V6 member Junichi Okada's movie Eien no Zero has maintained its position at the top spot at the box office for 8 straight weeks, tying with Ghibli's Kaze Tachinu which was shown in July last year. 128,400 tickets were sold over the weekend, earning \171 million in the process. Total ticket sales have now reached \5.78 million and has grossed over \7 billion.
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:03:06.74 ID:JC1bHPbr0
- 大雪だったのに、これはすごいなそれにしても、ここまで人気なのにテレビで騒がれてないのは百田のせいか?To think that the snow was horrible last weekend, this is an amazing result.
But is it Hyakuta's fault why this feat isn't being featured as much on TV?
http://www.rbbtoday.com/imgs/zoom/315064.jpg - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:06:29.35 ID:KtoegGNx0
- >>5正解テレビ局の自主規制だよCorrect.
It's self-imposed control by the TV stations. - 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:03:46.41 ID:JDDBvwv40
- ブサヨ 「・・・・。」Busayo: "......"
(ugly left wing activists) - 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:05:16.70 ID:4TDYiyQv0
- ジャニは終わりしか言わないゲンダイまだぁ?
Where's Gendai who says nothing but "Johnny's is finished"? - 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:05:36.69 ID:4FWczyBLi
- V6のメンバーが二人増えると聞いてやってきました
I came here since I heard that V6 will add 2 more members
* (Reference on the "V8" in the thread title --- meaning the movie has been at the top for 8 consecutive times) - 232: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 22:25:41.57 ID:oKxsifOdi
- >>12追加は赤西仁と赤西礼保でAdd Jin Akanishi and Leo Akanishi
http://www.grandfun.biz/mobi/img/2008/04/futa2.gif - 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:08:28.75 ID:zB7wBh0P0
- 岡田のおかげではあまりないのがなw
But this result really isn't because of Okada w
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/ego2ego/25217731.jpeg - 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:08:51.02 ID:bOBmyEL+0
- 見に行きたいけど、どうしても時間が合わない映画館が入れ替え制じゃなかった頃なら、途中から途中まで見るなんて事もできたんだけどI want to go watch this, but my schedule doesn't permit me to.
If it was the olden times where you didn't have to exit the cinema after the movie, then I could have entered midway through and leave when I reach the point where I came in. - 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:09:14.38 ID:JquH/sek0
- スポンサーが内容よりジャニ出さないと金を出さないと言うのは良くわかるわ日本人はアイドルしか見ないwI understand the sponsors and their stance that they won't provide financial support if there's no Johnny's talents, regardless of the content.
Japanese people only look at idols. w - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:09:53.12 ID:jVt06RxL0
- 戦争映画でこれだけ人気って、すごい。観に行った人からも、観るように薦められた。 本物らしい。It's amazing for a war movie to be this popular.
Even those who watched the movie recommended it to me. It seems to be the real deal. - 137: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:47:33.37 ID:opmI7NB20
- >>23映画見に行った時、私の横に旦那そしてその横に女の人が座ってた旦那曰く、隣の女の人と私が泣くタイミングがほぼ同じだったらしいWhen I watched the movie, my husband was beside me and another woman was sitting beside him.
According to my husband, we both cried at the same time. - 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:10:15.02 ID:11QIHYMR0
- 大ヒットすると「あれ、この映画面白いんだ?」とまた客呼ぶんだろうなWhen a movie becomes a massive hit, it will once again attract attention as the other people who haven't seen it will get curious and say
"Oh, so this movie's actually good, huh?" - 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:10:32.64 ID:/B0PrinR0
- 最低の映画だった。見た記憶を0にしたい。"It was the worst movie.
I want to turn my memory of watching it into 0." - 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:11:32.49 ID:jVt06RxL0
- >>26井筒さんが、書き込みしてる・・・
Izutsu-san just made his comment on this thread... - 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:11:13.84 ID:Fw3X/sSV0
- 井筒の発言もいい宣伝になったIn effect, Izutsu-san's comment became good publicity for the movie
http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/y_I6GTdozm8/0.jpg - 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:12:28.14 ID:zznCXlBt0
- 大衆を見下して嘘を撒き散らしてきた連中の居場所がどんどんなくなってきている良い傾向だThere's now almost no more place for the people who looked down on the public and kept spreading lies.
This is a good development. - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:12:58.23 ID:nHVjEnyk0
- へー意外全く見る気がしないこれのポスターはってあるあいだに他の映画を三本見たOh, that's surprising.
I never intend to watch this.
I've seen 3 other movies while the poster of this has been up.
http://estate-bb.com/newwp/uploads/2014/02/DSC01689.jpg - 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:26:08.85 ID:1xewzfBn0
- >>34何を3本観たのか気になるわw
I'm quite curious about those 3 movies that you watched w - 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:17:06.58 ID:MGUvQV3oO
- V6は実質V2なのにV8とは…これから更にV9V10と増えつづけるのはきついなIn reality, V6 is just V2 now, but they get a "V8"?
It'll be tough if it keeps on growing to V9 and V10.
http://www.suruga-ya.jp/database/pics/game/g6879538.jpg - 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:18:18.15 ID:t0DG04Ih0
- アミューズ映画なのに主演をジャニに奪われて現代パートで吹石一恵と臭い泣き芝居をしていた三浦春馬の立場wIt's a movie by the talent agency Amuse, but the leading role was nabbed by a Johnny's-talent.
So what now of Kazue Fukiishi and Haruma Miura and his cheesy crying scene w
http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/19/c9/f7eb3d55a7cdf00c19fdb22319a69e4f.jpg - 183: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 22:05:41.39 ID:RaTaJ0UYO
- >>48奪われたとかじゃなくおそらく三浦はあの役で決まってたと思う髪型もかえなくてすむしねwあれだけ金かけて失敗でもした日には若手の三浦は一たまりもないもしものことを考えて自社の俳優には傷を小さくっていうアミューズの姑息さが嫌らしいと思ったなまあ監督が自ら岡田にオファーしたと言っていたし岡田よかったと思うよ是非ともHEROは抜いてほしいIt's not like it was stolen from him, I think Miura was already decided to play that role from the start.
At least he didn't even have to change his hairstyle for the partw
And if this bombed after spending so much money on it, then the young Miura would've been torn apart by all the criticisms.
I actually thought this was a cheap tactic on the part of Amuse, to try and keep the damage that it could have cost their talents to a minimum in case of a flop.
Well, the director did say that he offered the role himself to Okada, and Okada in return didn't disappoint. I really hope this surpasses HERO. - 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:18:19.78 ID:5N0bYIc50
- どちらかと言えば反戦映画にも見える。
It actually looks like an anti-war movie. - 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:20:09.47 ID:CwEATFF70
- 「連続1位」の記録が並んだんだな興業収入は永遠の0が70億、風立ちぬが120億まだまだ風立ちぬが上だなSo now they're tied for the most weeks consecutively at #1,
but Eien no Zero earned 7 billion while Kaze Tachinu earned 12 billion.
There's still a long ways to go before they can catch up to Kaze Tachinu.
http://image.eiga.k-img.com/images/movie/77932/poster3.jpg%3F1372311789 - 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:21:09.21 ID:gZ60lLhMP
- お前ら、人を殺したこともないのに戦争語るなや
"You guys, you've never even killed someone before so don't talk about the war" - Is what Izutsu-san is saying.
- 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:21:36.32 ID:shlu0udP0
- すげーハマる人はいないだろうけど、老若男女誰にでもだいたいヒットする印象。I get the impression that though it won't have any die-hard fanatics, the movie will be appreciated by men and women of all ages.
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:23:57.41 ID:Xa602bJ/0
- 観たけどな泣くからから2回目は見たくない周りも涙拭く手の動きとか鼻水すする音とかしてた俺も涙がこぼれてしょうがなかったこの映画を戦争賛美映画とかいう馬鹿はどこかおかしいあ、馬鹿だからかwI watched it.
I don't want to watch it a 2nd time since I'd cry again.
I also saw people wiping their tears and heard them sniffing during the movie.
I couldn't hold in my tears too.
People who are saying that this movie glorifies war are stupid.
Oh right, because they really are stupid w - 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:29:17.25 ID:pSfN/ltR0
- 旧軍が出てくるWW2の空戦シーンでは歴代トップの映像だと思う
The WW2 aerial dogfight scene with the old army is probably the best of all time - 343: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 23:38:06.85 ID:k90NMzsv0
- >>79パールハーバーの戦闘シーンだけはお勧め日本が軍事施設しか攻撃しなかったのがよくわかる米軍がこれだけボコボコにされる様は爽快ただ映画そのものは酷いのでそこだけ見ることをお勧めするI recommend Pearl Harbor's war scenes.
You can really tell how Japan only attacked the military establishments.
It was refreshing how the US army was being beaten to a pulp here.
But the movie itself was shi+, so I recommend that you just watch that particular scene. - 356: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 23:54:25.35 ID:QSRFC8DV0
- >>343あんなの糞だよトラ・トラ・トラを見な!あっちこそが本物薄っぺらいCGには反吐が出るThat was shi+.
Go watch Tora! Tora! Tora!
That's the real thing.
I get sick with cheap CG. - 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:29:23.05 ID:smzUIWJ80
- 日本が右傾化してる証拠だな
This is proof that Japan is leaning more towards the right - 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:30:22.73 ID:1xewzfBn0
- >>80サヨクが左傾化させ過ぎた反動だよ。It's just the because the leftists tryied to make the country lean towards the left too much.
- 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:30:30.87 ID:wpPkmsCIP
- 岡田っくん絶好調だね(*^ー゚)b
Okada-kun's doing really well (*^ー゚)b - 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/11(火) 21:30:32.11 ID:NyMrKLPz0
- 2回目の方がより泣けたまた観たい何億行くか楽しみI cried more the 2nd time around.
I want to watch it again.
I'm looking forward to seeing how much it will eventually earn.
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