09:29.77 ID:wSj5Vlr20
- >>4俺もだわ地上波のCMとか全然わからへん
Same here. I don't even know what commercials are being shown on local TV at all. - 547: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 14:28:42.79 ID:uOnepEdai
- >>4自分もそう。もう地上波の新作ドラマはほとんど見ない。最近見たのは、猫侍くらい。That's what I do too. I almost don't watch the new dramas on local channels. I think the most recent one I saw was Neko Zamurai. - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:20:59.71 ID:CE3Hx+az0
- 芸能界も独禁法を適用したらどうだね
Why doesn't the entertainment industry also apply the anti-monopoly rule? - 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:21:03.41 ID:yGkMMCCL0
- バーニングより何百倍もマシ
They're at least 100x better than Burning - 167: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:55:33.11 ID:JJu8T5+00
- >>6で終わってたwジャニも大概だがバータレよかマシだわな>>6 just ended the discussion w
Johnny's is bad, but I'd rather have them than these Burning talents. - 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:22:15.12 ID:3n00k3MQ0
- 大手が幅を利かすのは当たり前じゃないの日本ってもともとそういうゴリ押しの国じゃんThe major players are just making their authority felt.
That's the way Japan has always been, it's a gori-oshi country. - 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:22:31.31 ID:t7lixg8z0
- だから大半が観なくなってることに気付かないテレビ局
And the TV stations haven't noticed that this is why a majority of the public has stopped watching TV - 347: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 13:37:57.33 ID:EMlchbq30
- >>13気付いてても言える雰囲気じゃなさげ
I don't think they're in the position to say something about it even if they're aware of the situation - 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:22:48.15 ID:5lsOBiZe0
- そしてEXILEチームも入って来ます。
And here comes the EXILE team as well. - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:22:58.35 ID:lJV724SE0
- BSのNHKまでジャニだらけで気持ち悪い
Even BS' NHK is infested with Johnny's talents, it's so gross - 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:23:52.85 ID:9+tLj8PA0
- どのタレントも、というか本来話術で勝負するはずの芸人もすべてゴミみたいなレベルなんだから最終的に絶対的な価値として残るのは顔面偏差値だけだということになる結局、一般人のテレビ離れが進む流れになるんだよなAll talents, rather the comedians who should actually be doing all the talking, are seriously trash. Which just means that the only absolute factor that will determine who remains on TV is the "looks".
And this is how the public is abandoning TV. - 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:37:25.82 ID:qOoT7skP0
- >>24視聴率が低下してきているので、固定層がいると思われるジャニーズや吉本が重宝される。思われてるだけで実体はないから視聴率が低迷している。こんな感じじゃない?All ratings have generally been declining, so that's why Johnny's and Yoshimoto are treated valuably since they are thought to have a core fanbase. But that's just what they're thinking, and there's no truth to it, and that's why the ratings have been declining. I think this is how it is.
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:25:04.59 ID:x6NfxMrO0
- 一番の謎はバレーボール意味判らないですThe biggest mystery for me is how they're even in volleyball.
I really don't get that. - 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:26:47.57 ID:dyDtbAky0
- BSはチョンか、通販番組ばかりなのでCHボタンすら押さなくなったうちではテレビは子供たちのゲームのモニターでしかない。ときどきアニメというだけの存在On BS, it's either just the Chon or TV shopping so I don't even press the CH button on my remote anymore.
Our TV has just become a gaming monitor for my children, or is sometimes used for anime. - 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:28:41.43 ID:n4f5dJYj0
- ジャニーズだらけなのは構わんが、そのかわり肖像権とか過去の映像とかも流すようにしろよI don't mind that it's all Johnny's everywhere you look, but in exchange, they should also claim the rights and show old footages.
- 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:29:44.37 ID:z1/QjS9S0
- 嫌だけど朝鮮の入る隙を与えない方が安心できる
I'm not too fond of it, but I have more peace of mind since they're leaving no gaps for Korea to sneak into. - 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:29:53.15 ID:bWuKUIpC0
- もうタコが自分で自分の足を食べてる状態だな
It's like an octopus that's already eating its own tentacles - 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:30:47.20 ID:vkA6VHlL0
- 視聴者がどう思おうが嫌な思いしようが知ったこっちゃない会社が儲かればいいんで。そのために視聴率がどうだろうと事務所パワーでテレビ局を言いなりにできるシステム作ったんでま、嫌なら見なきゃいいんじゃない?って感じなんだろうなThey don't care what the viewers think, or if the viewers are already dissatisfied. They're good as long as their company makes profit. And that's why they created this system to make the TV stations do what they're told no matter what the ratings may be. I guess their just taking the stance of "don't watch if you don't want to see".
- 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:31:16.70 ID:po9bfTFGi
- いや、もうジャニタレ大好きなお花畑女しかテレビなんてみてないだろうし別に良いんじゃない?顧客のニーズに合ってるじゃんwAren't the women who live in their Johnny's dreamlands the only ones watching TV nowadays? Then there's no problem with this. It's all according to the needs of their consumers. w
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:31:23.11 ID:uQZ2q+N60
- 何故か吉本芸人より許せる多分関西弁がダメなんだろうなあと吉本芸人特有の下品な雰囲気が耐えられないBut for some reason, I can still accept Johnny's compared to the Yoshimoto comedians.
I probably can't stand the Kansai dialect.
And I can't stand that cheap and vulgar atmosphere that Yoshimoto comedians emit. - 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:32:41.34 ID:S2b+Ocg+0
- >>69仕事面では行儀が良いんだろジャニタレはプライベートじゃ何やってるかわからんけどJohnny's talents must probably be well-behaved at work.
One doesn't know how they are in their private lives, though. - 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:32:56.01 ID:a+w0S9ZY0
- ジャニのほうがそこらの芸人よりはイメージいいしなあ当たり障りないというかJohnny's talents have a better image than some of the comedians out there, though.
They feel harmless. - 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:33:23.43 ID:Dg9d2KaYO
- 嫌なら見るな
Then don't watch if you don't want to see them - 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:33:28.55 ID:BE7nG8OfP
- 吉本のゴリ押しよりは遥かにましだな何故なら吉本の場合MCからガヤまで八割埋め尽くすからタチが悪いジャニは批判されるがもっと最悪の吉本は批判しないマスコミテレビ離れは吉本のせいと言っても過言ではないIt's much better than how the Yoshimoto talents are being pushed forward.
Why? Because in Yoshimoto's case, they don't just push their talents as MCs, they're also there to fill up about 80% of the other positions in the program. That's just plain nasty. Johnny's keeps on taking the heat, but the media never criticizes Yoshimoto who's even worse. I don't think it's an overstatement if we say that Yoshimoto is the reason why people have been avoiding TV. - 103: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:37:06.12 ID:TD8ugAGP0
- >>85じゃ吉本でニュース番組やってる奴何人?五輪キャスターは誰かやってる?Then tell me, how many Yoshimoto talents are there doing news programs?
Is there someone from Yoshimoto who's been appointed as an olympic newscaster? - 429: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 13:56:08.13 ID:tVJ5pPqU0
- >>85今テレビに出てるこの人はジャニーズですか?って聞かれたら簡単に答えられるけど、今テレビに出てるこの人は吉本興業ですか?って聞かれてもわからんわI can easily answer if someone asks me, "Is that guy on TV from Johnny's?".
But I won't be able to if someone asks me "Is that guy on TV from Yoshimoto?". - 86: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:33:31.32 ID:eIZBABMa0
- ふしぎとアニメ声優はやってないのか
But myesteriously, they're not doing voice acting gigs for anime - 90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:34:04.04 ID:eeF5VLVz0
- ジャニーズは今後露出が減るだろうなSMAPも数字取れなくなり嵐も不発I think Johnny's talents will have less exposure moving forward.
SMAP can't get the ratings anymore, while Arashi's also been off the mark. - 93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:34:46.19 ID:GoKyrOHq0
- こんなことやってるから大人の男がいなくなるんだよ日本に。ちゃらちゃらした小柄できゃしゃな男ばかりThis is the reason why there are no more "adult men" left in Japan.
All the guys I see are these small, fragile, and flaky types. - 105: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:37:35.43 ID:eeF5VLVz0
- そりゃ半沢が数字取るよって感じだよなバラエティーは構成でなんとかなるけどドラマの演技は直しようがないThat's why Hanzawa was able to get the ratings.
You can at least do something about the variety shows by changing the structure, but there's no way you can fix their acting in dramas. - 106: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/02(日) 12:38:11.23 ID:/CHp5EAd0
- この記者、男だな(笑)
The writer of the article is probably a man (laughs)
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