To think that they were a really good band
- 5: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:41:54.89 0 ID:
- ギターの人がベースの人を殴ったからBecause the guitarist punched the bassist
- 12: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:43:43.27 0 ID:
- >>5それフェアチャイルドだっけWasn't that FAIRCHILD?
- 7: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:42:25.37 0 ID:
- ベースが枯れたんだっけかBecause the bassist just dried up? - 13: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:43:51.34 0 ID:
- 元々寄せ集めのバンドで仲が悪かったThey were originally just put together, and they really didn't get along with each other - 14: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:43:59.62 0 ID:
- ベースが宗教にハマったからBecause the bassist got too hung up with a religion
- 19: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:44:47.36 0 ID:
- >>14それブルーハーツThat's The Blue Hearts
- 17: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:44:13.77 0 ID:
- たくやと恩田が仲悪かったからBecause Takuya and Onda didn't get along
- 22: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:46:16.55 0 ID:
- ギターが強姦魔だったからBecause the guitarist was a rapist
- 25: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:47:07.44 0 ID:
- >>22それ違うやつThat's a different group
- 29: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:48:07.25 0 ID:
- >>22それヒスブル寺の住職になるからYou're talking about Hysteric Blue.
Because he'll be the chief priest of a temple.
- 36: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:49:11.68 0 ID:
- ギターがYUKIをこましたからBecause the guitarist banged YUKI - 42: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:52:25.44 0 ID:
- 売れたら解散すると最初から決めていたからBecause they had already decided beforehand that they'd split up once they become popular
- 44: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:53:05.87 0 ID:
- 元々1999年に解散すると宣言していたのだThey had already declared that they'd split up in 1999
- 143: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:10:53.80 0 ID:
- >>44それ聖飢魔IIThat was Seikimatsu
- 45: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:53:09.78 0 ID:
- ギターによるバンド乗っ取りでベースがやる気なくしたボーカルはベースに恩があるしベースが辞めるなら解散するべってなったドラムは太鼓叩いてるだけただ散歩道はみとめるBecause the guitarist hijacked the band, which eventually made the bassist lose the will to go on.
And the vocalist was indebted to the bassist, so they just decided to call it quits if the bassist didn't want to go on anymore.
The drummer just kept a'drummin. But I accept his contribution of Sanpomichi.
- 47: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:53:46.38 0 ID:
- TAKUYAの独裁体制になって魅力なくなったThey lost appeal once TAKUYA gained sole control of the group
- 49: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:53:56.33 0 ID:
- ジュディマリいいよなぁWARPは最高のアルバムJUDY AND MARY's really good.
WARP is the best album. - 53: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:54:42.35 0 ID:
- 恩田より間違いなくタクヤ作曲以降のほうが曲は良かったThe songs made by Takuya were undoubtedly better than the ones made by Onda
- 70: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:57:31.93 0 ID:
- ジュディマリはベースとギターが作曲で戦ってたんだよで古株のベースが枯れちゃって新人のギターがメキメキ成長して主権を勝ち取っちゃったからベースの心が折れて脱退したいって言いだしてじゃあ解散しようやってボーカルが言ったから解散することになったベースとギターの戦いこそがJAMのアイデンティティだったわけだThe bassist and guitarist competed with their compositions.
Then the old-timer bassist ran dry while the newbie guitarist developed greatly and won control, which led to the bassist getting depressed and wanted to leave the group.
And when the vocalist said that they should disband, they did.
The power struggle between the bassist and the guitarist was actually the identity of JAM. - 77: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 21:59:52.53 0 ID:
- ギターはYUKIが「ベースがやめるなら私もやめる」って言ったときめっちゃショックだったみたいだねギターはベースがいなくてもYUKIさえいりゃ続けたいって感じだったらしいしI heard that the guitarist was really shocked when YUKI said "If the bassist quits, then so will I".
The guitarist apparently wanted to keep on going even without the bassist as long as YUKI was there. -
- 88: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:02:04.10 0 ID:
- >>77元カレだっけHe's her ex, right?
- 187: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:22:34.33 0 ID:
- >>77それはベースもそう思ってたみたいだなまあどのバンドもみんなボーカルしか見ていないから当然だけどThe bassist thought the same way, it seems.
I think all bands just focus on their vocalist so that's to be expected.
- 81: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:00:58.67 0 ID:
- 今年YUKI以外の3人が集まって一緒に演奏してたなThe 3 members gathered again this year minus YUKI and played.
- 85: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:01:38.80 0 ID:
- >>81いつよ?When was that?
- 85: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11 (月) 22:02:39.90 0 ID:
- >>81
- 87: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:02:01.23 0 ID:
- ベース才能なくなるなよー・・・I hope the bassist doesn't run out of talent...
- 91: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:02:42.19 0 ID:
- 恩ちゃんはYUKIのこと好きだったんでしょOn-chan was in love with YUKI, right?
- 94: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:03:36.76 0 ID:
- TAKUYAも枯れたっぽいね有名どころのプロデュースとか一切できてないもんTAKUYA seems to have lost it as well.
He's never produced a single popular artist. - 108: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:05:27.46 0 ID:
- 東京でバンドやるために恩ちゃんに抱かれたくせに、デビュー後にタクヤと付き合ったんだよしかも別れた後に妻子ある公太さんにも手を出して、上記のギターベースバトルと平行してバンドがダメになった良いバンドだったのに、人間関係で再結成は絶対にありえなくなったShe made love with On-chan just so she can be in a band in Tokyo, then she suddenly goes out with Takuya after their debut.
And after they split up, she even approached Kohta-san who had a wife and kid, which happened while the guitarist and bassist battle was going on. This was the downfall of the band.
They used to be such a good band, but they will never, ever be able to reunite because of these relationship issues. -
- 115: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:06:23.85 0 ID:
- >>108これまじで?やりそうだけどもIs this for real?
It does seem like they'd do something like this, though.
- 116: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:07:06.10 0 ID:
- >>108デビュー前の動画とか見るとこの話がリアルに感じられるよなAnd when you look at the videos before their debut, you'd actually feel that this story is real.
- 113: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:06:17.40 0 ID:
- やっぱりそういうバンドって全員とやってるんかSo the girl really does it with all the members in bands like this, huh.
- 152: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:12:25.04 0 ID:
- 五十嵐とか恩田とかYUKIのこと嫌いだったんだろうなw五十嵐とかインタビューで解散時にYUKIの連絡先教えてもらったけど一生電話かけることないって言ってたしYUKIとTAKUYAが一時期付き合ってたしなIgarashi and Onda probably hated YUKI w
Igarashi said in an interview after they split up that YUKI gave him her contact details, but he said that he will never call her for the rest of his life.
YUKI and TAKUYA even went out at one point. -
- 159: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:14:16.62 0 ID:
- >>152五十嵐はそういう風に強がって言っちゃうキャラだったんだよYUKIは五十嵐に一番悩み相談してたらしいしその2人は仲良かったよIgarashi was the type who'd act strong and say things like that.
Igarashi was apparently the one YUKI opened up to the most, and the 2 were really close friends.
- 169: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:16:58.71 0 ID:
- もう解散してから約13年も経つんだな早すぎるSo it's already been about 13 years since they split up, huh?
Time sure flies. - 173: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:19:05.94 i ID:
- YUKI以外はお金ないから再結成したいがYUKIは順調だから絶対しないよなEveryone other than YUKI doesn't have money so they want to come back together, but YUKI's doing well on her own, so they'll never do that
- 174: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:19:06.04 0 ID:
- バンドに女を入れるなってのはそういうことなんだよな結局大昔の船に女を入れるなってのも多分そういうことなんだろAnd this is precisely why you shouldn't include a woman in the band.
This must also be what they meant with the saying "Never let a woman on board the boat" back in the day. - 175: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:19:56.51 0 ID:
- タクヤ恩田はジュディマリ時代の印税生活でしょTakuya and Onda are probably earning off the royalties of their JUDY AND MARY days
- 178: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:20:48.27 i ID:
- でも一番はYUKIがタクヤに未練たらたらでかなり昼ドラ並みなドロドロだったからThe biggest reason is that YUKI completely hasn't gotten over Takuya, and things are as sticky as those noontime soaps.
- 179: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:21:16.48 0 ID:
- バンド関係はだいたい女が原因でこじれるWomen are primarily the reason why band relations turn sour
- 184: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:22:20.44 0 ID:
- YUKIのソロになってからまったく興味なくなって全然聞いてないやけっこう順調なんだってね俺はバンドの4人が好きだったんだI totally lost interest in YUKI once she went solo.
But I heard she's doing quite well.
I used to like the 4 of them together as a band. - 186: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:22:31.78 0 ID:
- YUKI落ち目だろjoy以降一般人の知ってるきょくないYUKI's on the decline.
The general public don't know much of her songs that came out after joy. - 188: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:22:58.50 0 ID:
- 金に困って10年したら再結成すると思ってたが意外にしぶといなI thought they'd come back after 10 years when they'd have money problems, but they're pretty stubborn, huh
- 198: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:25:16.36 0 ID:
- 絶対再結成しないだろうランキングS ボウイ、ブルーハーツA ジュディマリ、イエモンRanking of groups that will probably never reunite
S - BOOWY, Blue Hearts
A - JAM, Yellow Monkey - 199: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:25:23.10 0 ID:
- けっきょく曲書ける奴に主導権が行くんだよなSo the control of the group will eventually go to the person who can write the songs, huh
- 211: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:27:17.30 0 ID:
- >>199当たり前だろwNaturally w
- 207: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:26:18.03 0 ID:
- TAKUYAが「悪いけどみんなと同じだけの金じゃあやってられないっすよ」って言ったのが決定的だったみたいな話があるけど本当かねI heard that the final blow was dealt by TAKUYA when he said that he didn't agree to just be receiving the same amount of money as everyone else. I wonder if that was true.
- 213: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:27:56.86 0 ID:
- 金か女で好きなバンドが解散するのは悲しすぎるIt really makes me sad when the bands that I like split up because of money or women
- 222: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:29:28.89 0 ID:
- >>213金と女以外の目的でミュージシャン目指す奴がどんだけ居るんだHow many musicians are there who aren't after money or women?
- 229: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:31:56.44 0 ID:
- TAKUYAは才能あるのかもしれんが人間性があれなんだろ布袋と似たタイプTAKUYA may have the talent, but there's something wrong with him as a human being.
He's the same type as Hotei. - 243: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:35:01.22 0 ID:
- TAKUYAも今じゃ反省してまたジュディマリやりたいとか思ってんのかね?I wonder if TAKUYA has reflected on his actions and wants JUDY AND MARY to reunite?
- 244: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:35:25.61 0 ID:
- ルナシーも金5等分で揉めて解散したなEven LUNA SEA had issues with each member receiving equal amounts of money which led to them disbanding
- 246: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:35:58.84 0 ID:
- そりゃ仕事量が全然違うのに同じ給料なんてやってられねーよ逆に売れる程に自分が稼げない事に気付かされてもやる気無くなるだろうなOf course, each member's amount of work is different from one another's, so it's really bullcrap if all of you receive the same amount. And when you notice that you're not earning enough even when you're popular, it will only make you lose the motivation to carry on.
- 247: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:36:11.54 0 ID:
- カールスモーキー石井が何で解散するのって聞かれてみんな貰うもん貰って満足したからって笑って答えてたそうとうモメたんだろうWhen Carl Smokey Ishii was asked why they were disbanding, he laughed and said, "Everyone got what they came to get and have become satisfied".
They must've really fought with each other. - 248: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:36:14.44 0 ID:
- Mr.Childrenは桜井以外みんな同じ給料なのかなI wonder if everyone other than Sakurai in MisChil gets the same salary
- 249: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:37:09.36 0 ID:
- ミスチルは相当正確いいよなI heard that MisChil's really got great personalities
- 280: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:52:03.29 0 ID:
- >>249桜井は売れたとたん貧乏時代支えてきた奥さんをポイ捨てしてギリギリガールズのロリキャラと再婚した鬼畜Sakurai's this scumbag who abandoned his wife who supported him when he was still poor, and remarried the loli-character in Girigiri Girls
- 250: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:37:36.53 0 ID:
- グループの顔 作詞作曲 調整役これ以外だと圧倒的プレイセンスだが中々評価されないから厳しいよねThe face of the group, the songwriter/composer, the mediator.
Other than this, his playing sense is also immensely good, but it's tough since people don't see that too much. - 252: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:37:39.10 0 ID:
- 今のバンドはボーカルのワンマンバンドばっかりだから揉めて解散とかも少ないなMost bands right now are like one-man bands of the vocalist, so there won't be too many cases of them disbanding due to arguments.
- 253: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:37:58.00 0 ID:
- GLAYみたいに金に執着がないかミスチルみたいに才能ある奴以外は身をわきまえてるかでないとバンドは長く続けられないよなBands who don't have any obsession with money like GLAY, or bands whose members know their places (apart from the talented one) like MisChil are the bands who last long.
- 255: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:39:33.45 0 ID:
- ぶっちゃけミスチルぐらい売れたら桜井以外でもそこそこ売れてるバンドのコンポーザーと同じぐらいの金貰えるだろうから文句もないだろwBut if you're as popular as MisChil then honestly, the members other than Sakurai are probably earning as much as the composer of these moderately popular bands, so they don't have any complaints w
- 259: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:41:01.46 0 ID:
- ギター練習するから俺もミスチルのメンバーになりたいI'll practice playing the guitar, I also want to be a MisChil member
- 268: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:45:55.13 0 ID:
- ルナシーはボーカルも落ちぶれて再結成できたなIn LUNA SEA's case, the vocalist fell from grace too, and that eventually opened the door to their reunion
- 269: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:46:23.42 0 ID:
- ジュディマリはみんな作曲してるから今でも印税で暮らせるんだろEveryone in JUDY AND MARY composed songs so they're still living off their royalties
- 270: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/11(月) 22:48:13.88 0 ID:
- ジュディマリは今でもカラオケで歌われるのが大きいよなIt's huge that JUDY AND MARY songs are still being sung on karaoke up to this day
- 321: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/12(火) 00:21:08.75 i ID:
- 恩田の居場所がなかったんやろなTAKUYAに主導権握られて最後のアルバムにも曲は作ってたんだけど今のジュディマリに合わないからって不採用の割にTAKUYAが恩田っぽい曲書いてる妄想じゃなくてインタビューで言ってたよOnda didn't have a place in the band anymore.
Once TAKUYA got control of the group, he didn't use Onda's compositions for their final album, stating that they didn't suit the JAM sound at that time.
But TAKUYA himself was writing songs that sounded like Onda's compositions.
This isn't just an imagination, he said so himself in an interview. - 331: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/12(火) 00:29:06.77 0 ID:
- TAKUYA曲書く才能はあったけど自分で歌う才能はなかったなTakuya had the talent to write songs, but didn't have the talent to sing.
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