A woman's magazine got a scoop on Osamu Mukai and Ryoko Kuninaka in December of last year when they were spotted dating. There were also reports of Kuninaka sleeping over at Mukai's apartment in January this year, and Mukai's agency admitted that Kuninaka did sleep over but denied that they had a romantic relationship.
And because of this kind of private life, it seems like Mukai has also changed at work.
"There used to be a time when Mukai would obviously look displeased when the media surrounds him, and was even called the 'male version of Erika Sawajiri'. But he's been smiling more and more in interviews these days, and has been showing a lot of consideration to the staff as well." - (gossip show staff).
The only problem now is when "D-Day" will be.
"It seems that both sides are seriously set on marriage, and all that's left is for Mukai's camp to talk to his commercial sponsors and such, and then they can have the marriage anytime. They might even get married within the year at the soonest. Mukai has always wanted a child, and it seems like he'll be a passionate 'ikumen'* as well." - (showbiz writer)
* (ikumen - man who takes care of and raises his children)
Kuninaka's popularity soared when she was the lead in NHK's morning drama Churasan, while Mukai is extremely popular with women thanks to his pleasant image. And by the looks of things, it doesn't seem like their popularity will be affected negatively by this marriage. If they do tie the knot, expect them to rank in the top half of the "ideal couples" category in the showbiz world.
It's been 10 months since then, and it seems that their relationship has made progress.
"It's more than sleeping over at each other's apartment. They're pretty much living together already. They've been avoiding the eyes of the media as they have been refraining from dating each other in Tokyo, and have instead been showing up a lot in Yokohama. They don't even put on disguises when they enjoy their dates. They have matching accessories in their wallets, and they're showing off how lovey-dovey they are." - (tabloid writer)
And because of this kind of private life, it seems like Mukai has also changed at work.
"There used to be a time when Mukai would obviously look displeased when the media surrounds him, and was even called the 'male version of Erika Sawajiri'. But he's been smiling more and more in interviews these days, and has been showing a lot of consideration to the staff as well." - (gossip show staff).
The only problem now is when "D-Day" will be.
"It seems that both sides are seriously set on marriage, and all that's left is for Mukai's camp to talk to his commercial sponsors and such, and then they can have the marriage anytime. They might even get married within the year at the soonest. Mukai has always wanted a child, and it seems like he'll be a passionate 'ikumen'* as well." - (showbiz writer)
* (ikumen - man who takes care of and raises his children)
Kuninaka's popularity soared when she was the lead in NHK's morning drama Churasan, while Mukai is extremely popular with women thanks to his pleasant image. And by the looks of things, it doesn't seem like their popularity will be affected negatively by this marriage. If they do tie the knot, expect them to rank in the top half of the "ideal couples" category in the showbiz world.
- 2: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 05:07:52.90 ID:s43ssq8f0
- もうゴールすんの?So are they about to reach the goal?
- 3: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 05:09:38.82 ID:P7ChsZmz0
- 向井て31なのか。もっと下かと思ってた。Mukai's already 31, huh?
I thought he was much younger. - 5: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 05:16:14.81 ID:sieFS8AC0
- 小西真奈美はどうなってんの?What about Manami Konishi?
http://www.theaterguide.co.jp/photos/images/121022_itamuhito_01.jpg - 7: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 05:23:55.48 ID:6CJKrW5U0
- なんとか1人産めそうな感じかむあ 頑張れやLooks like they can manage to have 1 child.
Well, do your best. - 10: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 05:45:01.40 ID:60TS6Btl0
- 琉球ムーンの人?The person who sang "Ryukyu Moon"?
http://img.hmv.co.jp/image/jacket/400/09/9/6/196.jpg - 14: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 07:18:26.39 ID:Tl60TIldO
- おめでとう国仲涼子さん(・ω・)Congratulations Ryoko Kuninaka-san (・ω・)
- 17: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 08:10:49.67 ID:oJECRcuA0
- えら張ってる女が大好きなのなwもう旬終わった男He must like women with wide jaws.
But he's a man who's already past his prime.
http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3113/2718620503_21d38ac778.jpg - 18: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 08:14:20.53 ID:GNHi22QG0
- 向井理って徹底的に頼りなさそうな奴だ。顔見て笑えるwOsamu Mukai seriously doesn't look dependable. I LOL when I see his face w
http://weban.jp/contents/baito_yume/008/image/A_sub_photo01.jpg - 19: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 08:29:38.32 ID:HTOuci3o0
- ショックだI'm shocked
- 27: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 11:03:44.80 ID:yZ3P/u6I0
- >>19どっちにだよwAt which one? w
- 21: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 09:12:45.12 ID:YJEoKBgK0
- orz
- 23: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 09:33:35.98 ID:foe90YdH0
- 向井理って人は、女性誌の作り上げたイメージに過度におもね過ぎて、結局方向付けに失敗したようだないずれCMオファーは減るだろう所詮役者ではなかったのか?This Mukai person desperately tried to go with the image created for him by women's magazines, and he ultimately failed to get on a proper path.
I think commercial offers will eventually decrease for him.
So he wasn't cut out for being an actor after all?
http://userdisk.webry.biglobe.ne.jp/017/822/20/N000/000/022/130748062464816208860_catsyatte.jpg - 26: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 10:24:03.31 ID:0fXeiezm0
- 向井理って性格悪いからどうやったって離婚コースはやく子供産んだら変わるかもBut Osamu Mukai has a bad personality so they'll just head towards divorce in whatever they do. But things might change if they have a kid soon.
- 29: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 11:46:44.38 ID:USAGowg90
- またそんな憶測でAnother assumption, eh
http://xn--u9j5h1btf1ez99q03n940f5idr87b.jp/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/%E5%90%91%E4%BA%95%E7%90%86%E3%80%80%E5%9B%BD%E4%BB%B2%E6%B6%BC%E5%AD%901.jpg - 30: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 11:46:54.35 ID:HmRbFYew0
- 島谷ひとみが一言wHitomi Shimatani would like to say something w
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/20130126_mukaiosamu_25.jpg - 31: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 11:48:48.72 ID:QRmpDK400
- なんつーか、2人ともパッとしないね落ち目同士というかBoth of them just can't seem to make it big.
It's like a pair of actors on the decline. - 32: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 12:23:30.72 ID:Vns6p1dO0
- 向井くんのファンだったおふくろに電話で「オードリーの若林だよね」っつったらそれ以降もうどうやっても修正効かずついにファンをあきらめた。とこないだ久々に帰省したら恨み言言われた…。I told my mom who was a Mukai-kun fan that "he looks like Audrey's Wakabayashi" on the phone, and she apparently couldn't get over that and gave up on supporting him.
---Is what she complained to me when I went back home again after a long time...
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img_web/2013/03/68e976031154801fff539a564ac5aab3_0.jpeg - 34: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 15:27:55.37 ID:9OU+iLonP
- もう34歳なのかSo she's already 34?
- 35: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 16:48:45.99 ID:DgJ9AAqf0
- 向井クラスなら女子中学生でも小学生でも選び放題なのに非情にもったいないよな。Someone of Mukai's level could have chosen any middle schooler or grade schooler that he wanted.
Such a waste. - 40: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 19:46:04.49 ID:I50brpR20
- んで、すぐ離婚Then they'll immediately get divorced
- 33: Ψ 2013/11/05(火) 13:38:45.58 ID:JaaWH2KJO
- あら、おめ。向井くんデビュー当時好きだったわー。Oh, congrats.
I liked Mukai-kun when he just made his debut.
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