He announced his retirement during the encore of D☆DATE's show on the 4th at Zepp DiverCity. This was his personal decision, as he will be fulfilling his contract until the end of the month and return to being a member of the general public.
Igarashi posted his message on D-BOYS' official website, and it went: "I've started to become interested in other kinds of jobs outside of entertainment, and my feelings to start from scratch and face this new challenge became stronger in me with each passing day. I thought about this a lot and discussed it with my agency. They respected my wishes and so I will be retiring from the entertainment industry. I will definitely live my life without any regrets. Everyone who has kept on supporting me, and everyone who helped me at work and took care of me, I thank you."
Igarashi will once again announce this to the fans during the final leg of D☆DATE's tour at the Tokyo Dome City Hall on the 17th.
- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:38:49.14 ID:tx6mL41b0
- こいつは有名じゃんHey, this guy's pretty popular
- 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:39:59.96 ID:9WEhjswxO
- メビウス引退かSo Mebius will retire, huh
http://img5.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/74/c8/tamagoouji_nobu/folder/1018022/img_1018022_30644310_5?1363861534 - 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:40:04.79 ID:0WPDi0qoO
- メビウスオワタMebius is done for
- 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:40:06.12 ID:Y/gIeQhs0
- メビウス芸能界辞めてしまうん?ウルトラマンのオールスター商売が困るじゃないかSo Mebius will be quitting showbiz?
The Ultraman all-star business will be in trouble. - 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:40:09.64 ID:U1n+gPEF0
- この人割と有名やなかったか?ROOKIES以外でも何度か見たことあったのに以外やなーWasn't he popular?
This is pretty surprising, I've seen him numerous times outside of ROOKIES as well.
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/9d/fd/10103532505.jpg - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:40:40.71 ID:GgDUw3C60
- 犯罪者にはなるなよJust don't turn into a criminal
- 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:40:47.85 ID:fODL0UFp0
- エンターテインメント以外の仕事って27の奴に何がやれんのA job outside of entertainment? But what else can a 27 y/o do?
- 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:41:14.11 ID:V/QoGDpr0
- ウルトラマンメビウスやめちゃうのかよ!So Ultraman Mebius is gonna quit!?
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:41:24.86 ID:9s3NaByX0
- あらら売れてるほうだろコイツOh wow, isn't he relatively popular?
http://blog.watanabepro.co.jp/igarashishunji/archives/mb/20090621_144856_1245562514.jpg - 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:41:33.57 ID:4d/7R5V40
- 何しでかしたんだwDid he do something? w
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:43:10.00 ID:aoTY2g6u0
- 所属事務所が渡辺プロだからだろうね過去の渡辺プロ所属タレントの前例から、一回芸能界を引退した形にしない限り移籍も含め事務所を辞められないんだろうI think it's because he's under Watanabe Productions.
Judging by the previous Watanabe Pro talents, it seems that they can't quit or transfer agencies unless they're considered to have retired from the industry. - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:43:19.73 ID:HAg911Iy0
- まあいいけど悪の道には進むなよWell, I'm fine with this, just don't head down the path of evil
- 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:43:23.82 ID:/irMjme+0
- ルーキーズとイーグルさんしかわからんI only know ROOKIES and Eagle-san
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:44:18.31 ID:wcy+uUsU0
- ありがとう、ミライくん・・・・Thank you Mirai-kun...
http://blog-imgs-11.fc2.com/k/i/r/kirituki/a00137.jpg - 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:45:56.41 ID:GpMkbMhV0
- ガイズメンバーで唯一売れてた人が・・・隊長は自殺しちゃったし、残りは泣かず飛ばずか引退。The only guy who became popular from the GUYS members...
The captain committed suicide, while the rest either retired or their careers haven't soared.
http://hibikinokaorihikari.cocolog-nifty.com/hinomotoyae/images/2011/04/26/guys_japan.jpg -
- 170: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 21:16:02.30 ID:JePdQByD0
- >>44リュウさんはワイドショーや週刊誌で人気だろジョージは映画や舞台の活躍がメインで、そっちで売れてるRyu-san is popular on the gossip shows and in tabloids, right?
George mainly does movies and stage plays, and he's popular there.
- 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:46:33.60 ID:IGYIFpjG0
- 野久保とか吉沢悠とか西島秀俊とかと同じようなナベプロトラブルかな。Must be the same Nabe-Pro trouble that Nokubo, Hisashi Yoshizawa, and Hidetoshi Nishijima experienced.
http://blog-imgs-26.fc2.com/w/e/a/weatherseye/nokubo02.jpg - 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:46:36.14 ID:E7J0lnCA0
- イーグルさんか大人役が出来ないアイドルみたいな若手俳優は三十路超えられないねEagle-san, huh.
These young actors who can't do adult roles seem like they can't survive past 30 years old. - 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:46:56.39 ID:mUWreKGd0
- それでサカゼンの広告が瀬戸君に変わったのね…野久保といい中村優一といい、ナベプロやっぱり闇があるんだろうなSo that's why the Sakazen ad changed to Seto-kun, huh?
This is also the case with Nokubo and Yuichi Nakamura, but it seems like Nabe-Pro has some dark issues.
http://img.blog.ikebukuroh.com/20111028_2726101.jpg - 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:47:48.14 ID:kb2Qg4+P0
- 中途半端に戻ってくるなよJust don't come back half-a$$edly
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:48:04.56 ID:LmJ1GP2T0
- 長野出身のまじめさが合わなかったかなどんな仕事に就こうとしてるか興味あるわSo the earnest ways of someone from Nagano-prefecture didn't match well, huh.
I am pretty interested to see what kind of job he'll be trying to do, though. - 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:49:15.97 ID:7Ve8GczW0
- もうメビウスに変身する人いなくなっちゃうのかSo the person who transforms to Mebius will be gone, huh
- 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:49:24.84 ID:6TrH0UQei
- イーグルさんが…わりと好きだったのにEagle-san... I actually liked him
- 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:49:56.76 ID:SY7NoPCw0
- 画像を見たら見たことある人だったもったいない感じもするがやり直すなら早いうちがいいだろうしもしかしたら次の就職先とかも決まっていたりするのかねえWhen I looked at the picture, I realized that he's someone I've seen before.
It does feel like a waste, but if he does plan on starting over, then the sooner the better.
Maybe his next job has already been decided. - 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:51:13.91 ID:wcy+uUsU0
- まだやり直せる時期に芸能界から離脱ってのは素晴らしい決断だと思うI do think that he made a wonderful choice to leave showbiz while he can still start over
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:51:57.09 ID:YU0LMb3P0
- イーグルさんは一見イケメン風だけどイケメンじゃないもんなEagle-san may look like an ikemen at 1st glance, but he actually isn't
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img/2012/11/ZPHBPfNWsRCN4Fi_gJYzH_97.jpeg - 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:52:43.07 ID:jxMA45rE0
- ナベプロってこういうの多くね?色々あるんだろうなDoesn't Nabe-pro have a lot of issues like this?
There must be a lot of stuff going on around there. - 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:53:02.95 ID:Gxk8QbuQ0
- 何かのイベントで、ウルトラマンメビウスがすげーデブになってて驚いたが引退か。I remember Ultraman Mebius looked really fat at some event. So he's going to retire, huh.
http://contents.oricon.co.jp/upimg/news/20131104/2030482_201311040363814001383564687c.jpg - 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:54:08.18 ID:JVpDFLiS0
- 芸能界にあんまりこだわりなさそうHe doesn't seem like he's that particularly interested in the showbiz world, though
- 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:54:43.16 ID:W4MFaCI8O
- 人気あったと思うけどやり直すには早いほうがいいからねI do think he was pretty popular. But the earlier the better if you want to start over.
- 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:54:48.30 ID:niKp/UkpO
- メビウスどうすんだよ(泣)五十嵐いなきゃはじまんねーじゃんSo what are we gonna do with Mebius (cries)
The party won't start without Igarashi! - 93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:55:09.39 ID:XZkH6g9z0
- なんか悪い話が出る前に慌てて切られたパターンじゃなきゃいいけど…I just hope this isn't one of those cases where he was suddenly fired before something bad about him is reported...
- 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:55:34.23 ID:bO3JPZKS0
- 末期はメンタル的にやばかったのか太ったあと仕事がなかった状態だったその仕事ない期間にすでにやめることを決めていて契約終わるからやっと発表って形かMaybe he was mentally unstable during his final days, and he didn't have any work after gaining weight.
He probably decided on quitting during this time that he wasn't doing anything, and just announced it since his contract was ending anyway.
http://c.blog.xuite.net/c/a/f/c/10853344/blog_540839/txt/63689823/22.jpg - 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:55:41.51 ID:z2uiUgu00
- イーグルさんwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwEagle-san wwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 102: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:55:50.95 ID:tAG5bmqb0
- やっぱりウルトラマンの人かナベプロでしょ?大手だから仕事選ばなきゃ細々とやってけそうなのになOh, the Ultraman dude.
He's from Nabe-pro, right?
I think that he could have still survived if he wasn't too choosy with his jobs since that's a major agency.
http://projectthemaskedrider.web.fc2.com/img099.jpg - 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:56:37.75 ID:eFu8nYvQ0
- さすがに月給18万円じゃ、やめるだろ。コンビニのバイトの方が稼げる。He'd definitely quit if he was only earning \180,000 a month. He'd earn more than that if he worked part-time at a convenience store.
- 108: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:58:09.12 ID:bO3JPZKS0
- 金持ちだから金銭面に困ることはないんだろうけどいつでも帰ってきてほしいHe's rich so I don't think he'll have any financial troubles, but I want him to come back anytime he wants to
- 112: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:58:50.11 ID:PB8jCJZ10
- でも滑舌悪いから微妙っていえば微妙かWell, he wasn't really what we can call spectacular since he did have bad diction
- 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 20:59:42.88 ID:GgI2va2W0
- そこそこ知名度有ったよなHe was moderately popular
- 120: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 21:01:14.48 ID:/GRMZvZL0
- 売れてたっけ?最近なんか目に付く仕事してた?引退表明しなくても消えてたでしょWas he really popular?
Did he have any sort of job that could've caught people's attention recently?
He probably would have disappeared just the same even if he didn't announce his retirement. - 129: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 21:04:27.58 ID:ZxEr6G7gi
- 向井理と北川景子がでていた映画にオカマ役ででていて嫌だったんだろうMaybe he didn't like playing that gay role in Osamu Mukai and Keiko Kitagawa's movie.
http://www.moviecollection.jp/_pimg.php/25838/nonno03.jpg - 134: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 21:05:26.98 ID:zeGAJZ440
- 三浦翔平いなかったら売れてただろうなHe probably would have been more popular if it wasn't for Shohei Miura
http://www.shoheimiura.com/resources/images/slide_06.jpg - 137: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 21:05:42.88 ID:Ps3jXmNRO
- 三浦翔平と被るよねこの人True, his image does kind of overlap with Shohei Miura's
- 146: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 21:09:40.21 ID:5UI1naQP0
- ナベプロは移籍とか、辞めた後が大変なんだよなだからカスタレントばかりいつまでも居残って新陳代謝しないんだよ、ここPeople who quit or transfer from Nabe-pro all have it pretty tough, right?
That's why all they have are these trash talents that remain with them forever, and there's no turnover of any sort. - 150: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 21:10:26.68 ID:lqf7k+6l0
- Dボーイズで特撮やると引退コースが多いような…Looks like a lot of these actors who were a part of D-BOYS and went on to tokusatsu have retired...
http://mixibatonnblog.up.seesaa.net/image/0053460895_201.jpg - 155: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 21:11:34.86 ID:TUcXfV8PO
- 演技下手じゃないから辞めるの勿体ないね高校卒業と同時にやめて大学行けばまた違う人生もあったかもしれないけど、今からどうするんだろうToo bad that he's quitting, he's not that bad of an actor, though.
He quit school after graduating high school, and he might have lived a different life if he went to college. I wonder what he's planning on doing now. - 165: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 21:15:16.88 ID:E2ncoekpI
- ルーキーズ出身は底辺でも食っていける程度には売れてると思ってたI thought the guys who came from ROOKIES, even the lowest of the low, were at least earning modestly
http://userdisk.webry.biglobe.ne.jp/005/440/80/N000/000/012/01-00a0-0gnj0807270503014-p1_20080727113740.jpg - 168: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 21:15:37.38 ID:3hOSPbR40
- あらまー特撮やった役者じゃ売れてる方だと思ってたけど難しいんだねえヲタ相手に細々じゃいかんかったのかOh my.
I thought he was one of the relatively successful actors who came out of tokusatsu, but it doesn't seem like it's that easy, huh. So he still couldn't carry on modestly with just a wota market, huh. - 182: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 21:21:13.81 ID:QFbHhEhJ0
- ナベプロのイケメン俳優はすぐにチームつくらせてエセジャニーズみたいなことさせるから嫌になっちゃうんだよねかわいそうにNabe-Pro immediately makes their ikemen actors form a group and do something like a 2nd rate imitation of Johnny's so they probably disliked that idea. Poor guys.
- 192: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/04(月) 21:24:21.79 ID:isrmffEcO
- 寂しいな意外にいい俳優だったと思うわThis is sad.
I think he was a surprisingly good actor.
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