* Middle-aged
* Brown, long hair (can be black)
* Sunglasses
* Ugly when removed
* Pathetic words and deeds
* Has a sense of humor
* Needs to have outstanding talent for a particular field, or cult-like popularity
* Has extreme strong points and weak points
* Gloomy
* Has a dark past
(Semi-related post HERE)
* [KBTIT = This nickname was given to gay AV actor TAKUYA (top row, middle) due to his resemblance to BLEACH author Kubo Taito, or TITE KUBO]
- 4: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:00:31 ID:7Ujkosme
- 割と的確ですね...
That's pretty spot-on... - 6: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:01:19 ID:7Ujkosme
- KBTITはそろそろ音楽以外から募集かけなアカン時期やねん
KBTIT needs to recruit new members from outside the music industry - 7: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:01:48 ID:yQAZQHMF
- 条件満たせばワイでも入れてもらえるん?
So even I can join as long as I meet the requirements? - 11: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:02:34 ID:jjv6WL42
- 種族不問で草
LOLing at the "of any species" part - 12: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:02:49 ID:LwiZ6ya0
- ギタリストKBTITってユーモアセンスなさそう
I don't think guitarist KBTIT has any sort of sense of humor
http://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/m/maemuki/20111120/20111120215010.jpg - 16: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:03:33 ID:4TWRRXAa
- ギタリストは欠点あんまないんじゃないですかね
I don't think the guitarist has too many flaws - 20: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:05:14 ID:yZ5MkOZI
- 21: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:05:31 ID:pmHqqbKT
- カルト的人気はkbtit認定された後からついてくるものじゃないんですかね
Doesn't the cult-like following naturally come after one has been acknowledged as a full-fledged KBTIT? - 23: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:06:01 ID:mLTtPKh0
- TOSHIは入れませんかね…
Isn't TOSHI included here... - 33: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:09:20 ID:O3oDoB5J
- >>23言うほどか?
You really think? - 34: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:09:40 ID:bJVaYhnd
- >>23恵まれた歌唱力から恵まれた顎
From a blessed singing ability to a blessed chin - 25: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:06:32 ID:HJB02WMd
- なお本人の意思に関係無く無理矢理入会させられる模様
And it seems that people are just being forced to join this family regardless of his own will - 29: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:07:51 ID:zIZsThuf
- 佐村河内もファミリーの一員なの?
Is Samuragochi a member of the family, too?
http://www.hiroshimapeacemedia.jp/mediacenter/images/articles/20121211112508370_en_1_original.jpg - 42: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:11:34 ID:Q4+oM2OC
- >>29・まもるっ・作曲者の言うことには絶対服従なんだよ* Mamoru
* Absolute obedience to what a composer says - 30: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:08:15 ID:oj/vGxep 36: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:10:18 ID:uREwHf1a
- >>30もうこれホント嫌い
I really hate this - 41: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:11:26 ID:eBWt68V6
- >>30西川の謎のリアル感
Mysteriously real vibe that Nishikawa gives off - 43: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:12:04 ID:31Ee/vxY
- 勝手にKBTIT認定された挙句問題を起こすと破門される模様
And it also seems that you'll be expelled from the family if you cause trouble, even if you're considered an honorary member - 48: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:13:53 ID:JrzxkttE
- 51: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:14:45 ID:OhejxO3k
- >>48これはファミリー入り不可避ですねぇ
She can't escape from joining the family now - 58: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:15:42 ID:ucWdII/z
- >>48サムネだと違和感ない
If it's on thumbnail size, it won't look awkward at all - 59: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:16:16 ID:T59WL9Mr
- 佐村河内はちょっと髪が長すぎてKBTITに似てないと思うんだよなぁ
But Samuragochi's hair is too long, I don't think he looks like KBTIT - 66: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:17:54 ID:GM1UerLH
- >>59もう似てるかどうかより条件パーツが揃ってるかで決められてるな
No need to look like him at all, it all gets decided based on the conditions and the parts - 63: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:16:52 ID:HGA9U/Ex 69: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:19:02 ID:sQaDncpa
- >>63maneater(意味深)
maneater (profound) - 65: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:17:44 ID:QckyYVG9
- よし、ピロウズは全員KBTITだな!
Alright, then everyone from the Pillows are KBTITs! - 67: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:18:18 ID:DiRIfJEm
Even EXILE's HIRO can join the KBTIT family - 72: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:19:40 ID:HGA9U/Ex
- 79: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:22:06 ID:eqVGPaIp
- >>72こういう服着てんのMIKAMIかKBTITぐらいなんだよなぁ
MIKAMI or KBTIT are about the only ones wearing this kind of outfit - 74: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:20:34 ID:DmLjJnEO
- 84: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:22:41 ID:W9Y1v/QT
KBTIT family ∩ SMRGUT family = REVOTIT - 76: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:21:45 ID:JzpiYqOK
- そろそろアスリートTITがほしいがアスリートであの風貌を両立するのが難しいな
I feel that we also need an athleteTIT now, but it's hard for athletes to maintain such looks - 88: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:24:17 ID:tVj6zoy9
- ほんとに愛されてんな
You guys really love him, huh
http://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/m/maemuki/20111120/20111120215010.jpg - 89: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:24:28 ID:DmLjJnEO
- 100: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:27:24 ID:u02AFssQ
- >>89この立ち方はポイント高いな
High points for the way he's standing - 91: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:25:18 ID:6wkUwNxn
- その筋では結構有名な釣りのプロ(Shimano所属)高橋哲也There's the popular fishing professional (under Shimano)
Tetsuya Takahashi
- 99: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:27:03 ID:7Ujkosme
- >>91入る入る入る...痛い言動とか炎上した過去があったら完璧やなHe'll definitely get in.
And it'll be perfect if he has lame words and deeds, and a past where he caused quite a commotion. - 94: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:26:18 ID:GpW5gPI+
- revoTITはすっごいお母さん思いのいい人やから…(震え声)なお条件はほとんど満たしてるもようBut revoTIT's a nice guy who cares for his mom... (trembling voice)
But it seems like he meets all the conditions.
http://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/m/maemuki/20111120/20111120215010.jpg - 103: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:27:40 ID:6J/VgyLT
can enter this, right? - 104: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:28:09 ID:O3oDoB5J
- >>103ヒロはノンケなのがネック
HIRO being straight is holding him back - 113: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:29:59 ID:eBWt68V6
- >>104久保帯人先生や松本孝弘さんがゲイみたいな言い方はやめろ
Stop saying it like Taito Kubo-sensei and Takahiro Matsumoto-san are gay - 107: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:29:01 ID:FiY0j0D/
- 116: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:31:12 ID:dOhXREFH
- >>107これMTMTITのアシスタントさん?
Is this MTMTIT's assistant? - 126: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:34:34 ID:FiY0j0D/
- >>116WANDS(後期)のボーカルやで~WANDS (later phase) vocalist~
- 108: 風吹けば名無し 2014/02/28 15:29:04 ID:ToumBVly
- 忘れがちだけど漫画家の久保帯人先生って言われて一般人が信じそうな人が入会条件だから
People tend to forget, but the condition for joining the family is if regular people will believe it even if someone says that this certain person is Taito Kubo-sensei
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