"I headed into the Sochi Olympics with the thought of winning a medal and give it as a present to Japan which got wounded by the disaster. But after actually winning the competition, I suddenly felt powerless. I realized that the gold medal won't be able to directly help the recovery process. I had to transfer my base for training from Sendai where I was born all the way to Canada in order to aim for the gold, but I did start to think if it really was such a good idea to leave behind my hometown which was demolished by the disaster.
"3 years ago, on that day, I was training on the rink in Sendai. The ice suddenly rippled and then burst. The tremor was so strong, I couldn't even stand on my feet. Then I started to run away, crying, fearing that 'I might die like this'. Up to now, I still see flashbacks of that scene in my head. My tears do not stop, and I cry out in my sleep.
"There was also a time when I thought about quitting the sport altogether, but this changed the following year, last 2012, when I realized something after winning the bronze medal at the World Championships thanks to everyone's cheers and support. In my mind, I was skating for the sake of the other victims to give them strength and courage, but I realized that it was actually I who was being supported by them. It was the same in the Olympics. Their cheers and support helped give that little push on my back. The gold medal wasn't won just by myself, but by everyone who cheered me on.
"As a gold medal winner, I can now see what I should do. I intend to keep on skating in order to deliver to everyone what I truly feel -- please do not ever forget about the disaster-hit areas."
"3 years ago, on that day, I was training on the rink in Sendai. The ice suddenly rippled and then burst. The tremor was so strong, I couldn't even stand on my feet. Then I started to run away, crying, fearing that 'I might die like this'. Up to now, I still see flashbacks of that scene in my head. My tears do not stop, and I cry out in my sleep.
"There was also a time when I thought about quitting the sport altogether, but this changed the following year, last 2012, when I realized something after winning the bronze medal at the World Championships thanks to everyone's cheers and support. In my mind, I was skating for the sake of the other victims to give them strength and courage, but I realized that it was actually I who was being supported by them. It was the same in the Olympics. Their cheers and support helped give that little push on my back. The gold medal wasn't won just by myself, but by everyone who cheered me on.
"As a gold medal winner, I can now see what I should do. I intend to keep on skating in order to deliver to everyone what I truly feel -- please do not ever forget about the disaster-hit areas."
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 13:52:14 ID:ZP3y3OaD0
- 地上ロケはするが、まだくもじいが上空を通過してないThey go on location to shoot at those disaster-hit places, but Kumojii still doesn't pass by above the area
http://blog-imgs-44.fc2.com/h/a/r/haru1bann/kumoji.jpg - 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 13:52:20 ID:bfJnV17B0
- 忘れないよ
I won't forget - 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 13:52:26 ID:eOYEnM180
- あまりに謙虚すぎると顰蹙を買うぞ。気を付けないと。Some people will start feeling disgusted at you if you show too much humility.
Better be careful. - 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:03:38 ID:dF2o0yHiO
- >>7全方位敵を作らずってわけにはいかないからな。謙虚さが無いって叩かれるより謙虚過ぎるって叩かれるほうがいいんじゃないか?Well, I don't think it's possible not to have any enemies at all in all sectors.
But I think it's much better to be bashed by people because you're too humble instead of being bashed because you have no humility at all. - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 13:53:25 ID:IHJn4ehcO
- 大変だな
Must've been really tough - 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 13:56:32 ID:WX3MAiUF0
- むしろソチ・オリンピックのほうが既に記憶にない
Actually, I've already forgotten about the Sochi Olympics - 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 13:57:42 ID:UMr2bVia0
- 被災地の人には悪いが、震災当時の映像見ると気分が悪くなるんでここ一週間くらいの震災特集にはウンザリしてる。I'm sorry for the people living in the distressed areas, but I really feel sick when I see the actual footages of the disaster, and I'm actually growing weary from all these disaster specials on TV this week.
http://oudonn.c.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_171/oudonn/article-0-0D924D9F000005DC-785_964x591.jpg?c=a0 - 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:06:32 ID:dF2o0yHiO
- >>17そりゃ仕方がない悪びれる必要もないよI guess that can't be helped.
There's also no need to feel guilty about it. - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:06:52 ID:JgVjz/5r0
- >>17被災した人なんてもっとつらい思い出すだけでつらいだろうでも羽生は言葉にして風化させないように努めてるPeople who were actually hit by the disaster have it tougher.
Just remembering it must really be painful.
But Hanyu has turned those feelings into words so that they won't be forgotten. - 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 13:59:13 ID:r0h9iHPf0
- 金メダルとったんだっけかもう過去の人だわOh, the guy who won the gold medal, right?
He's already a person of the past.
http://img.chess443.net/S2001/upload/2014030600007_3.jpg - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:08:38 ID:Kw9af8UP0
- >>21何か、変な方面に人気出ちゃったせいだろうな頭のおかしなオタク女層が騒いでいる感じだろ老若男女に人気があった浅田や主婦層に人気だった高橋と違ってあまり健全な層に人気が出ているとは言えない感じだからなMust be because he's become so popular in a lot of odd sectors.
It's those crazy otaku women going gaga over him, right?
I feel that it's actually pretty hard to say that he has a healthy fanbase, unlike Asada who was popular with men and women of all ages and Takahashi who was popular with the housewives. - 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:15:58 ID:9KOJ0paB0
- >>36ママ友で全然オタクじゃない人も羽生好き多いよ
My mama also has a lot of friends who aren't otakus, but they like Hanyu - 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:01:57 ID:E9xT0X/8i
- まあ風化するというのも悪いことばかりじゃないよ時間が解決する事もあるそれに他人が助けられる事なんてたかが知れてるみんな自分の生活でいっぱいいっぱい縁もゆかりもない被災地の事まで真剣になんて考えられるわけない復興増税はきちんと支払うからそれでなんとかしてくれWell, forgetting about something isn't all that bad.
There are also things that heal with time.
And the amount of help that one can receive from others doesn't even amount to much, as everyone else also has their hands full with their own lives. There's no way that people can seriously think about the lives of the other people in these distressed areas whom they're not even connected to.
Yes, I will pay the tax increase for the rehabilitation so please make do with that. - 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:04:27 ID:9KOJ0paB0
- 羽入君可愛すぎすっごいかわいいHanyu-kun's so cute.
He's super cute. - 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:06:47 ID:0W5O4piC0
- 羽生偉いな一方、真央は・・・Hanyu's so great.
In the meantime, Mao is... - 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:30:00 ID:Nu4L3Z6q0
- >>33真央は被災地の子供達にスケート教えに行ったりしてるよ
Mao teaches the children of the victims how to skate, you know - 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10(月) 14:12:51.16 ID:Me/kxi0rO
- 震災で本当の地獄を見た人は一刻も早くあの悪夢は忘れたいだろうよ
People who experienced the disaster and have gone through hell would probably want to forget about it as quickly as they can - 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:14:31 ID:if58KiK90
- みんな忘れないで、政治家のケツを叩いてほしいと言いたいんだよ政治家は仮設暮らしの年寄り助けてやれI think he wants to say, "Everyone, please don't forget to slap the butt of our politicians".
The politicians should move their butts and help the elderly living in shelters. - 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:15:40 ID:KZiHKBz/0
- 阪神大震災のの被害者や交通事故ですごいトラウマ追った人もいるわけでいつまでも自分とこの悲劇だけ覚えてて欲しいっていうのは無理がある結局は人の記憶をあてにしないで自分らで働きかけて復興していくしかないんじゃないかい?Well, we also had the great Hanshin earthquake, and there were people who experienced major trauma due to traffic accidents. I think it's impossible to tell everyone to just remember about the tragedy that you yourself experienced. In the end, I think you shouldn't rely on others and do your best in what you can towards recovery.
- 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:21:44 ID:3/z5SWLp0
- >>52東北はまだ震災からわずかだからねそれでも風化したと感じてる人は多いよどうしても必死になる気持ちも理解できるIt hasn't been that long yet since the Tohoku disaster.
Yet there are people whose memories of this event have started to fade.
I can understand the feeling of being desperate about it. - 55: 【東電 77.2 %】 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(1+0:5) 2014/03/10 14:18:25 ID:x6QnK+Lf0
- 被災地とか考えたらスポーツなんかやっている場合じゃないだろ、常考。
Common sense says that you shouldn't be doing sports if you're busy thinking about the distressed areas. - 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:19:53 ID:JgVjz/5r0
- だからメダリストとして働きかけてるじゃないか叩いてるような心ない人は端から関係ねーからAnd this is precisely what he's doing, working hard as a medalist.
Heartless people who can only bash others have no business with him. - 57: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:20:45 ID:bE8xHLoK0
- 被災した子供は数年後にPTSDになり易いから頑張れ頑張れ言ったり無理に思い出させようとしない方がいいのにこの子は震災直後から常に震災を振り返らされ語らせられ続けてきたし常に周囲に頑張れ頑張れといわれ続けてきた精神状態大丈夫なのか他人事ながら心配Children who were victims of the disaster are more susceptible to post-traumatic stress disorder. I think it's much better not to keep telling them to do their best and force them to remember these things. Even right after the disaster, this boy has always been asked to look back and talk about his experiences, and everyone around him kept cheering him on and supporting him. It may be none of my business, but I'm actually worried about his mental state.
- 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:22:57 ID:KZiHKBz/0
- >>57この子は自分を追い込みすぎだよなあ親が「そんなに立派にならなくていいんだよ」って伝えてあげればいいのにと思うIt does seem like this kid is driving himself into a corner too much. I hope his parents tell him that "there's no need for you to be such a splendid human being".
- 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:23:57 ID:if58KiK90
- 明日は我が身かもしれん被災者が訴え続けてくれないと、自分や自分の身内が被害者になったとき対応してくれる態勢が整ってなかったらキツイ政治家さん頼むよWho knows, something like this might happen to us tomorrow.
The victims should never stop making an appeal for this since it would be tough if the authorities aren't prepared to deal with all the needs that arise once a similar thing happens to us or to someone close to us.
All you politicians, I'm counting on you. - 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/10 14:30:37 ID:KZiHKBz/0
- 結局「忘れないで」だけじゃ抽象的なんだよね復興行政を世論で後押しして欲しいとかこんな不満があるとか何かして欲しいことがあるならハッキリ言った方がいいIn the end, telling the people not to forget about it is too vague.
Does he want the public to call out on the administration of rehabilitation to further their support? Is he dissatisfied with something? I think it's better to say out clearly what he really wants to happen.
He's only 19.
I think it's best for him not to think too much about shouldering the burden of the disaster.
It does seem that he's too eager about this, but will he be alright?
As someone who experienced the Hanshin disaster, I can say that if people will forget about this, then the elderly who live all alone in their temporary housings will die. All of them will die, all alone --- by themselves. And that's why I know that it's tough, but Hanyu-kun, please do your best!
I'll keep on supporting you to the best of my abilities!
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