Fairies is an idol group with an average age of 15.6 years, hailing from the same agency that spawned talents such as Namie Amuro, MAX, and SPEED, and was put together under the concept of "a talented group which can break the international barrier". Their debut single "More Kiss/Song for You" released in September 2011 ranked in at #11 on the Oricon weekly charts and won the USEN's Best Newcomer award in November. They also won the Best Newcomer award at the 53rd Japan Record Awards in the same year with an average age of 13.6 years, making them the youngest winners ever.
A showbiz writer comments about the group: "Their record company AVEX spent a huge amount on them when they made their debut, as if to make them take the footsteps that SPEED once took. They had a considerable amount of commercial deals and even had their own radio program just one month after their debut. By April of the following year, they launched their own TV program Harajuku Kirakira Gakuin and everything looked set for them. However, it seems that they have struggled to capture fans due to their agency's overly conspicuous method of pushing for them, together with the fact that their songs and dances were too stylish.".
The group released their 7th single "RUN with U" just last month and will be releasing their first album Fairies in the 26th of this month. However, some people seem to have been shocked at Fairies' fan events lately.
The same writer comments: "Male fans [sic] uploaded pictures of the meet- and-greet event on Twitter, and the idols seem to be allowing their fans to hold hands with them like lovers, and even hug them. This has led to other idol wotas commenting, "Wow, they're hugging male wotas? Such a turn-off", "So this is what has become of them for not being able to go the orthodox route......", "Poor members", "To think that Fairies were so talented...". There are other idols who get much closer than this with their fans such as BiS and Erena Ono, but a majority of idols do not allow fans to even touch them. This has shocked a number of idol wotas and left them disillusioned with Fairies who used to take the more common, orthodox route.".
This event is scheduled throughout the month for fans who have preordered the album. Fans who have ordered 2 or more copies of the album are allowed to have their pictures taken with the members. Will Fairies be able to catch a huge break just as their seniors SPEED have?
Hugs are for female fans only.
Cut the bullcrap.
This article is a fraud.
Only girls are allowed to be hugged.
I'm off to go to the Fairies for a bit
So it's finally come to this
Holding hands like lovers must be traumatic for them if the guy's a disgusting fan
I saw their new song on CS a while back, and it really seems like they were made to change directions.
Their outfit had a pretty revealing front while the routine just had a relatively simple dance step that they repeated.
I wonder how these girls feel about this.
They were selling themselves with their talent, and now they're flattering their fans? www What about this is "talented"? w
Something like this should be regulated with the Entertainment Business Law
I think they've got pride, but they should take part in more idol festivals.
I'm guessing that these sort of things will be regulated soon
And then you have a photo-op if you buy 2 or more copies? This is just like the AKB method.
They were just too young when they made their debut. Even now, on average they're just in high school, right? They were shoved into the limelight too soon. Now would have been the better for the agency time to splurge on them for promotions.
If a male can get intimate and hug these girls↓, then it'd be weird if they don't get to become more popular
But in reality, they're not popular at all. Which means it's all a lie.
When I see something like this, I just think,
"Ahh, so they are just SPEED's juniors after all. They couldn't surpass them".
- 254: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/08(土) 13:28:21.21 ID:NlNF83WGO
- >>249服装が似てるだけで判断すんなよw
Don't judge that just because of the similarities in outfits w
They're just wearing stuff that's easy to dance in.
- 260: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/08(土) 14:03:57.61 ID:EYQgMpwg0
- >>254スピードって歌番組にナイキのシャツ着てでてたよな
SPEED used to appear in singing shows in NIKE shirts, right?
Hiroko looked so cute in that since she didn't seem like a gradeschooler, but I don't think that was appropriate.
A high school girl at Fairies' release event during their debut...
Girls sure are lucky
- 38: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 12:09:33.93 0
- >>30おっぱい触ってるな
She's touching the boobie
Here's a photo collage of their previous fan photo sessions
- 119: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 12:41:43.81 0
- >>114一番下の真ん中は相手が男なのに結構やるな
The one in the middle, she's with a guy but they're pretty close
- 125: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 12:43:34.30 0
- >>114オスの扱い悪いな
Males are treated badly, huh
Are Fairies wotas all young peeps?
- 458: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 14:09:26.43 0
- 460: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 14:11:09.37 0
- >>5ハゲが行ったら浮くとかどんな現場だよ・・・
What kind of scene is this!? You're gonna stick out here like a sore thumb if you're bald...
- 463: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 14:13:53.54 0
- >>460女子向けファッション誌のモデルやってるから
Well, they're modeling for a girls' fashion magazine after all
Fairies' fan shots with men are amazing too
- 516: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 14:29:26.20 0
- >>510いいなぁ~
I'm so jelly~
- 620: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 17:02:36.21 0
- >>510ハグは女性限定だし>>510の真ん中の奴も何回か
Hugs are for females only, and the 'guy' in the middle in >>510 has been appearing in numerous threads but that's also a girl
Former AKB member Erena Ono's event. You can do this if you buy 3 copies of her album .
(Related post HERE)
- 122: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/08(土) 02:46:09.51 ID:SGKzf6QQ0
- >>12これ貼られると思ったw
I did expect this to be posted on this thread w
- 269: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/08(土) 14:24:51.75 ID:E0bc8Clm0
- >>12色々酷いな・・・。
That's just horrible...
To think that AKB's still keeping their boundaries
- 136: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/08(土) 04:02:28.51 ID:OuEqjTiV0
- >>47三枚目w
The 3rd w
Pistol (popular idol otaku)
- 176: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 12:54:17.01 0
- >>166ピストルさんが幸せそうで何より
I'm glad that Pistol-san looks happy
- 187: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 12:56:22.96 0
- >>166俺らが同じことしたら逮捕されるから気をつけろ!
We'll be arrested if we do the same thing you guys, so be careful!
- 195: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 12:58:04.02 P
- >>166クマさんキャラだなw
He's like a huge teddy bear character, huh w
- 491: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 14:19:51.88 0
- >>51ももクロもチェキ会やってたのかよwwwww
MomoClo also has these insta-camera events? wwwww
- 502: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 14:22:57.12 0
- >>491幼稚園児コスのしおりんと2ショット撮ったことあるわ
I once had my picture taken with Shiorin who was wearing a nursery school costume.
It was at Lala Port, with a lot of other regular civilians.
- 429: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 13:52:29.96 0
- >>423ももクロはクリーンw
MomoClo's is clean w
- 506: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 14:23:23.03 0
- >>501エビ中(ももクロの妹分グループ・私立恵比寿中学)もか
Even Ebi-chu, huh (Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku).
That's a turn off.
I feel like going to (Ai) Shinozaki's, though
- 209: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 13:02:00.02 0
- >>202この篠崎やばいな
This Shinozaki's so hot.
She's perfect.
- 219: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 13:04:35.13 P
- >>202
- 325: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 13:26:06.81 0
- >>317おっぱいが・・・
Her boobies...
The distance between celebrities and wotas these days is amazingly so close.
- 338: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 13:28:45.61 0
- >>317篠崎のおっぱいの感じは羨ましい
I'm jelly that he got to feel Shinozaki's boobies
Ahh, I'm glad that she's with Hello Pro
- 274: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 13:15:14.02 0
- >>255恐怖で工藤の顔が歪んでる
Kudo's face looks distorted because of fear...
- 279: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 13:16:06.78 0
- >>255くどうが・・・くどうが・・・
Kudo is... Kudo is...
- 708: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 21:58:04.26 0
- >>255これトラウマ
This is traumatic
Hello Pro
- 343: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 13:29:32.70 0
- >>334なにこの塩対応
What's with this lame treatment
- 354: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 13:31:30.15 0
- >>334サービス悪いな客を舐めてるとしか思えない
Horrible service. All I can think is that she's looking down on her fans.
That's nothing compared to BiS
- 60: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 12:21:16.10
- >>54最後がいつ見てもたまらん
I just can't whenever I see that last picture
- 118: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 12:41:40.84 P
- >>54最後は犯罪の証拠で出されても文句言えないレベル
The last one's on a level where you can't complain about it even if it's brought as an evidence for crime
- 206: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 13:00:41.98 0
- >>54これは完全にアウト
Yerrr out
- 243: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 13:10:07.05 0
- >>234チョンはすげーなw
Chons are amazing, huh w
- 246: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 13:10:15.92 0
- >>34なにこれ韓流?
What's this, Hallyu?
Kara's event
- 400: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 13:47:40.64 0
- >>340北の国からw
Kita no kuni kara w
- 663: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 18:12:30.07 0
- >>661この人同級生にめっちゃ似てるwwwやべぇ知り合いかもwww
This guy looks exactly like my classmate www
Damn, he might actually be someone I know www
- 667: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 18:18:49.16 0
- はらけんじゃん>>663
That's HaraKen
>>663, so you're in the same school year as HaraKen, huh w
- 668: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 18:19:25.68 0
- >>661これは逮捕やろ
This guy should be arrested
- 673: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/03/02(日) 18:23:00.96 0
- >>661乳揉んでますやんwww
He's totally groping her www
Must really be tough being an idol
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