Actress Erika Sawajiri (27) was on Shuukan BS-TBS Houdoubu (Sunday-9pm) on the 17th and talked about her "betsu ni" incident in 2007.
At the presscon for her movie Closed Note, she was visibly upset as she answered the host's question with "betsu ni" (not really) as it turned into a PR disaster. For this show, she was interviewed by TBS broadcaster Koji Matsubara (52), and she reflected on her actions back then, stating: "No matter what situation I was in, the things I said up there onstage were not words that are supposed to be heard from a professional. I didn't consider what the children who held dreams as they wanted to watch the movie back then would've thought about that statement".
"I was still immature then, and I even thought that the actions that I took at that time were 'fine as they were'. Now, I can sincerely say that I'm sorry about that incident. This is really how I feel." When she was asked about what led to her responding that way onstage, she replied: "I just got fed up with it all. There were predetermined values which I had to abide by, such as 'this is how I should be' or 'this is how an actress should be', and 'I must act like this or that', and I just burst. I think that was one huge reason. I forced myself too much".
Sawajiri played the leading role in TBS' special drama Tokeiya no Musume which aired on the 18th.
"I was still immature then, and I even thought that the actions that I took at that time were 'fine as they were'. Now, I can sincerely say that I'm sorry about that incident. This is really how I feel." When she was asked about what led to her responding that way onstage, she replied: "I just got fed up with it all. There were predetermined values which I had to abide by, such as 'this is how I should be' or 'this is how an actress should be', and 'I must act like this or that', and I just burst. I think that was one huge reason. I forced myself too much".
Sawajiri played the leading role in TBS' special drama Tokeiya no Musume which aired on the 18th.
- 2: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 22:54:48.61 ID:rX+gv2Hm0
- 女優の言葉を誰が信じるのか。
- Who would trust the words of an actress?
- 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 22:57:07.23 ID:EmPs9jfe0
- もう遅いけどな
- It's too late
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 22:57:11.62 ID:lRGr0jzV0
- 形だけにせよ、素直な反省の言葉が出たことは評価しようと思う
- It may just be for show, but I would like to commend her for honestly reflecting on what she did
- 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 22:58:39.92 ID:ZwY7XGxD0
- しおらしい………
演技です - Such meek and tender......
acting. - 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 22:59:55.06 ID:OhBnGGsD0
- 大人になって過去の言動を反省するのは誰でもよくある事
まあ気分屋の本質は変わらないとは思うけど - A lot of people will start regretting their words and actions once they become adults.
Well, I don't think that her being moody will change. - 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:01:55.95 ID:xc6YGVYI0
- 今更言ったところでなご苦労さん
- But it's all too late even if she says something like this now...
I guess I appreciate her efforts - 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:02:34.42 ID:9jB31KB30
- そんなことより尿検査しろよ
She should have a urinalysis - 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:03:27.31 ID:/GFZtNcs0
- 結婚も仕事も取り返しがつかないとこにきちゃったね
- She must have come to a place where she can't go back anymore, both in her career and in her marriage
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:03:54.05 ID:RFtQ24Qk0
- あの気持ち悪いオヤジにまだ粘着されてんのかな?(笑)
Is that disgusting old man still attached to her? (LOL) - 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:03:57.94 ID:i5lGAJO00
- BS番組の対談のほんの一部の発言なのに
大きく取り上げてまた虐めようとしてるマスゴミの魂胆が見え見え - This was just a small part of her entire interview on BS.
I can see through the intentions of the media who are trying to make this a big deal and bully her again. - 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:05:02.35 ID:yX1YLIhL0
- いやこいつこの騒動あった後でテレ朝で涙流して謝罪インタビューしてしばらくしたらあれは演技とか言ってただろ確かw
今回も同じじゃないのか? - Didn't she appear in a TV Asahi interview, crying and all after that disaster and apologizing? Then didn't she say afterwards that she was just putting up a show? w
Isn't it the same this time? - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:05:26.82 ID:6+mL/EvK0
- 正直あの舞台挨拶よりも、その後の嘘泣きインタビューの方が恥ずいだろうなw
Her fake crying apology was actually more embarrassing than that movie presscon w -
- 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:07:09.07 ID:i5lGAJO00
- >>36
赤江があれは編集による捏造と言ったんだがな - Akae said though, that this one was edited with evil intent
- 229: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 01:25:50.45 ID:sHzpSUSW0
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:05:43.43 ID:wK0LBN0G0
- 沢尻が反省?
別に・・・ - Sawajiri reflects on her actions?
Betsu ni... - 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:06:50.54 ID:Y3KKNctY0
- 干されてから言ってもな
- And now she's saying this after she's been frozen out
- 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:07:34.05 ID:cB0otWxk0
- 別に謝る必要ない気がするが
ワイドショーのネタにされただけだろ - I don't think she even has to apologize. She just became a topic on the gossip shows, right?
- 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:15:01.98 ID:cE/k/0Al0
- 大人になったんだね
- She's become and adult, huh
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:19:49.39 ID:/XVyPOpAi
- 悪いと思ったらもう一度高校生に戻れよ
If she thinks it's bad then she should go back again to being a high school student - 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:20:25.17 ID:V3cZdvFpi
- 謝る意味がわからんけどな
- I really don't get why she's apologizing
- 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:25:08.30 ID:ZtU1A7TL0
- 寝るときに昔の事をふと思い出して、あぁーってなる事がある。
- There are times when I go "Ahhh----" as I go to sleep when I suddenly remember things in the past .
- 90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:26:03.83 ID:rcV1QJJ30
- 本性ばれてるからおせーよw
受け付けないのはきっと俺だけだから今後の活躍頑張れよ。 - It's too late, people already know about her true colors.
Well, I think I'm the only one who can't stand it, so please do good in your future endeavors. - 96: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:28:07.13 ID:2m/rbmvT0
- >プロフェッショナルとして表舞台で話してしまった事はやっぱりダメだったと思う
プロとか以前に中学生だってあんな発言しませんよ - > the things I said up there onstage were not words that are supposed to be heard from a professional
Pro or not, even a middle schooler wouldn't have said such things. -
- 100: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:29:07.58 ID:i5lGAJO00
- >>96
こんな馬鹿らしい質問、「別に」と答えたくなるわ - What sort of feeling did you have while you were baking your cookie?
Even I would answer "betsu ni" to a stupid question like this.
- 111: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:35:02.78 ID:CZ92l8JOO
- >>96あんな服を着せられたら俺なら唾吐くな
I would have spat there if I was made to wear clothes like that
- 103: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:32:14.23 ID:WCfXWTYk0
- フケたよなー
すごくもったいない数年間だった - She sure has aged.
These past few years were really such a waste. - 115: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:36:18.40 ID:i5lGAJO00
- この番組より
こいついまはももクロには超優等生全力キャラやらせてる - She was more on the spot in her interview with Azumi on Pittanko Kan Kan rather than this one.
She said that she was just forced to take on that sort of persona. It must've been an order from her former manager, the pro wrestling otaku kwkm.
Now her persona seems to be similar to MomoClo, an honor-student who gives all she's got. - 129: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:41:27.96 ID:oOh1RYgF0
- いまだに「別に」発言の事を問われるのかwww
しつこすぎだろw - So she's still being asked about that "betsu ni" thing? www
They're so persistent w - 131: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:43:20.01 ID:lmokf7g2O
- もう振られるネタが既に出尽くした別に騒動しか残ってないってのが終わってるわ
- All they could talk about this woman up to now is that "betsu ni" issue, she's done for
- 139: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:45:49.26 ID:A5dGbWxi0
- この発言よりも、その後胡散臭いおっさんと結婚してホメオパシーwww言い出したのが不味かったそれだけ周囲から恨み買ってたんだろうなあBut her talking about homeopathy after marrying that fishy old man was a bigger blow for her.
People must have really been angry at her. - 143: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:47:22.50 ID:7Lcidcop0
- そのままの方がいいと思うけど。成長したからって社会に阿る必要なんてないから。社会にはカスしかいない。She was better off as is.
She may have grown up and matured, but there's no need for her to suck it up to society.
Because face it, society is filled with trash. - 149: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:49:31.36 ID:WNq7AN+S0
- あの発言より中山秀の番組に来たときの態度にひいたな
I actually got more turned off with her attitude in Hide Nakayama's program more than that statement
- 159: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/17(日) 23:56:48.16 ID:xsXxVNahO
- 一番いい時期を「別に」の二文字でぶっ潰したよなあ
逸失利益は億単位だろう - She ruined her prime with the "betsu ni" statement. Her lost profit must amount to a few hundred million.
- 165: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 00:03:00.62 ID:2YeJmZAr0
- 正体出ちゃったから今さら清純派でドラマやるっていってもなw
- People already know her true colors so I don't give a damn even if she suddenly does a drama with a pure image
- 181: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 00:12:32.52 ID:e+C/mVe10
- ただこいつのおかげで反面教師になって
ライバルや後輩にはいい教訓だったんじゃね - But then again, she kind of served as an example of how not to behave, which eventually led to saving the careers of a few actresses who didn't self destruct.
It must have been a good lesson for her rivals and the generations that followed. - 191: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 00:24:21.66 ID:lWfnkyxO0
- やんちゃのままで良いよ。
個性があって面白いからね。 - She should have stuck with her mischievous persona.
She was more distinct and interesting that way. - 194: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 00:33:09.82 ID:NJgNe37w0
- 六年間かけて考えた言い訳がコレだよ
- And this is the excuse she comes up with after 6 years
- 199: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 00:38:00.07 ID:CqUAoXnY0
- ま、尻さんについては当時のスターダストとマネだった川上(現ももクロ担当)がミスリードしまくったことが原因だわな
Well, for Sawa-san, the main reasons were how Stardust and her then manager Kawakami (current MomoClo manager) misled her. - 207: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 00:51:47.15 ID:FStoXWp+O
- ぴったんこカンカン、Aスタジオ、BS-TBS全部見たすっかり沢尻エリカのファンになってしまったもちろんドラマも見るぞー!I saw all her appearances in Pittanko Kankan, A Studio, and BS-TBS.
I've now become an Erika Sawajiri fan.
Of course, I'll also watch her drama!
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