I feel like they're just going to settle down in a position similar to TOKIO's
- 3: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:40:19.74 ID:1iT4RYo3
- SMAP自体がまだ表に出まくってるからな
Because SMAP are still in the frontlines.
They should first withdraw from the limelight. - 4: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:40:45.24 ID:2lupmw8m
- 森君ポジがいないから
Because there's no one in Mori-kun's position - 6: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:41:13.10 ID:241Lsgla
- いい年にもなって寒い大学生みたいなノリだから
Because they're already old, yet they're still like these sad college students -
- 49: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:59:22.62 ID:29L2+KPu
- >>6に尽きるわ
This sums it up
- 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:42:56.51 ID:riCcxhp3
- 歳相応のことしないのはなんでなん
I wonder why they're not doing things that are appropriate to their age.
They're all old men already, yet all they do on their programs are things like what college students would do. -
- 11: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:44:59.43 ID:8fx/tfKW
- >>9
That's generally true for everyone in Johnny's
- 13: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:46:36.66 ID:VSd5xCu6
- >>9
Most guys around 30 these days are like that, it can't be helped
- 12: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:45:51.54 ID:USgG2ddj
- TOKIOのほうがまだお茶の間に浸透してるな
It seems that TOKIO are the ones who are becoming household fixtures - 15: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:46:52.23 ID:LXvU673g
- 嵐ってちょっと前までかなり地味だった
Arashi were just pretty plain until a while back, how did they become this popular? -
- 27: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:53:11.71 ID:fQTCDHPU
- >>15
From the point when Matsumoto's and Ninomiya's dramas became hits
- 16: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:47:26.16 ID:TFKpXyxK
- ジャニーズのグループでは一番好きやないつまでも垢抜けない感じThey're the group I like the most in Johnny's, especially how they seemingly aren't maturing at all
- 19: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:49:01.34 ID:XqYG0nN3
- というか嵐は長年TOKIOポジだったのが突然SMAPポジになったんだよRather, Arashi has always been in a position similar to TOKIO's for the longest time, yet now they're in SMAP's position.
- 20: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:49:25.30 ID:2flKhpHF
- 木村がいるからね嵐って他の大御所と関わりないしなBecause Kimura's still around.
Arashi don't seem like they are related to the other huge figures in the industry. - 23: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:51:07.72 ID:4eGU06yM
- 長い間空気だったのに急に出てきたよな何が合ったんだThey were like thin air for a long time, then they suddenly popped up.
What happened? - 25: 忍法帖【Lv=7,xxxP】(1+0:12) 2013/08/30(金) 10:52:34.19 ID:vPjXtunQ
- あいつらあれで30歳なんだぜ?マルチな才能Those guys are 30 already, you know?
They're multi-talented. -
- 30: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:53:21.75 ID:XqYG0nN3
- >>25デビュー99年やしWell, they made their debut in 1999
- 26: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:53:10.27 ID:cFWWPvv1
- V6が落ち目なってカトゥーンとかNEWSとか関ジャニとか同じ世代がカスばっかで嵐持ち上げるしかなくなったからなぁBecause V6 went on the decline, while KAT-TUN, NEWS, and Kanjani, these guys from the same generation are all shi+e, so they had no choice but to push Arashi forward.
- 29: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:53:18.52 ID:q76O6JSs
- 若い女の子だけでなくおばさん連中が金落としてくれるイメージ息子の理想像みたいな感じなんだろうなMy image of them is that even the older ladies, not just the young ones, pour all their money on them.
They must seem like "ideal sons" in their eyes. - 35: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:54:04.67 ID:Sz7GqIUd
- 木村いないからな長瀬もいない岡田もいない国分太一が5人いるようなもんBecause there's no Kimura.
There's no Nagase. There's no Okada.
It's like having 5 Taichi Kokubuns in a group. - 36: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:54:13.52 ID:A0um4KYp
- スマップもキムタクが結婚してからようやく大人っぽさが出てきたわけやし桜井君あたりが結婚したらええんよSMAP's KimuTaku finally seemed like an adult after he got married.
Sakurai-kun should also get married. - 41: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:55:26.81 ID:8SScM5NT
- 嵐以外がさらにひどい。しらんやつばっかEveryone other than Arashi is just horrible.
I don't know any of them. - 43: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:55:59.04 ID:XqYG0nN3
- 長年デビュー曲のアーラシアーラシしか知られてなかったよなlove so sweetが売れてから年間チャートの常連になったけどThe only song people knew for a long time was their debut song, A-ra-shi A-ra-shi.
Then when "Love so sweet" became a hit, they started becoming mainstays in the yearly charts.
- 47: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:57:43.55 ID:q76O6JSs
- 嵐より若手のゴリ押し感が醜いわドラマにねじこませて顔売って、適当な曲でCD売ってるイメージThe way Johnny's overhype the younger ones is worse, though.
They force them into dramas to make their faces popular, then sell CDs with just some random songs. -
- 48: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:58:58.86 ID:HIlb1PXR
- >>47キスマイ何とかってやつ大嫌いLike that Kis-My-something group, I loathe them
- 52: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 10:59:52.29 ID:XqYG0nN3
- NEWS→気を付けるのは山下の一発だけ、空気カツーン→戦犯赤西平成ジャンプ→誰やねんキスマイなんとか→誰やねんNEWS→The only thing to be worried about was Yamashita's occasional killer blows, but they're still just thin air
KAT-TUN→Akanishi the goat
Hey!Say!Jump→Who the heck
Kis-My-something→Who the heck -
- 57: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:00:30.63 ID:241Lsgla
- >>52ニュースはもう山下いないでYamashita's not in NEWS anymore
- 55: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:00:20.58 ID:Sz7GqIUd
- キスマイなんとかやセクシーなんとかがテレビ出てるのは嵐を再評価させるための戦略やろI think having Kis-My-something and Sexy-something on TV is Johnny's strategy so that people would rate Arashi highly once again
- 56: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:00:29.77 ID:DXCvmWBA
- 基本劣化SMAPやねんBut they're basically just a deteriorated version of SMAP
- 65: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:02:43.83 ID:29L2+KPu
- リアルでもたくさんいるなもう30くらいなのに相変わらず大学生みたいなノリの奴But there are a lot of 30-somethings who still act like college students in real life
- 67: 忍法帖【Lv=7,xxxP】(1+0:12) 2013/08/30(金) 11:02:57.68 ID:vPjXtunQ
- 光GENJIとかいた時代のSMAPとかってどんなんだったの?How was SMAP when Hikaru GENJI was still around?
- 90: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:06:13.20 ID:B7ZCKAyM
- >>67バックダンサーのSMAPが光GENJIを目標にしてたSMAP were their backup dancers and they aimed to become like Hikaru GENJI
- 71: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:03:10.82 ID:AzHJufpZ
- 何年か前にマジで第二のSMAPにさせようとメディア出まくってる時期があったようなThere really was a time a few years ago when they were all over the media, trying to be made into the 2nd SMAP
- 80: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:04:29.58 ID:f+oqCo8X
- ビストロとかで大人っぽい路線に自然な感じで変わっていったよなSMAPSMAP just felt like they transitioned naturally into adults on their show Bistro
- 84: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:05:07.13 ID:cjAZ0AbT
- 思い出補正のせいかインパクトはない気がするけど、集客では完全に抜いてるよArashi don't seem to have that impact, partially because of how we like to glorify our memories, but I think they've surpassed SMAP in their ability to gather crowds.
- 89: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:06:10.33 ID:i7pucDNj
- SMAPは色分けされてるけど嵐はまだ個人個人の個性薄くて色々なところに手を出してるからなぁAll members of SMAP have a defined character and personality, while each Arashi member still doesn't feel that distinguished yet individually, yet it seems that they're trying to do a lot of different things.
- 91: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:06:19.12 ID:eXTcoNHx
- 今は抜いたんじゃないの全盛期の勢いで言ったら比べ物にならんけどI think Arashi has surpassed them now.
But there's no point in comparing the momentum each one had during their respective peaks. - 93: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:06:50.51 ID:241Lsgla
-うーんこの*(lit. "Uhhhm, this is..."-- pun on "unko" which means "poo")
Uhnnn, kono -
- 113: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:09:22.83 ID:VUf64FTT
- >>93似たような髪型と顔つきで誰が誰かわからんもようジャニさんの選球眼も衰えたって、ハッキリわかんだね。They all seem to have the same hairstyle and face, I can't even distinguish who's who anymore.
You can really tell from this how much Johnny-san's eyes have deteriorated.
- 125: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:10:37.15 ID:45CImgPS
- >>93野球選手のイケメンよりすぐればこれよりいい6、7人揃えられそうI feel like we can gather at least 6 or 7 ikemen baseball players who are better than these guys
- 103: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:07:49.07 ID:+ZJdIIjI
- 嵐が不細工すぎるからごり押し枠俳優も不細工揃いになるんだよなあ綾野とか二宮レベルの不細工やんけArashi's so ugly, that's why even the overhyped actors these days are so ugly too.
Look at Gou Ayano, he's as ugly as Ninomiya. - 109: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:09:06.88 ID:7aY4wVeV
- V6はなんで消えたんだろうな学校へ行こうのころはすごかったのにおからは俳優として生きていくんだろうし、I really wonder why V6 disappeared.
They were amazing when Gakkou he ikou was still airing.
Oka and the others will probably just live on as actors. -
- 124: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:10:35.74 ID:pxoTJ6Q+
- >>109そもそも売れたのが想定外やろThey probably didn't even expect that they'd become popular in the first place
- 121: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:10:17.84 ID:KXgQ6OI3
- 30過ぎのおっさんに今でも小学生のファンが新規に付くのが凄いスマのライブは完全にババアの社交場I'm amazed though at how these 30-year-old guys still manage to get new gradeschooler fans up to now.
SMAP's concerts on the other hand are totally like a granny's watering hole. - 129: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:11:10.50 ID:IbQc/oUp
- SMAP・TOKIO・V6のオッサン2人は冬の時代乗り越えてきてるけどそれ以降のグループはなーんの苦労もしとらんからなSMAP, TOKIO, V6's 2 old men went through hard, wintry times.
The other groups that came after them didn't have any hardships at all. - 136: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:11:43.14 ID:pxoTJ6Q+
- 大正義だったタッキーと今井翼をくっつけた結果wwwwwwAnd the result for putting the great justice Tackey together with Tsubasa Imai was... wwwwww - 140: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:12:11.37 ID:mynA8ptk
- 嵐はちょい昔の夜中にやってた番組が最高に面白かったのにぐう畜スゴロクとかくっだらない実験コーナーとか人気出てから黒歴史になっとるけどさBut Arashi's midnight program some time ago was extremely fun.
They did stuff like crazy sugoroku and stupid experiments there.
And once they became popular, that show was treated as a past that they would rather forget. - 143: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:12:41.52 ID:f2QYq0at
- 世間の全年齢に知られてるのはまだSMAPの方だよなBut SMAP is still the group that is known by all ages of the general public
- 151: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:13:38.30 ID:2flKhpHF
- >>143男は嵐のことあんま知らんしなTrue, men don't really know that much about Arashi
- 146: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:13:00.08 ID:uFkyQDsw
- 大ヒット曲がないせいやろSMAPはミリオン何曲もあるのに嵐の曲なんかAKBレベルで世に浸透してないBecause they don't have a mega hit song.
SMAP has a couple of million-sellers, while Arashi's songs are similar to AKB's; they haven't exactly stuck onto the general public. -
- 158: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:14:16.45 ID:f2QYq0at
- >>146まあSMAPの時代よりCD売れなくなったから仕方ないIt can't be helped, CDs now don't sell as much as they used to back in SMAP's era
- 150: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:13:07.82 ID:bYWhvwOI
- SMAPってひとりひとり個性あるけど嵐は大野以外の4人がそれほど変わらないEach of SMAP's members have individualism.
Everyone in Arashi except for Ohno isn't that different. - 152: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:13:43.91 ID:iEGZtquB
- 嵐は個人個人じゃ面白くないからやろ。5人揃ってウェーイwwwwwなノリでもってるって感じBecause Arashi don't seem fun individually.
All 5 still need to be together and go and be like: "Uweiiiiii wwwww". -
- 173: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:16:15.61 ID:FBK6fMyi
- >>152正直、紅白の司会を1人に任されない時点でな…紅の方は女の子1人で頑張ってるのに男が5人も並んでる情けなさあれでファンは満足なんですかねえ…Honestly, the moment when you can't even rely on a single member to be the host of Kouhaku, then...
To think that the Red team's side only has a single girl doing her best as the host, I find it pathetic that the White team still has 5 guys up there. Are the fans really satisfied with that?
- 160: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:14:23.50 ID:AWpTvk25
- 松潤をキムタク的な立ち位置にしようと必死すぎなんだよキムタクレベルはそういないThey're so desperate in trying to put MatsuJun in that KimuTaku position.
There aren't that many who have reached KimuTaku's level. - 163: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:14:45.89 ID:u6n+BDql
- 嵐が国民的アイドルって言われるのが未だにしっくり来ないけど関ジャニが名乗るのだけは許せない格というものがIt still doesn't feel right when Arashi are called national idols, but I can't forgive Kanjani for calling themselves that.
There's still this thing called class. -
- 177: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:16:25.08 ID:pxoTJ6Q+
- >>163関ジャニも廃品セット売りやろ レコード会社もテイチクやし大倉なんかは確実にグループの色から浮いてるし本人たちも関西ジャニーズは本流じゃないこと理解してるから色々必死Kanjani's just a set of scrap being sold together, right? Their recording company is Teichiku after all.
Look at Okura, he stands out too much from the rest of the group.
I think they even realize that Kansai-Johnny's isn't mainstream so they're desperate.
- 169: 忍法帖【Lv=7,xxxP】(1+0:12) 2013/08/30(金) 11:15:37.37 ID:vPjXtunQ
- SMAPもあと10年もすれば老人やでSMAP will be treated as elderly already in 10 years time.
- 182: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:17:03.12 ID:f2QYq0at
- >>169中年隊も頑張ってることやしBut Chuunentai are still giving their best
(Chuunen = middle age)
- 178: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:16:26.58 ID:DYBNJBoi
- SMAPにはキムタクがいた 嵐にはキムタクがいなかったBecause SMAP has KimuTaku, while Arashi doesn't have KimuTaku.
- 203: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:19:28.78 ID:iz6qXB+F
- SMAPの曲はどれも聞いたことあるけど嵐は聞いてもわからんAll of SMAP's songs sound familiar, while I don't know any of Arashi's songs
- 212: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:21:02.86 ID:pxoTJ6Q+
- >>203ARASHIとlove so sweetはそこそこじゃないかなI think Arashi's "Love so sweet" was modestly popular
- 211: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:20:56.80 ID:f2QYq0at
- キンキキッズも人気低下したな一時すごい人気あったのに一時ってだいぶ前だけどSMAPの後にこれっていうグループ居ないなEven KinKi Kids who had tremendous popularity at one point have also declined.
But that one point was such a long time ago.
I don't think there's a group that makes you say, "This is it!", after SMAP. - 213: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:21:06.62 ID:dW9cC1T9
- キスマイセクシーゾーン平成ジャンプNYCが次世代のジャニーズかSo Kis-My, Sexy Zone, Heysay Jump, and NYC are Johnny's next generation, huh
- 218: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:21:48.56 ID:pxoTJ6Q+
- >>213格落ち具合やべえよなWhoah @ the drop in level
- 214: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:21:18.89 ID:4kAt+hvZ
- なんだかんだでキムタクだな全盛期はえげつなかったWhatever anyone says, it still boils down to KimuTaku's existence.
His peak in particular was just plain ruthless.
- 215: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:21:22.14 ID:d3qllQyR
- SAMPは全員集まったらおおってなるけど嵐はならんよねというかいつも一緒にいるYou'd be amazed when all 5 members of SMAP gather together, but that's not the case with Arashi.
Rather, all 5 of them are together all the time. -
- 222: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:22:10.96 ID:pxoTJ6Q+
- >>215わかるI feel ya.
- 229: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:22:59.07 ID:cKiiUU3X
- >>215単体で個性出せるのが大野だけOhno's the only one who can express his individualism when he's alone
- 220: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:21:51.06 ID:2GnDWJ9s
- レギュラー番組の面白さが全然違うThe fun factor of their regular shows is totally different
- 223: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:22:13.76 ID:HvhYARTm
- 嵐の代表曲って何?So what is Arashi's most popular song?
- 239: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:24:31.31 ID:5X8oX2z3
- >>223Love so sweet じゃないの?鼻より団子の結婚式とかでよく歌われてるらしいしI think it's "Love so sweet", right?
From Hana Yori Dango.
I heard it's being sang a lot at wedding ceremonies.
- 233: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:23:17.26 ID:ceYG6O9Q
- なんか30の割にはガキっぽい感じがどうもなI'm not digging the vibe that they're still like kids even though they're already 30
- 250: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:27:11.63 ID:+MUxZ37W
- 嵐の「俺、お笑いわかってるでしょ」的なノリThe way Arashi acts like: "We know comedy, right?"
- 255: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:28:34.15 ID:f2QYq0at
- >>250それはSMAPも散々言われてたでスマップつーかキンキトキオV6全部That's also what they used to say about SMAP.
Not just SMAP, but KinKi, TOKIO, V6.. everyone.
- 258: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:29:40.49 ID:45CImgPS
- よくよく考えると男のアイドルってジャニーズしかおらへんな女はモー娘やらAKBやらあるのにこれは大変なことやろWhen you think about it, Johnny's are the only male idols here.
Girls have MoMusu, AKB, and the rest though.
This is a huge problem. -
- 260: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:30:06.66 ID:XqYG0nN3
- >>258韓流がおるやんWell, there's Hallyu
- 264: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:30:49.09 ID:241Lsgla
- >>258w-inds(小声)w-inds (faint voice)
- 278: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:33:57.83 ID:iEGZtquB
- >>258EXILEとか?What about EXILE?
- 287: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:36:26.36 ID:FRSwMbU0
- >>258w-inds.ってのがいてだなThere's this group w-inds., you know
- 262: 忍法帖【Lv=7,xxxP】(1+0:12) 2013/08/30(金) 11:30:29.52 ID:vPjXtunQ
- ジャニーが死ねば業界大激変するやろなThe industry will probably make a drastic change once Johnny-san kicks the bucket - 263: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:30:33.52 ID:/vwA4zvZ
- ジ ャ ニ ー ズ 衰 退 戦 犯 滝 沢 秀 明これがパッとしなかったせいで嵐押さなアカンかったThe biggest reason for Johnny's decline is Hideaki Takizawa.
Arashi had to be pushed because this guy didn't make it big. -
- 265: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:31:21.93 ID:XqYG0nN3
- >>263顔だけじゃスターになれないはっきりわかんだねYou can't become a star with just your face.
He made that fact obvious.
- 295: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:38:05.17 ID:R3TL2dw1
- >>263いやキンキやろなんかおかしな方向に進んで急激に勢い落ちていったけど一時期はすげー人気あったし歌もよかったNah, it's KinKi.
They just went on a weird path and lost momentum despite being hugely popular at one point. They also had good songs.
- 289: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:36:45.95 ID:cvxAyP5Z
- 木村の不在やろなあBecause of the absence of Kimura
- 292: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/30(金) 11:37:41.40 ID:E3B5kGZa
- SMAPは芸能界のトップに立った嵐は所詮ジャニーズのトップに立っただけその差よSMAP were able to stand on top of the entire showbiz world.
Arashi were only able to stand on top within Johnny's.
That's the difference.
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