Actors Yosuke Kubozuka (34) and Arata Iura (39) were at a PR event for the movie The, Extreme, Sukiyaki. Kubozuka actually overslept as he came all the way from Osaka.
The event started 15 minutes later than its original schedule, as they had to wait for Kubozuka who was still in a cab on his way to the hotel. Iura was visibly irritated as he hit the table a number of times when they were sitting down, but he followed it up with the classic line "Heroes arrive late" from the movie Ping Pong where the two also starred in 11 years ago.
The two actors were happy that they were once again given the chance to star alongside each other, and seemed pretty much in synch. Iura comments: "He's a person with whom I can feel safe when I pass the ball to him. He's really a person whom I can trust." Kubozuka also comments: "I had a good encounter with him 11 years ago, and we were also blessed with a wonderful movie. And once again, I was able to make another wonderful encounter with him this time".
Kubozuka showed up shortly and walked straight to Iura, lowered his head, and apologized. He released the tension of the venue with his words, "I didn't think it was on earth time. I'm late".
The two actors were happy that they were once again given the chance to star alongside each other, and seemed pretty much in synch. Iura comments: "He's a person with whom I can feel safe when I pass the ball to him. He's really a person whom I can trust." Kubozuka also comments: "I had a good encounter with him 11 years ago, and we were also blessed with a wonderful movie. And once again, I was able to make another wonderful encounter with him this time".
- 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:02:50.16 ID:p7rllaKD0
- 頭打ってるからなあ仕方が無いHe did hit his head.
It can't be helped. - 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:06:42.68 ID:jIwnhX2n0
- 全盛期に見かけたがI got to see him during his best years, and he was really someone who'd steal your attention.
Now he just looks like the master of some local bar... - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:07:38.31 ID:LkLN0Wu+0
- なんでレミパン宣伝してんのwwwWhy are they promoting REMMY PAN? www
- 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:07:38.51 ID:DRvKTicw0
- 急にイカレになったなwHe just suddenly went insane w
- 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:08:20.73 ID:UM+BcMHu0
- 左の目がズレてるHis left eye looks off
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:09:22.60 ID:6C3c18LF0
- こんなに斜視ってたっけ?Was he always this squint-eyed?
- 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:09:34.39 ID:et0NZYMm0
- 相変わらず面白いFunny as usual
- 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:11:05.87 ID:8SfSdi3p0
- 全盛期の窪塚の存在感は異常Kubozuka's presence during his peak years was outstanding - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:11:12.50 ID:PoeWecjb0
- 元々ロンパリ気味だったけど更に目立つようになったなテリーみたいに直せばいいのにIt already seemed like his eyeballs were facing different directions back in the day, but it's gotten more evident these days. He should just have them fixed like how Terry has.
- 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:12:40.04 ID:7Ew/ie1S0
- マンションの9階から飛び降りて生きてるから、何でもありだろ。Anything goes with this guy since he already jumped from the 9th floor of his apartment building.
(Related post HERE) - 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:12:44.17 ID:IqidmBgo0
- キングの時はサイコーにカッコよかったんだけどなぁ…He was super cool when he played the role of King, though
- 102: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:37:17.67 ID:fAvajD4Z0
- >>41キングの役に出会っちゃったのが駄目だったんじゃないの?あれ以降、あのキャラからの脱却に苦しんでたと思う。Maybe that was the role that ruined him?
I think he had a hard time stepping away from that character after that.
- 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:15:08.11 ID:8KySzfPF0
- バラエティ番組に出演してほしいなぁ、おもしろそうやんwI want to see him on variety shows, I think it'll be really fun w
- 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:16:23.81 ID:EXP4VWVU0
- I can fly!!
- 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:16:41.24 ID:eqzH8rKB0
- 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:18:42.86 ID:a85AIJMW0
- うだつの上がらない古着屋の店長みたいになっちゃったな…昔カッコよかったのにHe now just looks like a struggling used store shop owner...
To think that he was so cool back in the day. - 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:21:26.11 ID:WHyK7arH0
- 窪塚と長瀬ってあのドラマがその後の人生に影響与えすぎだろKubozuka's and Nagase's lives seem to have been affected so much by that drama
(Related post HERE) -
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:22:45.64 ID:SBBifFut0
- >>67窪塚は引きずってるねでも長瀬はその後も当たり役多いからそれほどでもないよ今はもうまこっちゃんのイメージないなKubozuka seems like he's still dragging it on, but Nagase still had a lot of good roles after that, so I don't think that's the case. I don't associate him with Makocchan anymore now.
- 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:22:49.32 ID:MdvmJUeQ0
- あの頃はどちらも美しかったなBoth were really beautiful back then
- 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:24:31.70 ID:8Ux50GZ80
- 窪塚の顔の小ささはビックリするな共演した女優なんかより小さい時あるしYou'd get really surprised as to how small Kubozuka's face is.
There was even a time when his face was smaller than his co-actress'. - 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:25:39.46 ID:8Ed2tNEfi
- 売人みたいな感じになってるなHe looks like some sort of merchant
- 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:27:09.10 ID:vVUMbM3U0
- 好きな俳優だから復活して欲しいわHe's an actor that I like so I hope he rediscovers his former glory
- 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:28:57.90 ID:avZ2LBcK0
- こいつは良い役者This guy's a good actor
- 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:31:53.43 ID:ZdVGTaQgi
- キング見たらファンになっちょうよYou guys will become fans when you see him play the role of King
- 94: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:33:59.21 ID:sShWQJG40
- 何だかんだまだまだイケメンだな。Whatever anyone may say, he's still an ikemen.
- 105: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:41:33.19 ID:hloYngJS0
- さすがカリスマやでThat's Mr. Charisma for you
- 106: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:42:40.21 ID:66NnA9vG0
- この人はヒップホップ界隈に近づきだしてから変な方向に行ってしまったHe just went off to the wrong direction when he immersed himself too much in hiphop
- 113: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:48:16.39 ID:zbmEtkbq0
- 窪塚が変わったのはIWGPじゃなくて「凶気の桜」だろKubozuka didn't change in IWGP but in Kyouki no Sakura - 115: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:49:29.88 ID:Yr2yar340
- ひさびさにお名前聞きましたちょっとイッテますかねIt's been a while since I heard his name.
- 137: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 21:04:11.35 ID:97GXaysy0
- 窪塚と会うときは15分遅れていった方が良いようだなLooks like it's better to be late by 15 minutes when meeting with Kubozuka
- 127: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/13(水) 20:55:24.35 ID:7y17B4O50
- いいよこういう言い訳面白くてwI like this kind of excuse, it's funny
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