- 9: 忍法帖【Lv=15,xxxPT】(1+0:8) 2013/11/18(月) 00:23:09.12 ID:f0oh0vuQ0
- 腹押さえてるし生理かと思った
She was holding her stomach so I thought it was that time of the month -
- 14: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:26:26.09 ID:VsMnGLxk0
- これが生駒ちゃんだろ
- But this is a part of Ikoma-chan's identity
- 19: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:27:23.45 ID:5stk4bTH0
- 自分も満員電車に乗ろうとしたり、台風になったりすると今日の生駒みたいな感じになる。
ヤバイヤバイとしか思えなくなって、その場で飛び跳ねて逃げたくなる。 - I'm the same as Ikoma there whenever I try to get on a train that's full of people or when a typhoon comes. All I can think about is the impending danger, and I just jump up in place and feel like running away.
- 20: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:27:46.95 ID:GJOzC+bU0
- 悪いけどこの子芸能界向いてないとおもう
- Sorry to say this, but I don't think this girl is suited for the industry
- 21: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:27:58.45 ID:KYQcHNAf0
- これは流していいものなのか?
- Is it alright to broadcast something like that?
- 43: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:33:49.12 ID:bRY4rAfGO
- >>21
洗面器の水には顔をつけられるようになったけどああいうのは無理なんだろ - It would have been weirder if she suddenly disappeared midway.
She was able to put the water coming from a washbowl on her face, but the other one must've been impossible for her.
- 30: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:30:45.94 ID:bjJ0HYE80
- AKBグループパニック障害多すぎる
ストレス過多=働かせすぎだろ… - There are just too many girls in the AKB group who suffer from panic attacks.
Extreme breathing is also a type of panicking.
Over-stressed = overworked... -
- 37: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:32:38.70 ID:YpdX4p4t0
- >>30
プレッシャーも半端ないんだろ - And the pressure must be extremely huge as well
- 38: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:32:42.08 ID:Cl9LmEi00
- パニック障害なんて甘え
- Panic disorder? So naive.
- 54: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:36:11.47 ID:5stk4bTH0
- >>38
もしパニック持ちでそういう発言をしているなら尊敬する。 - You'll understand it once you experience it.
If you have panic disorder and you said that then I actually look up to you.
- 44: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:33:53.50 ID:HgBHSI2J0
- 普通の仕事でさえやばいのに人前でやる仕事しちゃいかんやんwww
- It wouldn't even be good to do normal work in that condition, more so with this kind of work where she has to appear in front of people www
- 46: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:34:03.65 ID:eLJFBRBY0
- 仕事放棄というより適性が無いな向いてないわ芸能界みたいな所は
- It's not about abandoning work, I don't think she's cut out for a place like showbiz
- 48: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:34:59.61 ID:u5HPeNoH0
- 向いてないんだから辞めた方がいいよ。割とマジで
- If she doesn't have the aptitude for the industry then she should quit. And I'm being serious here.
- 57: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:36:58.81 ID:bjJ0HYE80
- パニック障害は極度の緊張、ストレスによって起こる
芸能人やアーティストみたいな感受性豊かな人はわりとかかりやすい - Panic attacks occur due to extreme nervousness and stress.
There are a lot of symptoms, like shortness of breath or the inability to contain oneself.
Overly-sensitive people like celebrities and artists tend to have this kind of disorder quite easily. - 60: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:38:42.24 ID:pZ0iWJ2o0
- 腹押さえてたから寒さで腹壊したんじゃね?
- She was holding her stomach, so couldn't it be that her tummy was just ruined because of the cold weather?
- 62: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:41:41.02 ID:bjJ0HYE80
- ちなみにパニック障害患者には飛行機や電車、高層ビルのエレベーターなどの空間が苦手な人が多い
治療すればすぐ治るわけでなく、人によっては一生治らないなんてこともある - There are also a lot of panic disorder patients who are scared of places like airplanes, trains, elevators in tall buildings, and such. It's not something that you can fix overnight. There are cases wherein it can't be cured at all depending on the person.
- 69: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:50:25.16 ID:HgBHSI2J0
- そういうのがあるならなぜ一番なりやすい職業を選んだのかが不思議
- If she has panic disorder, then I find it a mystery why she chose an occupation where it's easiest for it to attack.
- 70: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:50:56.20 ID:gl/3nVtc0
- こういうのも全部込みで生駒ちゃんなんだよ
- All of this are part of who Ikoma-chan is
- 75: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:52:44.75 ID:HgBHSI2J0
- 本物のパニック障害ってのは中川家の剛みたいなのをいうんだよ
A person with true panic disorder refers to someone like Tsuyoshi of Nakagawake. - 85: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:56:03.85 ID:lfZ+CKiz0
- パニック障害なら最初から体調不良とかスケジュールの都合とか理由つけて生駒外しておけばいいのに
スタッフは聞いてなかったのか? - If Ikoma suffers from anxiety attacks then they could have removed her from the participants from the start, and state reasons like bad health or scheduling problems.
Their staff is in the wrong here.
Didn't the staff ask her about it? - 92: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:58:17.45 ID:lfZ+CKiz0
- トラウマでリタイアなんてはじめて見たわ
番組作る側も素人じゃあるまいし - It's the first time I saw someone give up due to trauma.
To think that the program producers aren't exactly amateurs. -
- 93: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:58:44.09 ID:ALBm0Z9G0
- パニック障害も個性なんだよ。甘えもあろうが、受け入れる余裕も大切。
ただ、生駒ちゃんも、笑いながら言うのはどうかと…。もう少し申し訳ない感を出さなきゃな… - Panic disorder is also a part of one's individuality. You can rely on someone, but it's also important to accept it.
But I didn't like how Ikoma-chan was laughing as she said that... She should've felt a bit more sorry. - 96: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 00:59:40.44 ID:iOf6N4U00
- 予期不安だよ
パニック障害は生き地獄だよね - She's got anticipatory anxiety.
Anxiety disorders are like a living hell. - 99: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 01:01:53.13 ID:HgBHSI2J0
- 生駒のあれは指原が昔バンジー飛ばなかったのと同じだろ
単にびびりすぎただけだろ - This case with Ikoma is the same as Sashihara not bungee jumping in the past, right? It's just that she got really scared.
- 108: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 01:08:55.44 ID:iHaKiUMA0
- 病院のメンタルヘルス科でたまに見かけるけど重い人はちゃんと歩けなくて車いすに乗ってたりするよ
- I see some patients with the same disorder in the mental health wards of hospitals, but the severe ones can't walk, and are on wheelchairs
- 116: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 01:13:10.52 ID:1XmJ78sm0
- 溺れた経験でもあんのかな
水被りゃ呼吸しにくくなるからな - Maybe she experienced drowning before.
Maybe she has difficulty breathing when water is poured over her. -
- 118: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 01:15:07.41 ID:aEYBRqBT0
- >>116
トラウマがあるらしいな - Maybe she was traumatized by it
- 120: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 01:15:22.17 ID:8XaQFLwu0
- 水がマジでダメなら滝行企画自体しなければいいのにな
- If she seriously can't stand water then they shouldn't have gone to the waterfall
- 125: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 01:20:19.35 ID:+zI3FVqm0
- 電車のドアが閉まった瞬間が一番ヤバい
もう絶対開かないんだ、ここで気失ったらどうしようって考えだしたら鼓動が早くなってその名の通りパニックに陥ってしまう - For me, the moment the doors of a train closes is the scariest moment.
I suddenly have an anxiety attack as my pulse gets stronger when I start thinking that "it won't open again, what should I do when I lose consciousness here". - 126: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 01:20:22.41 ID:K0jqc2ah0
- パニック障害じゃなく過剰にビビっただけだろ
大袈裟な - It's not like she has panic disorder. I think she really just got scared.
And exaggeratedly, at that. - 146: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 01:36:24.59 ID:fYrUSWkF0
- お前らが支えてやれよ
自分に自信を持つことが一番の対処法 - You guys should support her.
The best countermeasure for this having self confidence. - 149: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 01:40:36.40 ID:aVpuNqPH0
- パニック障害のアイドルとか新しいやん
生駒ちゃんが活躍したら全パニック障害者の希望になれるやん - An idol with panic disorder? That's new.
She can be called "Pani-dol"
It might become a hit.
And if Ikoma-chan does well, then she'll become the hope of all panic disorder patients. -
- 151: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 01:42:34.71 ID:t5D9n5yP0
- >>149新しくない堂本さんが先駆者That's not new, Domoto-san is the pioneer
- 158: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 01:51:24.62 ID:aVpuNqPH0
- そういえばエンドリさんもパニックやったなw
- Oh right, Endli-san also had panic disorder
- 184: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 02:31:36.09 ID:f/sZVguSP
- AKBグループって本質は重度のストレスを与えてパニクるのを見世物にする事だからマジでヤバイ人は向いてないよね
- The AKB group is actually a showcase of panicking people who are extremely stressed, so people who seriously have this ailment aren't cut out for it.
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