Anne's morning drama Gochisousan (NHK) has been doing very well, maintaining its high ratings since the first week. Anne has always had a very clean and pleasant image attached to her. However, it seems that Anne would turn sour at the mention of the name of a particular actress.
"That is Saki Fukuda, the actress whom Oscar Promotion pushed so hard for at one point. Fukuda was the lead in the movie Sakura no Sono (2008), which was one of Anne's first projects as an actress. Oscar pushed for Fukuda heavily during this time, featuring her in all sorts of dramas and movies. Fukuda thought that it was all thanks to her abilities and reportedly became conceited as she kept showing up late, and even cancelled filming. Anne was a person who gave huge importance to the atmosphere on location and she couldn't stand this attitude shown by Fukuda. She was fuming mad and said that she'll never do a project with Fukuda again." - (production staff)
And with the movie becoming a huge flop, Anne's agency was extremely mad at how her movie debut was one that they would rather forget.
"It's not just Anne, but other major actresses such as Pinko Izumi do not want to star alongside Fukuda. Even Oscar couldn't handle this and shifted from Fukuda to Emi Takei. That was when Fukuda finally realized her standing and changed her attitude, but it was all too late. It has even become difficult to barter her in together with other talents. And because of this experience, the agency must have strictly warned Emi Takei and Ayame Gouriki and taught them the do's and don'ts within the industry.
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:22:35.78 ID:k6dTxa5V0
- 南果穂だろ
Gotta be Kaho Minami - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:24:06.42 ID:x2f1Dpl9P
- >>5詳しく
Details please - 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:24:36.21 ID:4Jh+fMIO0
- >>16パパの後妻
Papa's new wife - 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:28:38.71 ID:x2f1Dpl9P
- >>19把握
Got it - 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:23:38.14 ID:JxT4Wq3x0
- ちょっと前「杏は相手役の東出の名前が出ただけで激怒、不機嫌」→実は熱愛But a while back, they said,
"Anne gets irritated when someone mentions the name of Higashide" → They were actually in a relationship.
(Related posts HERE and HERE) - 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:32:20.22 ID:e13QvGfx0
- >>12ということは、杏と福田沙紀も熱愛の可能性が高いな
Which means that there's also a huge possibility that Anne and Saki Fukuda are also in a relationship - 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:24:03.50 ID:GR2usXgwO
- 妖怪人間やってた人がしょうもないことにこだわる分けないだろThere's no way that the person who played the role of a yokai ningen (humanoid monster) is that particular about trivial stuff like this
- 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:27:44.59 ID:rj71yWLu0
- >>13 福田との熱愛報道くるの?
Then will we see a romantic report with Fukuda? - 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:24:04.53 ID:4Jh+fMIO0
- 福田沙紀と北乃きいの見分けが困難なのだが
I'm actually having a hard time distinguishing Saki Fukuda from Kie Kitano - 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:26:17.37 ID:kaTCxolF0
- >>15一瞬、俺が書いたのかと思ったw
For a moment there, I thought I wrote that comment w - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:25:11.02 ID:l1+F5nBr0
- 若い子が仕事が忙しいと、そりゃ天狗にもなるだろうオスカーは、ゴリ押ししないで地道に仕事させるってやり方はできないの?People who have been busy since they were young will of course become conceited.
Can't Oscar just make their talents work steadily in an honest way? - 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:25:33.25 ID:1FqtyUno0
- そうかかつてはポスト上戸彩のポジションを期待された福田沙紀が、現在は武井咲や剛力彩芽ら後輩女優のバーター出演ばかりになっているという。同社の期待の星だったはずの福田は、どうしてこんなことになってしまったのか..I see, Saki Fukuda used to be touted as Aya Ueto's succesor, but is just currently being bartered alongside Emi Takei and Ayame Gouriki. Just why did the agency's star of hope turn out like this... - 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:25:52.92 ID:JoWOVL+h0
- 見事に消えたな
She's really gone out of the limelight - 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:25:57.79 ID:vhp5kOGL0
- おめーの椅子ねーからの人だっけ?
The girl who was given the "You don't have a seat here, ok" treatment? - 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:26:38.54 ID:/Ymc3Pbt0
- こいつかこいつが性格悪いせいで、あいつらのゴリ押しに遭わされているのか
Oh, this girl.
So the reason why those other girls are being overpushed is because this girl has a horrible personality. - 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:27:08.77 ID:bf/k4AH70
- まったくいい噂を聞かないうちにすっかり消えたな福田沙紀。Saki Fukuda just disappeared without us even hearing good rumors about her
- 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:28:07.67 ID:jnigketI0
- ヤッターマンで全身CGで修正された女か
Ah, the woman whose entire body was altered through CG in Yatterman - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:28:46.36 ID:52p5DF4M0
- オスカーってグランプリはゴリ推さないんだよななんかあるの?So it seems that Oscar doesn't overpush the grandprix winners.
what's the deal with that? - 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:32:05.67 ID:bWYgHY+VO
- >>45林丹丹とかほとんど見ないもんな
You're right, Tantan Hayashi's almost nowhere to be seen - 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:44:34.95 ID:EcMjbDFG0
- >>45佐藤藍子くらいまではグランプリをゴリ推してたけど売れたのはその時の審査員特別賞だった米倉涼子だったってのがきっかけだった気がするその次の回の上戸も審査員特別賞だったしThey pushed for the grandprix winner until Aiko Sato's time, but I think the reason why they haven't been doing so is because the one who became popular was Ryoko Yonekura who won the special award from the judges. Even Ueto won the special award from the judges at the next one.
- 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:30:36.70 ID:jDH5snL00
- ヤッターマンでフォトショ前とフォトショ後が出たの福田だっけ?
Fukuda's the one whose "before and after" photoshop pictures for Yatterman were leaked, right? - 195: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 18:10:23.64 ID:mbeXj1zZP
- >>51初めて見たわw
This is my first time seeing this w - 356: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 19:43:29.62 ID:vKuBiVIb0
- >>195フォトショスゲー
Amazing photoshop - 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:31:43.94 ID:S2y+njJU0
- 結局売れる売れないって大手芸能事務所が推すか推さないかなんだな
In the end, whether or not someone becomes popular all depends on the agency if they will be promoting her or not - 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:38:33.93 ID:7ezQ0kW00
- >>56しかし超ゴリ押しした奴が売れない事も多数あまり推されなかったのに何かがキッカケで大ブレイクしちゃう人もたまに後者は枕営業なんかも考えられるがなBut there are also a lot of people who were pushed, but didn't really become popular, while there are those who were never really pushed but suddenly got a huge break because of something.
But of course there's also the possibility that the latter have done sexual favors. - 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:32:43.09 ID:JJnC7fFMO
- ヒルナンデスの3色ショッピングのコーナーにたまに出てるよね。もう引退すればいいのに。She appears every once in a while on Hirunandes' sanshoku shopping corner.
She should just quit the industry. - 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:35:05.88 ID:AHzwikcg0
- オスカーはむしろ親バーニングでしょ杏とササキキはナベプロ系But isn't Burning the parent company of Oscar?
Anne and Sasakiki (Nozomi Sasaki) on the other hand are from Nabe Pro. - 109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:43:40.14 ID:refLU5MvO
- >>76 つーことはナベプロvsオスカーかドラマ枠争いワロタwWhich means
Nabe Pro vs. Oscar, huh.
LOL, they're battling for the drama slots, huh w - 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:39:22.11 ID:5UBlXxr90
- 福田沙紀なんて 売れる要素がないだろ全然興味ないわ杏は好きThere are absolutely no factors that would make Saki Fukuda popular.
I have no interest in her whatsoever.
In the meantime, I like Anne. - 89: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(1+0:5) 2014/02/03(月) 17:39:46.25 ID:cTfodYSf0
- そういえば福田沙紀って消えたな一時期ゴリゴリだったのにCome to think of it, Saki Fukuda just disappeared.
She was so overpushed at one point. - 99: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:41:52.71 ID:+8H6AG5FI
- 剛力が現場での評判がいいのは、福田を反面教師にして事務所が教育したからだったのかSo the reason why Gouriki's got such a good reputation behind the scenes is because Fukuda served as a bad example to learn from her mistakes
- 153: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:52:31.50 ID:TAE8JjAJ0
- 真ん中福田顔でかすぎ、その後ろ杏妖怪、左大島ちんちくりんFukuda's got such a huge face in the middle.
Anne's a monster at the back.
Oshima's a squirt on the left. - 161: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:55:46.08 ID:5cPcVmdg0
- >>153一番右の子かわいい
The rightmost girl is cute - 374: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 19:57:46.25 ID:P/8J0t9T0
- >>153武井咲の美少女ぶりが際立ってる
Emi Takei's cuteness really stands out - 146: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/03(月) 17:50:09.29 ID:yHwX8AVT0
- まさに
And precisely, there's no seat left for her in the industry
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