On the contrary, it seems that dōjinshis have been doing relatively well. The Comic Market, or better known as the Comiket, which is held twice a year in summer and in winter, is the world's biggest dōjinshi marketplace. The Comic Market 83 which was held at Tokyo Big Sight from December 29 to 31 was attended by a total of 550,000 people for 3 days -- the record attendance for the winter edition of the event. According to a past study, the average amount each male attendee spends on merchandise is \33,740 while females spend \30,100. It is estimated that the 3-day event has an economic effect of over \15 billion. It seems that the outlook of the dōjinshi market is relatively bright, as the Japanese dream of "being a popular manga artist and have a huge mansion built" is still well and alive.
But the sad reality is that only a handful of professional anime and game creators get to earn 10~100 million annually. The basic pay a newbie manga artist receives is around \4,000 to \6,000 per manuscript for a Shojo manga while it's \5,000 to \8,000 for a shonen and young adult manga. It's also common for a semi-popular manga artist who has a regular manga in a popular manga magazine to only be earning around \2 million a year. There's no way these people will be able to have houses built with that amount.
But on the contrary, there are a lot of dōjin mangakas who earn over 10 million a year. This is because their mangas are sold directly; the mangaka may have to shoulder the printing and shipping costs, but without publishers and distributors in the way, almost all the profit go to the artist himself.
And since the sales figures are not made public, there are also some who fake their taxes. There was actually a dōjin mangaka who was busted in 2007 for not declaring his true income. He earned \200 million for 3 years, but only declared 20 million in earnings. He was arrested for evading taxes that amounted to \67.5 million.
Even through simple calculation, this mangaka earned \66.6 million a year. Even most presidents of major, first-rate companies do not earn this much. And what's more surprising is that there were over 300 mangakas who earn on a similar level, or even higher, at the Comiket.
Just how many manga artists are earning over 60 million a year, even as commercial manga magazines have been disappearing? It's just natural that there are more mangakas who haven't been making their magazine debut, and are just settling to go on with dōjinshis.
- 4: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 18:58:48.19 ID:zOnReZV0P
- 他人が作ったキャラのポルノを書いて大金持ち!
Becoming uber rich while making porno versions of the characters that other people have created!
http://blog-imgs-57.fc2.com/m/o/e/moeerolibrary/blog_import_518bae105985b.jpg - 5: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 18:58:51.96 ID:vujpxcTSP
- もしかして、連載持ってるプロ漫画家より稼いじゃうの?
Are they really earning more than professional mangakas who have an ongoing series? - 81: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:09:19.34 ID:9dFPBy/k0
- >>5人によるけどそういうケースもあるっていうだけまあ圧倒的に多い持ち出しの素人が分母としてあるわけだが1回プロとして露出した後、または微妙なラインの現役のまま同人で稼いでるプロも多い中にはプロとしての仕事を宣伝と割り切ってる人さえいるというつか上の記事にある300人以上の中にも含まれてそうな気がするIt depends on the person, but there are cases like that.
It's just that there's a vast amount of amateurs who are making up the denominator.
There are a lot of mangakas who earn through dōjin despite going pro at least once, or those who are active pros but aren't making it big. There are even some people who just consider their pro work as their advertising vehicle.
I think that these guys are included in the 300 people mentioned in the article above. - 8: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 18:59:24.89 ID:ugFYPndR0
- あんまり度が過ぎると逮捕&規制ですよ
If this gets out of hand, prepare yourselves, arrests and restrictions will be coming your way - 10: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 18:59:28.66 ID:e2mJkhVr0
- 自費出版して稼げるなら、そりゃあわざわざ出版社を通す理由はないわな
If the mangaka can make profits through self publication, then there's no reason for him to go through an official publisher. - 11: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 18:59:43.65 ID:E7ryqPT30
- ザラって分母どれだけでかいと思ってんだ
They're saying that there are a lot of these artists? But how many do you think is the total population of these artists? - 14: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:00:26.19 ID:f+cEdsdW0
- 出版社がそれだけ抜いてるって事だろ
This just goes to show how much the publishers are earning from this business - 15: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:00:30.24 ID:S5QhTCeg0
- 同人誌って売れてる漫画をパクってエロ漫画にしてるんだろ?その上脱税とか、ゴミ屑みたいな連中だな。But dōjinshis are the ones that copy the popular mangas and apply sexual themes, right?
And they're evading tax on top of that? Those people must are really scum.
http://www.tricklot.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/20121217.jpg - 77: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:08:16.75 ID:qFXRpH+W0
- >>15せっかく儲かる手段晒してくれたのに、なんでやらないの?分かってても稼げないくらいクズってこと?Now that their trick is out of the bag, then why don't you do it too?
Or are you just trash who can't do anything despite knowing what to do? - 21: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:01:08.54 ID:A/hT5xFY0
- 逆に言えば同人作家はそこまでしか成れないともいえる
But on the flipside, this also means that this is the end of the road for a dōjin mangaka - 37: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:03:28.23 ID:nogJh+s60
- >>21ワンピースの作者は資産100億以上だっけ?ドラゴンボールの鳥山明だってかなりのレベルだよなドクタースランプもあって一発屋ですらなく、ドラクエのスライム一つでどんだけ稼ぐのやら・・・The author of One Piece has a fortune of over 10 billion yen, right?
Even Dragonball's Akira Toriyama must be on an insane level. He also has Dr. Slump, so he's not a 1-hit wonder. How much does he earn just with that single slime on Dragon Quest?
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/draque356789/12487222.jpeg - 23: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:01:46.66 ID:sSg0Rk6M0
- そんなに売れる物なのか
Do things like these really sell well?
http://stat.yukan-news.ameba.jp/ynews_images/20130118/16/5b/52/j/o0480031825717_684_fe3fe1a63fe526aeca25e975caf8d6c5.jpg - 24: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:01:50.94 ID:vujpxcTSP
- 元ネタになってる作品の原作者に還元してやればいいのに
They should pay back some amount to the author of the work that they copied - 25: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:01:55.03 ID:cbpB57IO0
- ま、売れっ子が同人活動に夢中になってるおかげで商業で仕事拾えてる漫画家やイラストレーターも多いからな。仮に同人ってものが無くなって、それら絵描きが一気に商業に降りてきたら、仕事貰える枠が無くなる人も多い気がする。
Well, it also means that since the good and popular artists are going for dōjin, there are a lot of other mangakas and illustrators getting jobs in commercial mangas. And if dōjins get eradicated from the world for some reason and all these artists head on over to commercial mangas, I get the feeling that there will also be a lot of people who will cease to get jobs. - 27: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:02:24.03 ID:I+T8VEUy0
- 原作者より稼いでたりするのか‥なんかおかしいねWhich means that these people may be earning more than the original creators of the characters...
Now that's weird. - 75: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:08:07.12 ID:jwblDJNJO
- >>27そんな原作者も同じ道を辿って来たやつがほとんどなわけで、カネだけ稼ぎたいなら同人やってろって話但し、同人作家には名誉はないがな
Even most of the "original mangakas" went through the same path, and if you want to earn money then just go and stick to dōjins, that's it. But there's no honor and reputation to being a dōjin creator. - 30: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:02:45.47 ID:DtAhvtVk0
- 儲けているのは一握りで、9割以上は利益どころか赤字と何度も言われてなかったっけ?Didn't they say that only a handful is making money, while 90% are incurring more losses than profit?
- 31: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:02:49.50 ID:+TEcVqIdO
- コミケ の同人誌って何割がエロなの?
What percentage of the dōjinshis at the Comiket are adult-themed? - 35: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:03:17.31 ID:S5QhTCeg0
- >>319割はエロだろw
90% ero w - 33: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:02:57.83 ID:Lkof/xH00
- 「お前の父さんなにやってんの?」「なんか作家だって」「へーすごいじゃん。何書いてんの?」「よく知らない。絵本だってさ」1:"What does your daddy do?"
2:"He's an artist or something."
1:"Hehh, that's amazing. What does he draw?"
2:"I'm not sure. He said it's some sort of picture book." - 38: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:03:41.45 ID:8p4GHSoA0
- まじかよ俺もやるぞSeriously?
Then maybe I should do it too. - 40: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:04:00.18 ID:O8nMcwrl0
- 新人漫画家の出版社からの扱われ方知ってたら、自分の絵で稼げる自信あるなら自分でやるよなw
If you know how publishers treat the newbie mangakas, then you'd definitely go through this path if you're confident that you can earn with your drawings w - 74: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:08:06.81 ID:I95EAFkU0
- >>40むちゃ言われたりストーリーいじくられる心配もないしな
There's also no worries that someone will tell you to make impossible stuff or change your story - 43: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:04:42.04 ID:A/hT5xFY0
- 売れてる同人誌は100%元ネタありの二次エロだし。元ネタないと描けない人達なのよね。
100% of the dōjinshis that are doing well are all based on something else, and are just 2D porn. They're people who can't draw anything without an original to base on. - 49: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:05:32.64 ID:S5QhTCeg0
- >>43エロ以外の発想力が無いからなw
Because they have no imagination other than ero stuff w - 46: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:05:12.81 ID:1f71zADc0
- 同人っていうか商業誌に描かないプロ作家だからな
They're not amateurs, they're more like professionals who aren't with commercial manga magazines - 47: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:05:15.16 ID:Thgkp9GpP
- 羨ましいから軒並み捕まってカネまで請求されて欲しい
I'm so jealous so I hope they all get arrested and their money get taken away from them - 63: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:07:00.68 ID:zuSuynyu0
- なんか不思議だな売れてる人はコミケでどんぐらい売るの?媒体もあるんでしょ?It's really mysterious.
Then just how many do the popular ones sell at the Comiket?
There still are physical copies right? - 101: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:11:38.05 ID:3qP6dZiD0
- >>63すごく売れる人は千円札や五百円玉で一杯のゴミ袋を二つ三つ持って帰るらしい……まあ、売れない人は印刷代すら出ないけどねぇ~
I hear that the really popular artists come home with 2 to 3 garbage bags filled with 1,000 yen bills and 500 yen coins. For those who aren't selling anything, they can't even break even with the amount they used for printing. - 82: 名無しさん@13周年 2014/02/04(火) 19:09:21.81 ID:DAFuuwyu0
- そんな儲かるのかw俺もやろうかなあwThey really earn that much? w
Maybe I should do it too w
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