Hello, I'm a hyphen member. I'm starting from the negative here. I have to start looking forward. I can't face anyone if I don't express myself. It will be a tough road from here on out. I'll nourish myself with everything, be it sour or sweet, and do my utmost best. Gentlemanly, honestly...
* It seems that there are a lot of people pretending to be me, and I really pondered on whether or not I should start using this kind of tool, but came to the conclusion that I should since I wanted the words to directly come from my mouth. First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone I caused trouble to. There might even be some people who got disappointed in me. And all you hyphens...
* ...I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep my promise. Please keep on loving the place that I loved the most. I thought that I should keep staying positive in this new year for me so I started using Twitter. It would also make me glad if you could support me as well.
* That was a surprise from the eldest brother and Hyoga. Thank you. I really love you guys.
* Thanks everyone. Thanks for all the kind words. I'm hiding myself and crying. Thank you. I was really worried about using Twitter, but thank you so much. And I will be the number one member of hyphen and cheer my comrades on.
* I really want to reply to everyone but I still don't know how to use this, sorry. From across the seas all the way to Japan, I really thank you all. I'm reading everything as I cry. There were a lot of 'adult circumstances', and that's why I couldn't even say anything to the hyphens. And so I mustered up all my courage and started using Twitter.
* I'll ask Hyoga to teach me how to use Twitter. Sorry. All I can really say is thank you and sorry. I know that people will have mixed reactions to this. I know that I will have to face and accept harsh criticisms, but I really wanted to relay everything myself. I've gotten tired from all the crying, so I'll once again post "NAU" to you guys tomorrow, ok?
Koki Tanaka @koki1105t
- 4: ジャンピングDDT(福井県) 2013/11/05(火) 10:45:15.01 ID:1FVnmDKv0
- ハイフンて?What's "hyphen"?
- 9: ブラディサンデー(やわらか銀行) 2013/11/05(火) 10:46:52.34 ID:c05Nx4Mm0
- >>4kat-tunのハイフンの意味って何ですか?? kat-tunファンの方教えてくださいWhat does KAT-TUN's hyphen mean?? KAT-TUN fans, please enlighten me.
「-」(ハイフン)は、「ファンの皆様」といういみです。NMPの、DVDでは、最後のほうに聖くんが、「これからもずっと、「-」(ハイフン)でいてくれる?」という風にきいていますとよ★"-" (hyphen) refers to "all the fans". Koki-kun said at the end of the NMP DVD that "Can you guys remain as hyphens forever?"★ - 5: ドラゴンスクリュー(四国地方) 2013/11/05(火) 10:45:27.48 ID:QrHL+lZ90
- 自分に酔い過ぎLooks like he's full of himself
- 8: マシンガンチョップ(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/11/05(火) 10:46:35.55 ID:LWfDaEBH0
- これガチなの?Is this for real?
- 10: 不知火(SB-iPhone) 2013/11/05(火) 10:46:56.00 ID:Zoyc2unT0
- またニセモノでしょ…It must be another impostor...
- 12: タイガードライバー(dion軍) 2013/11/05(火) 10:47:46.20 ID:B4BxK1R/0
- このキモさは本物But this grossness means he's the real thing
- 53: フルネルソンスープレックス(dion軍) 2013/11/05(火) 12:10:54.16 ID:taZ9Mb2y0
- >>12弟の田中彪からリツイートされてるしたぶん本物The younger brother Hyoga Tanaka's retweeting him so it's probably authentic
- 13: ツームストンパイルドライバー(茸) 2013/11/05(火) 10:48:17.53 ID:m5ynX6Ns0
- こう言う画像って撮ってる姿想像すると寒気するI get the chills when I imagine what he's like when he was taking this picture
- 20: ナガタロックII(東京都) 2013/11/05(火) 10:53:24.84 ID:VudnSku00
- もうジャニーズの看板ないからこいつは終わりだなBut he doesn't have the Johnny's brand attached to him anymore so this guy's done for
- 22: シャイニングウィザード(チベット自治区) 2013/11/05(火) 10:53:40.31 ID:0yokpKmG0
- チ●コ無修正まだ?Still no unedited pic of the pen!$?(Related posts HERE and HERE)
http://i.imgur.com/vWBkPGb.jpg - 23: ストマッククロー(庭) 2013/11/05(火) 10:53:42.36 ID:TtivhqFz0
- 隠れて泣いてますとか言ったらそれ隠れて泣いてるうちに入らんよないやまぁいいんだけどねこの人の事よく知らんしBut when he says that he's hiding and crying then you can't really call that hiding now, could you?
But that's fine. I don't really know this guy anyway. - 28: スリーパーホールド(チベット自治区) 2013/11/05(火) 11:06:43.00 ID:lLRIXEbE0
- 誹謗中傷が飛んでくるからやめた方がいいんじゃねMaybe it's better if he stops since people will be slandering him
- 30: マスク剥ぎ(東京都) 2013/11/05(火) 11:11:15.08 ID:DS5MEwed0
- あれ?こいつハゲの奴だろ?髪伸ばすなよwwwwHm? He's the bald guy right?
Don't go on growing your hair now www
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img_web/2013/07/gRuuDy8HLQxnI6Q_13975_6.jpeg - 37: ラダームーンサルト(関東・甲信越) 2013/11/05(火) 11:22:10.80 ID:Oa8YGUwOO
- タトゥーンTattoon
- 52: ドラゴンスープレックス(埼玉県) 2013/11/05(火) 12:10:26.58 ID:oBnq3ma20
- ジャニーさんのーだろ
Isn't that hyphen "-" the one in Jani-* san's name?
* (Mr. Johnny) - 42: スパイダージャーマン(愛知県) 2013/11/05(火) 11:30:54.84 ID:MhH+nCzJ0
- AV男優になれば良いじゃんWhy not just become an AV actor?
- 43: キングコングラリアット(やわらか銀行) 2013/11/05(火) 11:32:01.11 ID:FNFvPT/80
- >>42ぼかしにハイフンAnd use hyphens to blur it out
- 47: クロイツラス(庭) 2013/11/05(火) 11:58:56.66 ID:d/MkH5F60
- とにかく泣いてるだの涙が止まらないアピールだのこいつにはTwitter民としての素養が十分にあるんだなSo he's showing that he's crying and his tears can't stop falling, etc.
This guy truly has the qualities to become a true blue Twitter user. - 51: エルボーバット(東京都) 2013/11/05(火) 12:09:14.95 ID:B92KfrW+0
- カツンのファンはハイフンっていうのかパーマさんとかもいたよなNEWSファンだっけSo KAT-TUN fans are called hyphen.
There was also the pa-mas* right?
NEWS fans, was it?
* (pana. パーマ or pa-ma means permed) - 54: ボマイェ(SB-iPhone) 2013/11/05(火) 12:11:48.94 ID:4fWqk42Qi
- 真珠ち●ぽの人かOh, the guy with the beads around his d!ck
- 55: 32文ロケット砲(岐阜県) 2013/11/05(火) 12:16:09.56 ID:3RKRmdJC0
- そもそもジャニーズでもないのにどうやって活動してくつもりなんだろ?こういう調子こくやつが続かないようにジャニーズも甘い制裁はしないだろHe's not with Johnny's anymore so how does he intend to keep active?
I don't think Johnny's punishment is that lax to let people like him get carried away. - 65: アイアンクロー(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/11/05(火) 14:42:44.37 ID:vYcga1PL0
- こいつものっっっっっすごいバカだけど心根は性悪じゃないんだろうなと思うただバカなだけThis guy reeeeeeally is an airhead. But I really believe that he isn't evil deep inside.
It's just that he's stupid. - 66: ビッグブーツ(静岡県) 2013/11/05(火) 14:42:56.24 ID:cij3X/5r0
- 属性はお塩だけどまだまだ足りないよな彼の今後に期待ハイフンHe's of the same element as Oshio, but he still hasn't reached that level yet.
I'll be looking forward to how he pans out from now on.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/yoshitaka1215/imgs/a/7/a707c19c.jpg - 73: ボ ラギノール(滋賀県) 2013/11/05(火) 15:44:54.87 ID:Z+xi4njg0
- これを見にきたのにBut I came here to see this
- 53: アイアンクロー(神奈川県) 2013/11/05(火) 16:07:10.05 ID:/7DzzGpR0
- >>73田口の担う範囲が広すぎるんだよなぁ…The area that Taguchi has to cover is so wide...
- 71: テキサスクローバーホールド(千葉県) 2013/11/05(火) 15:26:54.74 ID:hcozvPzq0
KT - UN になるが
So without Akanishi and Tanaka,
KAT-TUN turns into KT-UN,
but you can't read it so let's change the order, oh, then Taguchi who's steadily having a career as an actor might leave so let's make V6 Okada join them and make it
How about it?
* (unko means poo) - 72: ボ ラギノール(チベット自治区) 2013/11/05(火) 15:31:48.65 ID:yrXRGYVhP
- 小学生みたいなレスすんなよw
Don't make gradeschool-level replies like that w
- 85: テキサスクローバーホールド(千葉県) 2013/11/05(火) 21:22:29.66 ID:hcozvPzq0
- カツンって嵐よりイケメンだしスタイルもいいのに
KAT-TUN are more ikemen than Arashi, and they all have good style, but they lose to them in approachability and amiability
http://www.magicalmaker.com/u522/2614844/mmimg/1302414000.jpg - 97: メンマ(北海道) 2013/11/06(水) 05:58:59.50 ID:1ZECKbVh0
Change it to Tsunku
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img/2013/02/9eRHEiNv3FBt7AT_B4PfG_2.jpeg - 98: ボマイェ(チベット自治区):2013/11/06(水) 06:01:10.47 ID:/JRAIclt0
- 内容のクサさは置いといて
Let's ignore how cheesy the tweets are for a moment, at least it seems like he can write proper sentences - 99: 不知火(徳島県):2013/11/06(水) 06:06:15.65 ID:3ww8iLFF0
- 言いたい事も言えないこんな世の中じゃ
We're living in a world where we can't even say what we want to.
Hyphen. - 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/05(火) 12:04:55.59 ID:NEoi9zSu0
- この人は憎めない。共演者は皆好きになるとおぎ矢作も言ってたよ。
I can't get myself to hate this guy. Even Ogi Yahagi said that all his co-actors like him.
He's someone you can't really hate w
But what the heck is up with hyphen w
True, his attitude doesn't feel shi++y compared to other Johnny's talents
"It's all too easy since you can fool all these Jani-wotas with something like this www"
This guy's actually a good guy.
I saw him at a concert and he shook my hand.
He was kind and was nice.
I'd be impressed if this younger brother's twitter account is an impostor too
He's a good guy, but he still doesn't cut it as a professional.
Same with Ebizo.
He's a good guy, but he still doesn't cut it as a professional.
Same with Ebizo.
What about the Tweet where he confessed he was gay, was that a joke?
(Related post HERE)
Is he really reflecting on his actions?
He's naked in his profile photo, though...
There's no way he's regretting his actions wwwwwwwwwwwwwww
This is what he did on Halloween, yo wwwwwwwwwwwwww
I wonder if he has apologized to Kamenashi.
I saw him on Kato's program and felt sorry for him.
The fool who abandoned the "place that he loved the most"
He'll probably taste the true difficulties in society from here on.
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