I ate some cold noodles (^O^)冷麺食べに行ったよー(^O^)
Bibim cold noodles and the regular noodles, one of each...!!!
Oh no, I've been eating too much lately (o_o)
There was even a time when I ate 9 meals in one day? (゚Д゚)
Is this what they call "preparing for hibernation"? (゚o゚;;
Am I going to hibernate?
And so I'm off to go do some training (=゚ω゚)ノ
- 5: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 12:46:49.53 ID:hcMXPi5i0
- 肉体労働者なんだからしゃーない
- She does physical labor, it can't be helped
- 7: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 12:47:50.05 ID:XgWSrQcBi
- http://i.imgur.com/yIwe60M.jpg
- 14: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 12:59:13.14 ID:tjay1s8VO
- >>7
- ムキムキやないか
- She looks buff
- 8: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 12:49:07.10 ID:D53QbOSM0
- そりゃめっちゃイケの体育祭でも1位になるわAnd that's how she got 1st at MechaIke's sportsfest.
Her horsepower is way different from the others w
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/wai1111/imgs/1/0/10454d55-s.jpg - 10: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 12:51:18.08 ID:IDOjH57b0
- 前は1日5食
増えたなw - She said 5 meals a day before.
So the amount increased, huh w - 13: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 12:56:01.83 ID:HgBHSI2J0
- 優子はいっぱい食べるから便秘とは無縁そうだな
- Yuko eats a lot so she probably has no problems of constipation
- 15: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 12:59:24.22 ID:h6SpHJsR0
- 優子と高みなはそれくらい食わないと最近ガリガリで逆に心配
- Yuko and Takamina should actually be eating that much. I'm worried about how thin they have been recently.
- 17: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 13:01:26.18 ID:A8jVbUz60
- 快食快便だねw
- Good appetite, good bowel movement w
- 19: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 13:02:35.83 ID:5ciBkmRXO
- 合間に菓子パン一個かじるとかも入ってそう
- I feel that she snacks on some pastries once in a while as well
- 21: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 13:04:28.82 ID:256kreeq0
- ぎゃる曽根みたいにたくさん食っても、食った分が全て排出されれば全く問題なしw
There's no problem as long as she releases everything she eats, even if she eats as much as Gyarusone w
http://img5.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/e7/03/hiroshi1028jp/folder/517119/img_517119_9492456_2?1381446605.jpg - 73: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 16:31:26.14 ID:zowerEKQ0
- ギャル曽根はう●この量ハンパないって言ってたなGyarusone did say that the amount of her poop is extraordinary.
No matter who, what you eat is what you waste, so Yuko Oshima must also be dumping out a lot.
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/04/e6/10067117762.jpg - 22: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 13:05:22.19 ID:iRmwoXoZ0
- めちゃいけ運動会で1位だったから文句はないけどNo complaints here since she did place 1st at the MechaIke sportsfest, but other members shouldn't be imitating her.
Even if they're not, it does seem like the number of overweight members has been increasing. - 23: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 13:06:11.60 ID:umoTxOG20
- どこの相撲部屋だよw
Is that the training regime at a sumo stable or something w - 27: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 13:08:14.95 ID:ZThtq4sL0
- 2~3年前はむちむちしてたイメージあったけどめちゃイケではガリガリやったな
- She did seem plump 2 or 3 years ago but she was so skinny on MechaIke
- 29: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 13:10:10.60 ID:5xLFvxKgi
- こういう食生活は駄目だぞ
This kind of eating habit isn't good, yo
http://i.imgur.com/JGABdFK.jpg - 36: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 13:16:57.47 ID:G3JLVy7C0
- ビビン麺と冷麺二つは食えんなw
- I can't eat both bibim cold noodles and regular cold noodles in one sitting w
- 38: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 13:20:33.09 ID:BhkdaxxgP
- 優子って大食いのイメージない
島田、宮崎あたりなら納得なんだがw - Yuko doesn't have the image of a glutton attached to her.
I'd understand Shimada and Miyazaki, though. - 40: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 13:21:25.36 ID:L67E6v8P0
- 元々筋トレで鍛えてるし、その上一日中あのハイテンション
優子のカロリー消費量ハンパないだろうな - She's always been building her muscles, and she keeps such a high tension the entire day.
Yuko must really be burning a lot of calories. -
- 76: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 16:52:48.89 ID:GkGnTVsJ0
- >>40
優子は筋トレしてないって言ってたぞ? - Yuko said that she doesn't build her muscles, though?
- 41: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 13:24:06.67 ID:huS5T32f0
- さすがに普通の食事9食ってわけじゃないだろ
それでも何処のアスリートだよって感じだが - I don't think she ate 9 full meals in one day.
That probably includes the snacks in between.
Even still, you'd wonder if she's an athlete or something. - 49: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 13:28:42.70 ID:qybcqc1K0
- 麺は別腹
- Noodles go into a different portion of the stomach
- 56: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 13:35:37.38 ID:ZEmZJiR4i
- 小さいのに大食いなんだなw
She's so small yet her appetite's so huge, huh w
http://i.imgur.com/CiaqjMW.jpg - 57: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 13:39:25.74 ID:SkhPT3RZ0
- 前田敦や大島優や北原や大矢みたく食べても太らないメンバーは良いんだよ。
それに釣られて食べて肥えるメンバーが居るのが問題な訳で。 - There's no problem even if AtsuMaeda, YuOshima, Kitahara, Ooya eat a lot since they don't get fat.
The problem lies with the members who eat as much as they do, but gain weight. - 58: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 13:55:06.56 ID:r02txWBH0
- 食べたものはどこに行ってるんだろう?
I wonder where the food she eats goes to
http://pic.prcm.jp/gazo/cQ7/1RApH0_480.jpeg -
- 61: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 14:02:12.12 ID:owSISPLp0
- >>58おっぱい
Her boobies
- 108: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/19(火) 16:55:40.53 ID:HMon+oz10
- >>58腹だよ
Her tummy
- 67: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 15:48:55.49 ID:NkDAsvn10
- 太ってもグラビアいくらでも修正きくから大丈夫You can fix anything in photoshop even if she's fat so it's not a problem.
All she has to be mindful of is not to wear clothes that will reveal her tummy.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/adult_pics/imgs/e/b/ebc5b847.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/akakb/imgs/a/3/a36a14e9.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/akakb/imgs/b/f/bf140f90.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/akb48sokuho/imgs/6/e/6e6d04c4.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/akakb/imgs/8/2/82aa7f05.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/akakb/imgs/d/c/dcaca4f4.jpg - 81: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 17:04:18.44 ID:q5Mqdh0yi
- 食べ過ぎw
She's eating too much w
http://i.imgur.com/XAfv4Jc.jpg -
- 82: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 17:37:03.36 ID:MMZX3yjK0
- >>81
萌乃と食べてたんですけど - She ate that with Moeno, you know
- 83: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 17:38:15.60 ID:Dx7wBNX80
- >>81
惰弱ww - Have you been living under a rock? ww
- 89: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 20:40:09.83 ID:2BD6Hqwh0
- 1日 9食ってwww
アゴ疲れるわw - 9 meals a day? www
My jaw would get tired w - 92: . 2013/11/18(月) 21:20:42.30 ID:+sJEpSur0
- 忙しいと食べることくらいしか
楽しみが無くなってくる - When you're busy, the only enjoyment you get is from eating
- 96: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/18(月) 22:25:29.34 ID:77qtWw5f0
- ドラマの待ち時間が長かったから、間に菓子でもつまんだのだろう。
Maybe her waiting time during the drama taping is too long, she must've been eating snacks in between.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/akb4839/imgs/3/a/3a4c0f77-s.jpg - 104: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/19(火) 09:46:08.77 ID:zWIguWo+O
- 2食でも合間にお菓子やジュース、デザート、菓子パンなんか食ってるメンバーの方がハイカロリー摂取してるだろ
- Members who eat only 2 meals but eat snacks, juices, dessert, pastries and others in between gain a higher amount of calories
- 109: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/19(火) 16:59:13.91 ID:K+kMPZUtO
- 優子太った方がいいYuko should gain some more weight.
She's too skinny now.
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