(Partial translation)
Tamori has also found a talent himself. Jun Kaname (32), who is currently in the drama Tokyo Toy Box (TV Tokyo), used to be a security guard at Studio ALTA. Tamori saw Kaname when he was in ALTA back in 1999 and invited him on Iitomo's corner where they introduce ikemens. This became Kaname's first step towards becoming an actor.
- 6: 超竜ボム(埼玉県) 2013/11/09(土) 08:58:59.09 ID:1jirnwPb0
- 若い警備員とか売れない俳優がよくやってるからねWell, there are a lot of unpopular actors who go on to become young security guards
- 9: エクスプロイダー(神奈川県) 2013/11/09(土) 09:00:00.07 ID:iBAOTScJ0
- ああ、だから仮面ライダーで警棒振ってたんだOh, so that's why he waved that police baton in Kamen Rider
http://onlineforbooks.com/kojipon.jp/wp-content/uploads/G3-X.jpg - 10: タイガースープレックス(兵庫県) 2013/11/09(土) 09:00:08.51 ID:c28QhSwm0
- イケメンでも警備員かEven an ikemen becomes a security guard, huh
- 11: バーニングハンマー(愛知県) 2013/11/09(土) 09:00:23.20 ID:b6JLuhaG0
- 今じゃ立派なきのことか言ってるからなぁ人生何があるかわからんねAnd now he's just saying things like "splendid mushroom".
No one really knows what life has in store for you.
http://pinkorokoro.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Screen-Shot-2013-10-29-at-1.29.09-AM-300x250.png -
- 14: ファイナルカット(庭) 2013/11/09(土) 09:02:48.17 ID:P3ASgvD10
- >>11あれはもうちょっと仕事選べと思ったなwI actually thought that he should choose his jobs better after seeing that. w
- 12: 膝十字固め(長屋) 2013/11/09(土) 09:00:39.94 ID:3dkAPvLY0
- キノコCMで再ブレイクHis newfound success with the mushroom commercial
- 15: 河津掛け(庭) 2013/11/09(土) 09:03:55.73 ID:itRX9HiK0
- 鈴木砂羽さんといいなんだあのコントはwAnd Sawa Suzuki too, what's up with that skit w
- 17: ミドルキック(やわらか銀行) 2013/11/09(土) 09:06:07.81 ID:kGwQ4dz80
- 前に本人がアルバイトしてる居酒屋に客としてきてた女社長にスカウトされたってTVで言ってたぞw最近タモリの提灯記事多いな。ただの老害だろ、あんなおもんないじいさんwHe personally said on TV before that a female president came to the bar he was working at and scouted him to join the industry w
There really are a lot of articles exaggerating Tamori these days.
That grandpa's nothing but trouble. w -
- 49: グロリア(大阪府) 2013/11/09(土) 09:41:36.73 ID:o/BCRwOa0
- >>17いいとも見て接触してきたって事じゃね?Maybe it means that the president approached him after watching Iitomo
- 60: オリンピック予選スラム(神奈川県) 2013/11/09(土) 10:02:53.55 ID:sVFVZGVF0
- >>17歌手とかタレントとかで、レストランとかオサレ飲み屋でバイトしてて芸能関係者の目に留まってスカウトされ芸能界入りってやつ大杉絶対嘘だろあれI hear a lot of stories about these talents and singers starting out as part-time workers in restaurants and bars where the scouts saw them. All those must definitely be lies.
- 76: セントーン(庭) 2013/11/09(土) 10:39:59.04 ID:TP/p0A700
- >>17事務所入りはそれで、入ってもすぐは売れないから、バイトで警備員やってたらタモリが出演させたってことだろ矛盾はないThat's probably how he got under contract with an agency, but he didn't get popular from the start so he worked part-time as a security guard which Tamori saw, and made him guest on Iitomo.
No inconsistencies there.
- 98: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(庭) 2013/11/09(土) 12:21:17.34 ID:Oy6qlhYlP
- >>17居酒屋の給仕でテレビ関係者の目に留まっていいともに出たっていってたなHe did say that he was a waiter in a pub which caught the eye of a TV staff and made him guest on Iitomo
- 21: ドラゴンスリーパー(やわらか銀行) 2013/11/09(土) 09:12:08.16 ID:6VfvjHMmI
- いいともに出てくる素人さんは事務所入ってる人ばかりだよね。キャナメもその時から事務所入ってたと思う。本当の警備員なわけがない。All those amateurs guesting on Iitomo are actually with agencies already.
I think Kyaname just got under contract with one at that time.
There's no way he was a real security guard back then. - 23: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(WiMAX) 2013/11/09(土) 09:13:26.83 ID:0zsUPUPw0
- おまいらも自宅じゃなくて外の警備員になっとけばWhy don't you guys also become security guards somewhere outside, not just of your own houses
- 24: レッドインク(catv?) 2013/11/09(土) 09:14:19.35 ID:x4ycm/rY0
- >>23※
- 25: イス攻撃(神奈川県) 2013/11/09(土) 09:15:14.64 ID:QThKjM5E0
- だから一時期要潤要潤言ってたのか。かわいがっていたんだな。So that's why Tamori kept talking about Jun Kaname at one point.
He must be endeared to him, like his little boy, huh. - 34: ニールキック(庭) 2013/11/09(土) 09:23:11.77 ID:/uzo7VmJ0
- 立派に育ちましたAnd he's grown up splendidly.
- 41: グロリア(大阪府) 2013/11/09(土) 09:34:34.02 ID:o/BCRwOa0
- 要潤でさえ仕事選ばず警備員になるのに、お前らキモメン無職は何様だよLook at Jun Kaname, he's not picky with his work and even became a security guard.
Then what the f*ck about you unemployed kimomens*?
* (kimomen = "disgusting men", from "kimoi" and "men") - 50: アキレス腱固め(福島県) 2013/11/09(土) 09:42:44.28 ID:cZTfMUSI0
- 特殊な交渉術で芸能界入りしたのか。So he got into the industry with his "special way of negotiating"
*(from NHK's Time Scoop Hunter)
http://stat.news.ameba.jp/news_images/20130831/12/88/3e/j/o03200320index.iapp.jpg - 56: スターダストプレス(茨城県) 2013/11/09(土) 09:46:25.89 ID:aj9HaVSh0
- その後も仕事紹介してやってきたわけではないしタモリが声をかけたのに沈んだ人たちのほうがはるかに多いでしょI'm sure that there are far more people who just disappeared after being called in by Tamori. It's not as if he offered them jobs or anything.
- 61: 急所攻撃(福島県) 2013/11/09(土) 10:04:54.69 ID:x+CPYnqt0
- でも自分から芸能界目指すとかパッとしない奴が多そうな気がする飲み屋とか行ってもこいつ芸能人になれそうだなって奴結構いるからスカウトは割とあるんじゃねI get the feeling that the people who personally try to aim to become celebrities are the ones who don't succeed. There are people whom you just see in bars who have the potential to become talents, so there may really be a lot of scouts out there.
- 63: オリンピック予選スラム(神奈川県) 2013/11/09(土) 10:10:32.11 ID:sVFVZGVF0
- >>61たしかにそのレストランとかオサレ飲み屋でのスカウトも、東京のしかも六本木や赤坂、青山あたり限定で、そういう志望者は芸能関係者がよく集まりそうな店をバイト先に選んでるんだろうなあYou have a point.
But then, most of those scouts frequent the restaurants and bars in Tokyo, particularly in Roppongi, Akasaka, and Aoyama only, so the people who really want to join the industry probably focus on looking for part-time jobs around these areas.
- 71: トペ スイシーダ(滋賀県) 2013/11/09(土) 10:27:32.30 ID:8Jb4e2A40
- 事務所が警備員という体で森田さんに接触させたってことだろ。ちゃんとふさわしいコーナーも用意されていたし。森田さんは仕込みだと知らなかったかもしれないけど世の中なんでも裏があるんだよMaybe his agency just made him act as a security guard and made him come into contact with Morita-san.
There was a proper corner for people like him on the show as well.
Morita-san just didn't know that it was all staged . -
- 77: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(やわらか銀行) 2013/11/09(土) 10:41:00.35 ID:Voe3bmm9P
- >>71完全に素人の頃だよ。スカウトされて事務所入ったのはそのあと。Nah, he was totally an amateur back then.
He got scouted and joined an agency after that.
- 73: ダイビングエルボードロップ(埼玉県) 2013/11/09(土) 10:29:27.21 ID:owk507WB0
- 映画のカイジは要潤にやらせるべきだった。The movie Kaiji should have starred Jun Kaname.
http://img5.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/63/af/hkawai_bb/folder/171499/img_171499_29799783_0 - 75: シューティングスタープレス(東京都) 2013/11/09(土) 10:31:38.47 ID:kQjSrWIu0
- さんぺいもいいともでデビューしたよねSanpei also made his debut on Iitomo
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/takumijun/imgs/b/2/b20ccce2.jpg - 83: フライングニールキック(チベット自治区) 2013/11/09(土) 11:00:41.22 ID:XmXXWVTt0
- 売れないから警備員のバイトしてたんじゃないのいいとものイケメン紹介するコーナーがきっかけで有名になったはずDidn't he have that part-time gig as a security personnel because he wasn't popular?
I think he just became popular because of that ikemen corner on Iitomo - 101: ボ ラギノール(大阪府) 2013/11/09(土) 12:31:53.77 ID:4QDs1ELL0
- 立派なキノコの人はえらい出世したなLooks like this wonderful mushroom has really made such a huge advancement in his career
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