Model Nozomi Sasaki and Maimai a.k.a the singer/songwriter chay (from the program Terrace House) were at Daikanyama Address Dixsept on the 15th for an illumination lighting ceremony.
Both hail from the same agency with Sasaki as the senior, as she describes chay as a "super cute kouhai (junior)". chay has been on the receiving end of criticism following her actions on the program, but Sasaki comments that: "I watch Terrace House every week, and she's still my cute little junior no matter what the public may think".
Both hail from the same agency with Sasaki as the senior, as she describes chay as a "super cute kouhai (junior)". chay has been on the receiving end of criticism following her actions on the program, but Sasaki comments that: "I watch Terrace House every week, and she's still my cute little junior no matter what the public may think".
- 3: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:43:40.96 0 ID:
- 圧倒的やな
- This is overwhelming
- 4: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:46:00.37 0 ID:
- 隣も単体で見ればけっこう美人なのに処刑されてるな
- The one beside Sasaki would look beautiful when she's alone, but it's like she's being humiliated here
- 5: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:46:57.91 P ID:
- 比較するとハンパねー
- It's amazing when you compare them like this
- 7: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:47:36.74 0 ID:
- なんだこの完璧っぷりは
- What's with this perfection
- 9: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:48:12.33 0 ID:
- 二枚目ヤバいな
- The second picture, damn that's amazing
- 10: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:48:19.32 0 ID:
- 一枚目のちょっと疲れた感じがいいね
- I like how she looks a bit tired in the first one
- 11: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:48:51.04 0 ID:
- 演技ができたら生き残れただろうに
- She would be able to survive if only she could act well
- 12: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:48:54.96 0 ID:
- こりゃまたニノが惚れ直すな
Nino will fall in love with her again - 13: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:49:11.25 0 ID:
- 隣の人は誰?美人な人だと思うけど草野球と大リーグ的な差がある
- Who's the one beside her? I do think she's beautiful, but the difference is like that of a hobbyist baseball league and the major league.
- 20: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:52:28.65 0 ID:
- >>13
このこも一般人の中ならすごく可愛いんだけどな - The singer chay.
She'd be really cute if she was among a regular crowd, though.
- 14: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:49:14.28 0 ID:
- これで田舎の銀行の窓口にいたら毎日通う
- If she was a bank teller in the province, then I'd go to her window every day
- 16: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:49:57.82 0 ID:
- 82: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/16(土) 01:19:31.93 0 ID:
- >>16
くっそかわええ - Damn, that's so cute
- 19: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:52:20.71 0 ID:
- 華がなくなったけど幸薄い美人みたいでいいと思う俺は堀北真希派だがな
- I feel she's lost the air of glamour that she possessed, but I think she looks good with that sad and unfortunate look. And yeah, I'm a Maki Horikita fan.
- 21: 名無し募集中 2013/11/15(金) 22:54:03.29 0 ID:
- びっくりするほど清楚に見えるなあ
- It's so surprising how neat and clean she looks
- 22: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:55:35.45 0 ID:
- すげえわレベルが違いすぎる
- Amazing, she's just on an entirely different level
- 23: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:55:37.30 0 ID:
- かわいすぎワロタ
- LOL, that's so cute
- 26: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:57:03.94 0 ID:
- 黒髪もいいよな
Black hair looks nice on her too - 29: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 22:58:59.55 0 ID:
- 華やか美人から淑やか美人に
She has transformed from a glamorous beauty to a ladylike beauty - 31: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:00:02.65 0 ID:
- 黒髪の力は偉大だなあ
なぜ女はわざわざ汚く見えるだけの茶髪にするんだろう - The power of black hair really is amazing.
I really wonder why women would want to dye their hair and make it look dirty. - 32: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:00:50.29 0 ID:
- 33: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:01:52.58 0 ID:
- >>32
こんだけビジュアルに差があっても仲良くなれるもんなのか - This is so merciless.
Can they really live harmoniously despite this difference in visual?
- 34: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:02:04.58 0 ID:
- 満島ひかりと同じ匂いがする
She reeks of the same scent as Hikari Mitsushima - 37: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:02:33.39 0 ID:
- 残念ながら俺は茶髪の方がいいと思った
Unfortunately, I preferred it when she had brown hair - 39: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:02:54.86 0 ID:
- 佐々木希は全然良さ分からんけどこの画像だと可愛いな
- I actually don't get what's so good about Nozomi Sasaki, but she does look cute in these pictures
- 40: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:03:16.94 0 ID:
- 前髪ありの暗い茶髪がベスト
- She looks best with dark brown hair and bangs
- 43: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:05:04.20 0 ID:
- キラキラしてる
- She's sparkling
- 47: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:07:49.60 0 ID:
- これは左の子が可哀想
というか佐々木って比較するとやっぱ凄いんだな - I feel sorry for the girl on the left.
She'd be so cute alone.
But wow, Nozomi Sasaki really is amazing once you compare her with someone else. - 48: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:07:55.44 0 ID:
- 黒だろうが金だろうが坊主だろうがキキの可愛さはスーパーです
- Black, blonde, bald, whatever. Kiki's cuteness is what you call "super".
- 49: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:07:57.83 0 ID:
- 黒髪は美人だから似合う
- She looks good with black hair because she's beautiful
- 51: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:08:50.71 0 ID:
- 左もかわいいじゃん
Even the girl on the left is cute - 54: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:10:07.52 0 ID:
- 風俗嬢になった映画どうなんかね
What about her movie where she plays a prostitute? - 58: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:11:40.41 0 ID:
- かわいいけど一気に幸薄な感じになるなw
She is cute, but she suddenly looked gloomy here - 63: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:17:42.72 0 ID:
- ささききって純日本人?ちょっと白人はいってる?
Is Sasakiki purely Japanese? Does she have some Western blood in her? -
- 69: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:26:01.78 0 ID:
- >>63
日本人だけど秋田出身だからアイヌっぽいの入ってるんじゃない?とか言われてる - She's Japanese, but she's from Akita so people are saying that she might have some Ainu descent
- 64: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:20:04.37 0 ID:
- - 65: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:21:37.87 0 ID:
- かわいい
- How cute
- 66: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:22:59.58 0 ID:
- これだけ可愛いと出会う男すべてに好意をもたれるんだろうな
逆に男性不信になりそう - If she's this cute, all guys who meet her would like her.
But she might lose trust in men because of that. - 68: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:24:57.84 0 ID:
- 桐谷も黒髪のが好きだな
I also prefer Kiritani with black hair - 70: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:27:40.32 0 ID:
- ささききが5人ぐらいのやつ
隣にこんな5人姉妹が引っ越してきたらみたいな妄想でもにょもにょした - The one with about 5 Sasakikis.
- I fapped when I fantasized about 5 sisters like this moving to the unit next to mine.
- 77: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:39:15.24 0 ID:
This one - 72: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:29:33.78 0 ID:
- 秋田美人の理由
日照時間 が日本一短い
ロシアのコーカサス地方の人達との混血 - The reasons why people in Akita prefecture are beautiful:
Their sunlight exposure is the shortest in all of Japan.
A lot of mixed blood with the people from the Caucasus region in Russia. - 73: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(1+0:8) 2013/11/15(金) 23:30:32.43 0 ID:
- 整形じゃないのがすごい
And what's amazing is she didn't have plastic surgery - 75: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/15(金) 23:35:03.85 0 ID:
- 演技が下手すぎるのが惜しいな
- Too bad that her acting is terrible
- 84: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/16(土) 01:28:44.90 0 ID:
- 佐々木希の良さが分からんて言う人の気持ちが俺には分からん。
くそかわええやないか - I don't understand how someone could say that they don't know what's so good about Nozomi Sasaki.
I've been a huge fan of hers since before.
She's super cute. - 87: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/16(土) 06:07:34.28 0 ID:
- 93: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/16(土) 07:37:45.38 0 ID:
- ・945 :名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で:2013/11/16(土) 01:50:32.72 ID:H+PCtNku0数年前、ヤングジャンプのグラビアでA few years ago,
Nozomi Sasaki, Yumi Sugimoto, and Leah Dizon
used to collaborate a lot in Young Jump's gravure shoots.
All these 3 are just on a different level.
There's no way a regular person can match up to them - 94: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/16(土) 07:38:28.31 0 ID:
- この頃のヤンジャンはよかったなあ
- Young Jump was so good back then
- 98: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/16(土) 08:09:17.15 O ID:
- 黒髪ナチュラルメイクだと人間的な可愛さがあるんだよな
ガッツリメイクだと美術品みたいな綺麗さだけど - If you've got black hair with natural makeup, you get that human-like cuteness.
If you have a lot of makeup, you'll still look beautiful, but as something like art. - 101: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/16(土) 08:53:35.27 0 ID:
- 大政絢ちゃんもかわいいよ
Aya Ōmasa-chan is cute too - 104: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/16(土) 09:58:24.96 0 ID:
- ささききが地味になったらもう誰も太刀打ち出来ない
美人は派手にすることで世の中のバランスが上手く取れるんだな - No one will ever stand a chance once Sasakiki starts looking normal.
The beauties are maintaining the balance of the universe by looking glamorous. - 107: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/16(土) 10:12:31.91 0 ID:
- 108: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/16(土) 10:19:42.38 0 ID:
- かわいいなぁ
- She's so cute
- 109: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/16(土) 10:29:01.97 0 ID:
- 人形みたいとかいうが
こんな可愛い人形を見たことがない - People say she looks like a doll,
but I've never seen a doll this cute
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