Kazumi Morohoshi (43), formerly of Hikaru GENJI, was on NTV's variety show Ariyoshi Zemi and explained why he couldn't get married.
Morohoshi said: "I'm scared of going out with other people. I really get confused if this girl really is the right one for me or not." He gave the example of when his group split up when he was 25 and said: "A lot of people have come and go. Yesterday is always different from tomorrow. All of them just disappeared in the blink of an eye. It's pretty tough", as he explained how unsafe he felt, fearing that women might leave him anytime. Because of this, not only can't he get married, but he can't even love someone again.
But he said that there was a girl who was serious about getting married to him when he was 18, and when he said the name in the studio (which was censored on TV), the audience went, "Ehhh----!", as they weren't able to hide their surprise. The woman in question was a former idol.
- 4: ビッグブーツ(チベット自治区) 2013/11/11(月) 20:49:31.05 ID:RFqP/i0N0
- 工藤静香?Shizuka Kudo?
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img/2013/03/7cAGLGnUCKMEwOJ_Uyjq9_38.jpeg - 17: ストレッチプラム(千葉県) 2013/11/11(月) 20:54:01.29 ID:iiVRFLMc0
- まだ43なんだスマップと同い年くらいかなまだまだ人生続くのになんかやりずらい人生っぽいねSo he's only 43?
He's just about the same age as SMAP, huh.
Life will still go on for him, but it must be really difficult. - 21: ニールキック(東京都) 2013/11/11(月) 20:54:44.49 ID:AknE9jel0
- 人望ないのなHe's probably unpopular with the people
- 24: 不知火(やわらか銀行) 2013/11/11(月) 20:54:59.07 ID:QcQkuqB50
- キムタクいじめてたんだってねそういうことしてるから過去の栄光でしか仕事がないんだよI heard he bullied KimuTaku?
And that's why all the kinds of jobs he has are related to his past glory. - 30: ドラゴンスリーパー(やわらか銀行) 2013/11/11(月) 20:55:44.62 ID:a/6LaNte0
- こいつ態度デカすぎThis guy really has an attitude problem
- 31: デンジャラスバックドロップ(東京都) 2013/11/11(月) 20:55:59.02 ID:tRf3Q2cz0
- 光GENJIが終わった後、「芸能界の人間関係だけで生き残ってる」と言われているカーくんかOh, Ka-kun who's being referred to as "the guy who's surviving with his personal connections within the industry" after Hikaru GENJI split up
- 33: 河津掛け(WiMAX) 2013/11/11(月) 20:58:04.06 ID:A+QKepJ20
- 解散してもソロでやってる奴は山ほどいるだろ自分がクソ野郎だから人がついてこないだけThere are tons of guys who go solo even when their band calls it quits.
People just aren't following him because he's shi+. - 35: バズソーキック(兵庫県) 2013/11/11(月) 20:59:02.30 ID:jIC1blnB0
- 男で30超えてアイドルをやらなきゃいけないなんていう恐怖は想像するだけで恐ろしいなIt's so scary when you think that you still have to keep on being an idol even when you're over 30
- 36: ダブルニードロップ(家) 2013/11/11(月) 20:59:40.09 ID:NRgjRuI30
- こいつの場合はたんにこいつがカスなだけだろ?But in this guy's case, isn't it just because he's a scumbag?
- 37: ドラゴンスリーパー(東京都) 2013/11/11(月) 21:00:47.54 ID:YE/U+I0Q0
- こいつ性格悪いの?Does this guy have a bad personality?
- 41: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(東京都) 2013/11/11(月) 21:02:18.70 ID:0B9zfVFW0
- >>37めちゃくちゃ悪くて有名今は知らんがHe's actually known for being a bad boy.
I don't know about now, though.
- 42: オリンピック予選スラム(栃木県) 2013/11/11(月) 21:02:23.87 ID:F7RF7Oe70
- 調子こいてたもんな。ファンを大事にしたスマップに全部もってかれたよな。He was really cocky.
SMAP who treated their fans well just took away all their thunder. - 45: キドクラッチ(庭) 2013/11/11(月) 21:04:11.09 ID:1fNl8N6q0
- 誰と付き合ってたんだよWho did he date?
- 46: リキラリアット(長屋) 2013/11/11(月) 21:04:44.62 ID:ZUdEYgf60
- 年取ってもイケメンだなHe's still an ikemen even now that he's aged
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img_web/2013/07/7a33a3d08d81e96f3cd4cc2d01fef009_6123.jpeg -
- 53: アルゼンチンバックブリーカー(やわらか銀行) 2013/11/11(月) 21:10:42.98 ID:u20VbnKF0
- >>46左、どこのキャバ嬢かとおもったらI thought the one on the left was a cabaret club girl or something
- 48: フェイスロック(東京都) 2013/11/11(月) 21:06:16.63 ID:wDauRUVO0
- これが45になり、じき50も越し、それでもアイドルやんなきゃいかんのかなんていうか、哀れな人生だなSo he'll turn 45, and then turn 50 soon, and he still has to keep being an idol?
That's a pretty miserable life. -
- 52: エルボードロップ(茨城県) 2013/11/11(月) 21:09:25.50 ID:bBrymctn0
- >>48郷ひろみは偉いと思うI do think that Hiromi Go is amazing
- 50: バズソーキック(福井県) 2013/11/11(月) 21:07:25.67 ID:dXrBYtNy0
- 43って城島茂と歳一緒じゃないか?43 means he's the same age as Shigeru Joshima?
http://blog-imgs-57.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/20130710013229.jpg - 54: アルゼンチンバックブリーカー(関東・東海) 2013/11/11(月) 21:11:24.90 ID:wkgxSJ8JO
- そのまんま東の娘が小さい時に諸星が娘の手のひらに唾吐きかけて「これ光GENJIのカー君の唾だから貴重だぜ、とっときな」って言われたのを東が目の前で見てたが、光GENJIの絶頂期で何も言えなかったらしいでも、あの行為だけは絶対許さないって東が言ってたわまぁ東もクズだけど、諸星はその上をいく人間の屑Back in the day, Morohoshi spit on the palm of Sonomanma Higashi's daughter's hand and said, "This is the saliva of Hikaru GENJI's Ka-kun so it's pretty valuable", in front of Higashi himself. He couldn't say anything back at that time because that was the peak of Hikaru GENJI's career, but Higashi said that he cannot forgive that act. Higashi's a scum as well, but Morohoshi's actions far exceed that.
- 155: 魔神風車固め(千葉県) 2013/11/11(月) 22:46:33.13 ID:tW2REyYy0
- >>54なんかそのエピソード有名だけどそのまんま東とかとうかず子が結婚したのって1990年なんだよねデキ婚でもないし、子供の年齢的に光GENJI全盛期と被らないハズThat story's pretty well known, but Higashi and Kazuko Kato got married in 1990. It wasn't a shotgun marriage, so if you consider the age of the daughter, it probably wouldn't have been during Hikaru GENJI's peak.
- 57: ダイビングフットスタンプ(長屋) 2013/11/11(月) 21:12:33.48 ID:YS7VIdHn0
- そりゃアイドルからの転落で人は離れたかもしれんけど今はもう底辺なんだから今周りにいるような人は離れようなくね?People might have forsaken him after his fall from idolhood, but he's now at the bottom of the pits so there's no reason for the people around him now to abandon him, right?
- 61: エルボードロップ(茨城県) 2013/11/11(月) 21:15:27.92 ID:bBrymctn0
- >>57この15年ぐらいは転落してるよなHe has kept on falling for the past 15 years
- 59: 16文キック(WiMAX) 2013/11/11(月) 21:14:16.46 ID:6CeQjWQl0
- この人変態なんでしょ?後輩に性的暴力ふるうって本当?This person is a pervert, right?
Is it true that he sexually abused his juniors? - 62: 河津落とし(東京都) 2013/11/11(月) 21:15:40.24 ID:2PT+vzFo0
- この人、六本木の居酒屋で素人の女の子に「俺の事知ってる?知ってる?元アイドルなんだけど」って自虐していて好感持てたWhen this guy was trying to pick up a girl in a bar at Roppongi, he lowered himself and said, "Do you know me? Do you know me? I used to be an idol", and that actually made me like him
- 88: 雪崩式ブレーンバスター(WiMAX) 2013/11/11(月) 21:31:34.76 ID:3jaXfFp+0
- >>62ちょっと面白いThat's funny
- 68: ビッグブーツ(大阪府) 2013/11/11(月) 21:21:17.83 ID:9x7y0zPc0
- いい年こいてなんちゅー女々しいこと言ってるんだ。He's not young anymore, yet he's saying such unmanly things
- 77: バズソーキック(長崎県) 2013/11/11(月) 21:27:36.60 ID:s2oeb8690
- 写真撮られたんだから本田美奈子さんでしょう。He got pictured with Minako Honda-san, she was probably the name he mentioned.
http://i.listen.jp/img/news/20111026/35733_1.jpg - 81: アルゼンチンバックブリーカー(関東・東海) 2013/11/11(月) 21:27:58.69 ID:4YSwHuu20
- たぶん絶頂期は威張って女癖がわるいから没落したら消えただけじゃ?He was probably so cocky and had a really bad attitude towards women at the peak of his popularity, then they all just disappeared when he came falling down
- 82: 毒霧(千葉県) 2013/11/11(月) 21:28:09.48 ID:RSNPTdDB0
- プライドだけは一級品だなHis pride is first class
- 83: イス攻撃(関東・甲信越) 2013/11/11(月) 21:28:20.31 ID:svr0d6lbO
- でもこいつは輝いてる時期があったわけでお前ら輝いてるのは頭だけだろ‥There really was a time when this guy shone so brightly.
The only thing that shines for you guys though are your heads, right?
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img_web/2013/07/84d5dce505c56ab125bda307050f8944_9386.jpeg - 86: ジャストフェイスロック(宮城県) 2013/11/11(月) 21:29:55.12 ID:GHYsylN80
- 女も男も損得で動いてる奴がほとんどだからな他にいい相手いればあっさりそっちに行くしMajority of women and men act depending on the profits and losses that they will get.
If they find a better partner, they'd just go there. - 90: エクスプロイダー(愛知県) 2013/11/11(月) 21:31:47.18 ID:P3Gk/Hoh0
- 工藤静香と突き会ってたの?He used to date, rather, bang Shizuka Kudo?
- 93: ローリングソバット(やわらか銀行) 2013/11/11(月) 21:33:39.19 ID:JnI0Y7Oq0
- 結婚すると今いる数百人の濃いファンからのお布施が無くなるからなぁ数百人の貢物で生活してるからBecause if he gets married, he'll lose the offerings made by his remaining few hundred core fans.
He's just living off the offerings of these few hundred people anyway. -
- 130: トペ コンヒーロ(茸) 2013/11/11(月) 22:13:39.50 ID:7MmXkJA90
- >>93これな真面目に結婚を考えるなら、ジャニオタの金持ちおばさんとかいくらでもいそうだものThis.
If he seriously thinks about getting married, then I'm sure that there are a lot of rich Jani-ota grannies out there
- 102: シューティングスタープレス(関西・東海) 2013/11/11(月) 21:37:38.52 ID:sqyoCQO5O
- まぁ、性格が悪いんだよ、オメーはWell, that's because you've got a bad attitude
- 104: ジャストフェイスロック(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/11/11(月) 21:44:25.09 ID:h0miF5EKO
- 再び注目を浴びれるなら結婚相手キンタローでもいいって言ってたな安藤ミキみたいな性格なんだろうHe said that he won't mind marrying Kintaro if he regains popularity again.
He's probably got the same attitude as Miki Ando. - 105: 稲妻レッグラリアット(関東・甲信越) 2013/11/11(月) 21:46:37.25 ID:4tfrzA5iO
- 本田美奈子に1票My vote goes to Minako Honda
- 107: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(長屋) 2013/11/11(月) 21:47:06.12 ID:Lg3W5AXF0
- このあいだパチンコ屋で見たよ営業に来てた小顔でスタイル良かったよ40代には見えないなI saw him at a pachinko parlor a while back.
He was there for business.
He had a small face, and had a good-looking figure.
He didn't look like someone in his 40s. - 110: スターダストプレス(関西・東海) 2013/11/11(月) 21:51:14.20 ID:HTPD4dcbO
- 仕事が無くても今まで溜め込んだ金で生活できるのだろうな。まあ、地元静岡のテレビ局の接待番組に出ることぐらいでいいんじゃないか。Even if he has no jobs, I think he can still live his life with the money that he's saved up to now.
I guess he can just settle for an entertainment show on a local network in Shizuoka. - 111: ヒップアタック(茸) 2013/11/11(月) 21:55:06.38 ID:HESN1/W20
- こいつヤリ●ンだったんだろ?ざまあないわBut this guy's a man-whore, right?
Serves him right. - 112: ニールキック(福岡県) 2013/11/11(月) 21:55:11.97 ID:zZ/9+10t0
- こいつは天狗に乗りすぎたのが原因だろThe reason is that he just became too cocky
- 113: ムーンサルトプレス(関西・東海) 2013/11/11(月) 21:55:34.03 ID:1xUgyu0aO
- 髪型がキモいわ年相応に生きてない人は見てて辛いねHis hair is gross.
I feel disgusted looking at people who can't live their life according to their age.
http://img02.hamazo.tv/usr/totoumiopen/moroboshi.jpg - 121: 中年'sリフト(新潟県) 2013/11/11(月) 22:06:39.79 ID:ljT8VUDh0
- そのまんま東の娘にしたことを考えればわかるよな。たまたま一人にってのはあり得ないからな。You'd all understand once you think about what he did to Sonomanma Higashi's daughter.
There's no way that he just did it to her alone. - 123: タイガードライバー(愛媛県) 2013/11/11(月) 22:07:26.28 ID:7nve1jHZ0
- おニャン子クラブの会員番号20番台~30番台はかー君ゾーンと呼んで当時ほぼ全員と関係を持ってたことをラジオで自慢してたなHe bragged on radio that Onyanko club members 20~30+ were called the "Ka-kun zone" and said that he had a relationship with almost all of them
Ka-kun zone
20 21 22
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/img/user/12/27/6181227/57.jpg - 124: スリーパーホールド(福岡県) 2013/11/11(月) 22:09:00.85 ID:4ngfK/qX0
- 有吉腹の中でバカにしてそうI bet Ariyoshi is looking down on him deep inside
- 127: ダイビングフットスタンプ(やわらか銀行) 2013/11/11(月) 22:12:08.37 ID:X7vmVKBL0
- 全盛期に何しても今みたいに叩かれなかったし、いまでも収入も安定してるんだろこいつどう考えても勝ち組。He wasn't bashed in his prime like he is now, and he still has stable income.
No matter how you think about it, this guy's a winner in life. - 143: ドラゴンスリーパー(茸) 2013/11/11(月) 22:28:27.04 ID:XOTeQXFK0
- どうせ嫌われることしたんだろ去っていった人を責める前にまず反省しろHe just did something that would make the others hate him.
Instead of blaming the people who left him, he should first reflect on his actions. - 152: フェイスクラッシャー(茸) 2013/11/11(月) 22:38:07.10 ID:D0Tx8b6rP
- 過去の栄光話で飯食うようになったらおしまいIt's the end of the road for him if he starts earning through stories of his glory years
- 170: ミドルキック(dion軍) 2013/11/11(月) 23:12:35.01 ID:HbgGKjs20
- >>152そう考えるとおしまいの位置から這い上がった有吉ってすごいなWhich means that Ariyoshi's really amazing for climbing back up from that so-called end of the road
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