*(The private detective whom I hate)
The original story comes from Tokuya Higashigawa, the same writer who wrote Nazotoki wa dinner no ato de. This story is a part of his Ikagawa-shi series. The screenplay is written by Yuichi Fukuda, known for his unique style in Kodomo Keisatsu.
The story takes place in Ikagawa-shi, a fictional town, as Gouriki will play a college student who loves mysteries, while Tamaki will play an eccentric detective who solves "ikagawashii" (suspicious) cases.
Gouriki comments: "I personally love mysteries! I want to be in a drama that will make people burst out in laughter together with a cool and pleasant Tamaki-san".
Tamaki comments: "It's my first time playing a detective, so I want to have fun portraying this character. Gouriki-san has a bright and energetic image. The story has a pretty strong comedic taste, so I hope that both of us can create that kind of atmosphere".
Watashi no kirai na Gouriki
*(Gouriki whom I hate)
Watashi mo kirai na Gouriki
*(Gouriki whom I hate too)
Minna no kirai na Gouriki
*(Gouriki whom everyone hates)
So it's a title that you guys approve of, huh ww
I, who have started to think that Gouriki's actually pretty good, must have fallen for the media's image manipulation schemes.
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 10:27:15.80 ID:h6MX7Ibm0
- >>23あまりに叩かれてるので憐れみの感情が芽生えてるんだろうな
You must be starting to feel sorry for her after all this bashing
I like Gouriki in Kurokouchi, though
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 10:30:29.89 ID:Uf2M9qz70
- 玉木っていつの間にか剛力の添え物になるくらい落ちぶれてたんだな確かに主演でコケまくってた印象はあったけどSo since when has Tamaki just become like Gouriki's support? How far has he fallen?
There is this image though that most of the shows he played the lead in have been flops. -
- 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 10:38:15.30 ID:dlqvdDLH0
- >>37>玉木っていつの間にか剛力の添え物になるくらい落ちぶれてたんだなそれそれ剛力のパートナーになると落ちぶれた感がすげー出る>So since when has Tamaki just become like Gouriki's support? How far has he fallen?
It really does feel like he's fallen so much if he's just Gouriki's partner.
- 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 10:31:23.89 ID:ILhDwkSb0
- 5年前の玉木ならアレかもしれんが今の位置づけはこんなもんかThis would've raised eyebrows if it was the Tamaki from 5 years ago, but I think this is just where he stands now
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/date1964/imgs/4/b/4ba5ce11.JPG - 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 10:33:29.06 ID:PVuZJCcN0
- ねじ込み凄いな。ドラマ仕事も切れないオスカーって凄いんだねOscar's really something for just shoving her in all of these dramas, there's really no end to her projects.
- 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 10:33:35.26 ID:kgcFkq320
- 深夜ドラマかwLate night drama w
- 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 10:35:06.85 ID:ZWf3PEcOP
- そんなに人材不足なのかオスカーもっと他にいるだろうIs Oscar really short of talents?
There must be someone else in there. - 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 10:37:05.83 ID:zmVMrLNH0
- この枠には新しい可能性があったのも遠い過去の話か今や事務所が買ってる枠だもんなThe potential that we saw in this time slot now just seems like a distant memory.
It has turned into a timeslot that the agencies just buy out. - 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 10:41:27.89 ID:FXOElc6f0
- 剛力の脇か落ちたな~玉木Gouriki's sidekick?
Wow, Tamaki sure has fallen. - 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 10:41:49.80 ID:P5fIyB5m0
- 玉木は好きだけどゴウリキは出すぎだろ出続けるのやめさせろよどこに需要あんだよI like Tamaki, but Gouriki's just all over the place.
Make her stop already, no one has demands for her. - 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 10:43:26.67 ID:Gycr71Eq0
- 玉木、ゴーリキの脇なのかよいくらアイアンシェフ大コケとしてもこれはひどいエグザイルの脇の仲間ゆきえみたいSo Tamaki's just Gouriki's support?
Iron Chef may have been a flop, but this is too harsh,
It's like Yukie Nakama just being the support of EXILE.
(Related post HERE)
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/aokichanyon444/imgs/3/f/3f69ad0a.jpghttp://amd.c.yimg.jp/amd/20130905-00000031-flix-000-0-view.jpg -
- 101: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 10:50:13.55 ID:FXOElc6f0
- >>82EXILEの脇に仲間剛力の脇に玉木数年前ならまず考えられないクレジットだなNakama in a supporting role for EXILE.
Tamaki in the supporting role for Gouriki.
Those are credits that you couldn't even imagine a few years ago.
- 86: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 10:44:57.73 ID:hyY6/xR50
- すげー働いてるなー単価が上がったら事務所はポイ捨てするんだろうか?She's really working her butt off.
So if her fee goes up, will the agency just disregard her? - 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 10:47:53.20 ID:9HYrP0skO
- コケてもコケても使われ続けるんだな…ネットの言うようにごり押しだな。好きだったけどあからさますぎてだんだん引いてるShe's still being used no matter how many times she flops... It's precisely what the Internet says, "gori-oshi".
I used to like her, but this is a turn off as everything is just too blatant. - 106: 名無しくん 2013/11/08(金) 10:54:12.12 ID:8EaXa6B/0
- 同じ枠で同じオスカーの武井がやってたお天気姉さんはあの枠にしてはそこそこ当たったよな。意外と剛力も当たるかもよwTakei, similarly from Oscar, had a hit in that same time slot with Otenki Oneesan.
Gouriki might surprisingly be a hit here too w
http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/otenki/img/main.jpg - 113: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 10:56:23.40 ID:liKk1uc5P
- 玉木 宏「Seasons」26,408枚 最高14位 04/06/02発売剛力彩芽「友達より大事な人」32,877枚 最高7位 2013/7/10発売剛力ちゃんの方が格上だなさすが世界の彩芽ちゃんHiroshi Tamaki "Seasons" - 26,408. Highest spot - 14th. Released June 2, 2004
Ayame Gouriki "Tomodachi yori daiji na hito" - 32,877 - Highest spot - 7th. Released July 10, 2013.
Gouriki-chan's definitely of a higher class.
As expected of our world class Ayame-chan. - 129: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 11:02:12.92 ID:Z5u0QEuv0
- 剛力嫌いって言ってる人8割ぐらい女性だろ?I bet around 80% of the people who say they hate Gouriki are women
- 132: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 11:03:56.68 ID:uR7LQmu20
- >>129男にはいまいちだが、女性の支持率が高いって宣伝してるのに・・・But aren't they promoting that she's well supported by females rather than males?...
- 136: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 11:05:22.91 ID:slBWNvwWO
- >>129どうかなあ最初は愛嬌があって可愛いって言ってたうちの家族も、全員ウンザリしてるし出るとチャンネル変えるレベルI wonder, though. Even my family who initially said she was charming and cute are now getting irritated, and even change channels when they see her on TV.
- 154: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 11:11:30.30 ID:dlqvdDLH0
- >>129ゴーリキ本人の資質より売り方に反発してんだから性別はあまり関係ないPeople dislike how she's marketed, more than her personal attitude.
I don't think gender is relevant here.
- 413: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 15:29:25.66 ID:Xi5pap110
- >>129一般的に嫌いな物に対して男→無視する女→攻撃するThis is generally how people act towards things they hate
Men→ Ignore
Women →Attack
- 135: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 11:04:34.41 ID:dAS3dupl0
- ちょっと休ませてやれよ視聴者はそこまで求めてないんだしLet her take a break for a bit.
The viewers aren't asking that much from her. - 161: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 11:14:40.18 ID:a6R5d0lyO
- 製作陣良さそうだし、玉木宏でコメディ要素強いなら面白そうなのに、相手役ゴーリキーって勿体無い話だなぁ。ゴリ推しゴーリキーには多少は慣れたんだけど、別にゴーリキーじゃなきゃないで越したことないんだよとは思ってるんだよ。The production staff look like they're good, and it looks pretty interesting since it's Hiroshi Tamaki with a pretty strong comedic flavor. But it's such a shame that Gouriki's the partner.
I have gotten a bit used to gori-oshi Gouriki, but I just think that it doesn't have to be always her. - 166: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 11:19:12.48 ID:9lwfyRhhP
- ゴーリキは良い子らしいし個性的な顔だから脇役で使ってあげてれば叩かれずに田部ちゃんみたいなポジションに慣れたかも知れないのにな連ドラ主役級を張り続けるほどのタレントではないI heard that she's a really good girl. And with those distinct facial features, she could have blossomed more in supporting roles like Tabe-chan without being bashed this much.
She's not a talent who should be playing leads in serial dramas like this one after another. - 169: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 11:23:49.52 ID:pG4TPm3S0
- それにしても玉木大河後の連ドラが深夜枠のブスの脇とかwwwおちぶれすぎだろwwwSo Tamaki's first serial drama after his taiga one is on late night, as the sidekick of an ugly girl www My, how much he's fallen www
http://news.walkerplus.com/article/26288/113378_400.jpg - 174: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 11:26:27.37 ID:+3oHp+mA0
- 今度は玉木が犠牲になるのかSo Tamaki will be the victim this time
- 188: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 11:33:26.06 ID:92HuoNoh0
- 玉木「勘弁してくれよ」Tamaki: "Gimme a break"
- 189: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 11:33:59.36 ID:X2DBPW6j0
- 玉木は福山路線狙って失敗したただのラクダだろBut Tamaki's just a camel who failed after trying so hard to go after the Fukuyama route
- 196: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 11:37:17.18 ID:sdWMPbqa0
- 玉木宏は自らすすんで貰い事故受けに行くんだなかなかの根性やのうSo Hiroshi Tamaki's the type of guy who gets into an accident himself.
Excellent spirit. -
- 201: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/08(金) 11:38:33.13 ID:M9wtKYTX0
- >>196玉木はのだめ以来ヒットないから焦ってるんだろTamaki hasn't had a hit since Nodame.
He must be panicking.
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