"Music producer 'N.Y.' who's even recognized overseas has a number of ghost writers. He himself writes songs, but there's no way he can keep producing at that pace while maintaining such a high quality, and he has a team working for him. There's also 'T' who became popular after producing idols, 'G' who came from a visual band, and ikemen 40-y/o singer 'F.M.' who are all said to be using ghost writers within the industry. When it comes to writing the lyrics, songstress 'H.A.' and idol group producer 'A.Y.' also have their own ghost writers.". - (music insider)
These may be different from Samuragochi who has a hearing impairment, but the existence of ghost writers is reportedly rampant within the industry.
"Everyone gets into a slump, and even their speed in composing songs may take a dip, which is why there are a lot of ghost writers in order for the artists to maintain their sales. These are mostly done through agreements between the agency and the record label. It's also hard to imagine that the people around Samuragochi didn't know about his secrets, and probably just turned a blind eye in order to create a dramatic and touching story for the people." - (same source)
- 2: ヒップアタック(北海道) 2014/02/06(木) 19:40:33.80 ID:tbSF1xeq0
- 「障害者」である事だけがウリな作曲者がゴーストだったから大騒ぎなんだよな
The reason why it's caused a huge uproar is because this composer's only selling point is that he's "disabled" - 8: 垂直落下式DDT(京都府) 2014/02/06(木) 19:43:11.08 ID:iwBy+3Jn0
- >>2俺は別に騒いでないよ
I'm not really making an uproar - 4: キングコングラリアット(埼玉県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:41:26.13 ID:WyD1c5h30
- そらそうよWell, of course there are ghost writers
- 5: ラダームーンサルト(千葉県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:41:51.88 ID:oYHhc5S30
- 俺達の書き込みもスクリプトだからな
Even our comments here are scripted as well - 6: ローリングソバット(東京都) 2014/02/06(木) 19:42:06.65 ID:+o/M+alR0
- つんくにGLAYに福山雅冶、浜崎あゆみに秋元康か?
So are these Tsunku, GLAY, Fukuyama Masaharu, Hamasaki Ayumi and Akimoto Yasushi? - 24: ボマイェ(千葉県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:45:42.77 ID:8+C/NFI80
- >>6ガクッと
Gackt - 7: 16文キック(群馬県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:42:45.48 ID:Oy6bDl8G0
- 曲が良ければどうでもいいと思うの
I personally don't mind as long as the song is good - 11: ジャンピングDDT(大阪府) 2014/02/06(木) 19:43:40.07 ID:cskh1V6q0
- 低迷する業界に追い打ち掛けてるなwwwwwww
Looks like they're adding further insult to injury to this struggling industry wwwwwww - 13: パロスペシャル(長野県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:43:56.38 ID:RLAw3tCu0
- ゴーストライダースレじゃなかった…Oh, so this isn't a Ghost Rider thread...
http://img5.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/2f/ba/yasashii_neko/folder/989792/img_989792_40125273_0 - 14: リバースパワースラム(愛媛県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:44:10.23 ID:kc83sP1y0
- 秋元は作詞家なんだけど・・・
But Akimoto's actually a lyricist... - 16: タイガースープレックス(大阪府) 2014/02/06(木) 19:44:25.97 ID:hhHz9NEG0
- 作詞もゴーストか
Even the lyrics are done by a ghost? - 22: ムーンサルトプレス(滋賀県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:45:33.35 ID:4nXgYH0z0
- 本の世界でもゴーストライターはあるみたいだけどな特に芸能人執筆関係は話を聞いてゴーストライターが書いてるってのが一般的らしいが・・・It also seems that ghost writers exist in the world of literature.
I heard that this is especially the case when celebrities come out with their own books... - 28: 断崖式ニードロップ(埼玉県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:46:57.40 ID:bKwR2b1J0
- >>22KAGEROU...
- 31: キングコングラリアット(埼玉県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:47:39.09 ID:WyD1c5h30
- >>22松本伊代「今回出す本はまだ読んでないので内容はわかりません」
Iyo Matsumoto: "I haven't read the book that I'm releasing yet so I don't know what it's about" - 32: クロイツラス(大分県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:48:15.72 ID:22n20v280
- >>31これを見に来た
I came here to see this - 27: ムーンサルトプレス(滋賀県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:46:46.78 ID:4nXgYH0z0
- 本は一人でいくつもの名前を使い分けてる人がいるからな・・・
For books, there are also people who use a number of different names... - 34: 32文ロケット砲(やわらか銀行) 2014/02/06(木) 19:48:33.18 ID:xtrNAEE90
- 他にもビビってる奴がまだまだいるだろ
I'm guessing that there are still some more guys out there who are scared - 39: キドクラッチ(新潟県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:50:03.86 ID:V20wQUVR0
- ゴーストはよくある話だけどお互い納得の上にでそれなりの対価払えばいいんだよwinwinの関係だから障害者を装って脅してやらしてピンハネとかしてるのは問題外Ghost writers are a common story, but they should pay an appropriate fee that both parties would agree on.
It's a win-win situation after all.
But a person who fakes his disability, threatens people, and still takes a kickback is out of the question. - 42: ムーンサルトプレス(滋賀県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:50:22.60 ID:4nXgYH0z0
- クラシック以外でもバレてほしいよねあまちゃんとかも影武者みたいなストーリー普通にやってんだからリアルでもまだまだあるでしょ・・・I hope more of these come out, even outside classical music.
They even had a story about decoys and doubles in Amachan, so I'm sure that there are a lot more of these in real life. - 44: カーフブランディング(東日本) 2014/02/06(木) 19:51:06.41 ID:qOkLpXac0
- そう思うと歌手ってゴースト歌手できないからいいな声は個人識別方法の一つだしなWhen you think about this, then singers can't have ghosts.
Voice is one way to distinguish each individual from one another after all. - 47: 断崖式ニードロップ(埼玉県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:52:16.34 ID:bKwR2b1J0
- >>44ミリ・ヴァニリがいる
There's Milli Vanilli - 57: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(東京都) 2014/02/06(木) 19:54:33.19 ID:rq4GIwam0
- >>44ミックジャガーはライブの時に自分のモノマネうまい人に裏で歌わせてる
Mick Jagger makes use of a good impersonator to sing at concerts behind the scenes - 45: ローリングソバット(東京都) 2014/02/06(木) 19:51:12.92 ID:+o/M+alR0
- 本だけど江本孟紀のベストセラーもゴーストだって本人がバラしてた。それで印税半分渡してるって。
For books, Takenori Emoto revealed that a ghost writer wrote his best seller, and that he paid the guy half of the royalties. - 54: 断崖式ニードロップ(山口県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:54:00.37 ID:D+UaAF9L0
- つんくは100%ゴーストだろうな今のモー娘の歌詞とかシングルベットとか書いた奴とは思えないTsunku probably's got a ghost, 100%.
I don't think that the guy who wrote "single bed" is the same person who writes MoMusu's current lyrics. - 66: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(京都府) 2014/02/06(木) 19:56:42.09 ID:xhh2U46k0
- >>54普段の言動見てるとどっちかというとシングルベッドの方がゴーストじゃね?w
But when you look at his everyday actions and words, don't you think that "single bed" is the one written by a ghost? - 67: トペ スイシーダ(福岡県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:57:09.48 ID:ruWcT9iZ0
- >>54ゴーストの才能無さ過ぎだろw俺がつんくならこんなゴースト使わないわThen that means that the ghost has no talent at all.
If I were Tsunku, I wouldn't use a ghost like this. - 59: ファイナルカット(関西・東海) 2014/02/06(木) 19:54:38.12 ID:upAaid+yO
- 作家、水嶋ヒロとは何だったのか。
So what now, Hiro Mizushima the author? - 69: 断崖式ニードロップ(大阪府) 2014/02/06(木) 19:58:33.48 ID:tqVCqDuL0
- 劇団ひとりや佐藤江梨子も怪しい
Gekidan Hitori and Eriko Sato are also suspicious - 70: チェーン攻撃(愛知県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:58:38.65 ID:/hC7ACon0
- そういう契約で双方納得の上でやってるなら全く問題ない話
But there's no problem at all if that's the way their contract was made, and both sides approved of it - 88: サソリ固め(東日本) 2014/02/06(木) 20:08:23.93 ID:LiYmUuIdO
- 福山雅治と浜崎あゆみは自分で作ってないのは有名だろ
It's pretty well-known that Masaharu Fukuyama and Ayumi Hamasaki don't make their own songs - 98: ローリングソバット(東京都) 2014/02/06(木) 20:12:37.13 ID:+o/M+alR0
- >>88商品性を持たせてるだけだよな、ゴーストにきっちり支払っていれば問題ない話しで。They're just adding value to them as merchandise. There's no problems with it as long as the ghost is paid properly.
- 92: パロスペシャル(WiMAX) 2014/02/06(木) 20:10:45.12 ID:XzN4ycwY0
- つか後にこの作曲家が評価されるんじゃ・・・
But this composer will now be recognized because of this, right... - 49: ムーンサルトプレス(滋賀県) 2014/02/06(木) 19:52:56.02 ID:4nXgYH0z0
- 今回の件はゴーストラーターもいいとは思うが障害者装ってたのがいかんな・・・しかしマスコミはネタ切れないね・・・Samuragochi probably would've gotten away with it if it was just the case of someone else writing his music for him, but feigning his disability was his downfall...
But wow, the media sure doesn't run out of stories, huh.
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