But according to this week's Shuukan Jitsuwa, there are talks that Kitagawa will be having a nude photo book after being inspired by Maki Horikita's photo book Dramatic, which was released last September.
The issue of the magazine that ran advanced shots of Dramatic had to increase press of the issue by 50%, and still sold. Jitsuwa reports that Kitagawa is planning to surpass Horikita's underwear shots by coming out with her own hair-nude photo book.
And it is said that if Kitagawa agrees to this, she will be receiving a fee in the region of \150 million.
"Horikita's picture book has photos of her in white underwear, and shots of her taking her clothes off in a room with opened curtains leading to a lot of people calling it steamy, even from the advance shots that came out. But this is also helped by the huge gap to her image of being pure and innocent after she starred in NHK's morning drama Umechan Sensei and having no scandals herself. Kitagawa might have been inspired by that, but their positions are entirely different. Kitagawa is touted as "one of the 3 most beautiful women in showbiz" and has a reputation of being an enchantress and a "co-star killer". She also just released her photo book 27 last August, and this issue was released just before the showing of her movie RoomMate, so it does seem like a promotional gimmick..." - (showbiz writer)
- 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 10:36:47.11 ID:huJj1Dcr0
- 誰得Who'd want this
- 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 10:44:12.60 ID:kthfUGwf0
- >>12俺得I do
- 288: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 12:56:22.75 ID:EDELttCH0
- >>12俺得I do
- 656: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 19:57:26.79 ID:3/cwXBti0
- >>12俺得I do
- 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 10:38:00.19 ID:BebEJcAC0
- 週刊実話はい終了Shuukan Jitsuwa.
Okay, nothing to see here guys. - 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 10:39:01.91 ID:oBXOYm770
- 週刊大衆アサヒ芸能週刊実話は東スポ以下だからなwShuukan Taishu, Asahi Geinou, and Shuukan Jitsuwa are all lower than TouSpo after all w
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 10:39:43.87 ID:Ks93cgr30
- この手の記事って長澤まさみがもう5年以上、毎年のように言われてる気がするわwI get the feeling that similar news has been reported about Masami Nagasawa for about 5 years now
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 10:45:02.26 ID:/fee2V5c0
- 写真集って本のサイズが揃ってないしデカいしマジで邪魔脱ぐならDVDかブルーレイにして欲しいBut these picture books all come in different sizes, they're so huge, and they're just an added clutter at home.
If she's going to take her clothes off then I hope she does it on DVD or Blu-ray. - 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 10:46:40.64 ID:yN9SGMA90
- 見たい見たい見たい見たい見たい見たい見たい見たい見たい見たい見たい見たい見たい見たい見たい見たい見たい見たい見たい見たい見たいI want to see it I want to see it I want to see it I want to see it I want to see it I want to see it I want to see it I want to see it
- 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 10:47:47.87 ID:fVxn2i9C0
- 確かに美人なんだけど、なんだからわからない下品さを感じるんだよなぁ 言動の節々からShe's definitely beautiful, but she also has this somewhat inexplicable vulgarity that you get from the way she speaks and stuff
- 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 10:51:43.50 ID:/fee2V5c0
- >>56セーラームンのときからそうだったけどバラエティとかでも常にガチモードでやるもんだからちょっと引くというか一人浮いてるよなEven from her Sailor Moon days, she's just always all out on variety shows which makes her stand out as people avoid her
- 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 10:49:45.37 ID:4mg3Gwkq0
- 残念だがヘアヌードはないだろUnfortunately, I don't think she'll be coming out with a nude photo book
- 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 10:49:44.82 ID:kk04ecEJO
- てかホマキがセクシー系の写真集出してたの知らなかった。早速買ってくる。I actually didn't know that HoMaki has a sexy picture book.
I'm off to buy one.
(Related post HERE)
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/mo2nga/imgs/d/2/d20666c7.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/free_usenotebook/imgs/1/7/17300560-s.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/mousai/imgs/4/d/4d117bb4.jpg - 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 10:50:37.16 ID:iUBRiw140
- 堀北の下着にはエ口さ感じなかったがI didn't feel any sort of eroticness from HoMaki's underwear, though
- 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 10:53:01.73 ID:4SuSfVao0
- 美人だけどエ口くはないんだよなあ脱いでも印象変わらないと思うShe's beautiful but she isn't hot.
I don't think that impression will change even if she takes her clothes off. - 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 10:57:36.09 ID:344Djsol0
- モデル時代から露出に関してはガードが堅いんだよなあ水着くらいやって欲しかったわHer defense has always been pretty solid ever since she was an idol.
I wanted her to at least do swimsuit shots. - 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 11:03:30.85 ID:esTxiZkp0
- >>98映画観てないの?タイトル忘れたが本仮屋ユイと一緒に出てたやつ。スリムなだけで胸小さかった。Haven't you seen the movie?
I forgot the title*, the one with Yuika Motokariya.
She was so slim and her breasts were small.
*『Dear Friends』
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51tr5uj3DvL.jpghttp://img.allabout.co.jp/forf/F/hitmovie/070131/fr04704/dear2.jpg0:30~ Scene where the reflection of her chest is seen on the mirror - 113: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 11:02:47.52 ID:N6tfy9CVP
- ひんぬーやんか深キョンとチェンジBut she's flat-chested.
Change to Fuka-kyon instead.
http://dino206.blog.hobidas.com/image/kitagawakeiko3.jpg - 117: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 11:05:12.67 ID:aIiiyO1ii
- マーズが全盛She peaked as Mars
http://img.matome2ch.jp/geinounews_p/1369020320/123_0.jpg - 139: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 11:13:30.01 ID:LlSmFZca0
- ヘアヌード写真集よりは、まだ映画で濡れ場の方が可能性あるような・・・。I feel that doing a steamy scene in a movie is much more of a possibility than a nude picture book...
- 160: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 11:29:06.86 ID:YsfqF8BY0
- うそー、週刊実話で信憑性がある記事は暴力団の勢力分布とかそんなのだけだろうwNo way. The only trustworthy articles from Jitsuwa are the ones about the power distributions of those organized violence groups and yakuzas
- 166: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 11:32:44.66 ID:HFKtTw1MO
- マネキンみたいな仕上がりになるだろShe'd just look like a mannequin
- 207: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 11:58:00.52 ID:wCfB5LkYi
http://nextinnovation777.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/2013y09m18d_132645627.jpg -
- 219: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 12:06:07.46 ID:J2vo2UnDO
- >>207北川と水川あさみと七緒は3大ブサビ●チだと思うKitagawa, Asami Mizukawa, and Nanao are the 3 greatest ugly-bi+ches in my book
- 262: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 12:28:13.01 ID:0AR/7NOj0
- >>207どういう性格してるかすぐにわかる画像だなThose are pictures that will immediately tell you what kind of personality she has
- 264: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 12:28:40.66 ID:AJRZtzyR0
- >>207これヒートアイランドって映画の打ち上げな。This is the wrap-up party of the movie Heat Island, got it?
- 211: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 11:59:15.65 ID:kf00vPSq0
- 北川景子は森田芳光が亡くなった時メイク全部流れてブスなすっぴん丸出しで泣きじゃくっていたのを見て、かわいい女だなと思ってしまったBut I did think that Keiko Kitagawa is such a cute woman when she mourned the death of Yoshimitsu Morita so much that she lost her makeup and showed off her ugly bare face
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img_web/2013/03/7b0b89c6a83ceb065b59662c5e232df9_1.jpeg -
- 222: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 12:07:08.13 ID:4gNrA58l0
- >>211おれも。割りと気取ってないよね。Me too. She's not so pretentious after all.
- 250: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 12:23:41.79 ID:aU0mghts0
- で、乳は?乳はデカイんか?And so what about her chest?
Is it big? -
- 277: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 12:33:28.68 ID:35G/vK4D0
- >>250乳癌の映画でちらっと見たがベッタンコIt was shown a bit in the breast cancer movie, but it was flat
- 267: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 12:28:59.46 ID:SIbpPrEn0
- 北川景子の真骨頂は尻Keiko Kitagawa's true worth lies in her a$$
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/otasoku7/imgs/c/1/c16bb19d.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/otasoku7/imgs/7/1/710aea4a.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/otasoku7/imgs/4/c/4c4be5ba.jpg - 332: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 13:40:09.58 ID:VLmHJJanO
- おっぱいは乳首だよな。デカさじゃないよ。Boobies are all about the nips. It's not the size.
- 338: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 13:51:42.93 ID:634O/wT80
- 劣化するまえに、撮っとけばいいと思うエリカさまはまだかI think it's fine to have her body shot in the nude before she deteriorates.
So what about Erika-sama, still no news if she'll do this too? - 353: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 14:00:53.15 ID:/W+YzLM20
- Seventeen時代に水着にすらならなかった北川景子が脱ぐわけない。Keiko Kitagawa never even wore swimsuits when she was still a model for Seventeen, there's no way she'll take her clothes off.
http://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/d/strg/ctrl/9/4af6b8c48c291870a5c8e72d9c12fc46314e8a80. - 371: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 14:17:58.63 ID:JHuWaHMWI
- 願望だけで記事書くなよwDon't turn your wishes into an article w
- 431: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 15:05:24.92 ID:hK8mE6Xbi
- 決意してからが長いんだよな10年後に出たりするwBut it usually takes her a long time after she decides on something.
It might even come out 10 years from now. - 464: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 15:35:04.70 ID:AD8PTCf50
- おっぱい小さいんだよなでも買うけどHer boobies are pretty small.
But I'll still buy it. - 502: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 16:16:45.34 ID:1TOcvPgj0
- 映画謎解き興行収入30億ドラマ一応10%キープ脱ぐ理由がないThe movie Nazotoki earned 3 billion in the box office.
Her dramas at least maintain 10%.
There's no reason for her to take her clothes off.
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/pib1308731584/10271624.jpeg - 520: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 16:34:46.39 ID:us0xhAwg0
http://upload.fam.cx/cgi-bin/img-box/d7u131110163248.jpg北川はリス食いKitagawa eats food like a squirrel
http://upload.fam.cx/cgi-bin/img-box/m3e131110163345.jpg長澤クチ大きく開けて笑い杉Nagasawa opens her mouth too much when she laughs -
- 528: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 16:49:35.69 ID:euQB8wlO0
- >>520ガチリスだなShe's really like a squirrel
- 617: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 19:11:57.11 ID:azCQdTHG0
- 北川景子Keiko Kitagawa
食べ方How she eats
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/20110519_kitagawakeiko_06.jpgSEVENTEEN時代と卒アルSeventeen days and yearbook photo
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/81/66/10040643285_s.jpg -
- 637: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 19:30:08.06 ID:6SYQs4L20
- >>617これは何度見ても笑っちまうwww北川の酷さと唐沢の表情が何とも言えない場の空気を醸し出していて秀逸wThis really makes me laugh no matter how many times I see it www
Kitagawa's horrid face and Karasawa's expression totally depicts how awkward that situation was www
- 620: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 19:13:23.83 ID:azCQdTHG0
- http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/15/5a/10040643307_s.jpg
- 628: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 19:24:08.12 ID:IXel5CMh0
- >>620化粧取ったらおっさんだからなShe's just an old man if you remove her makeup
- 645: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 19:41:28.44 ID:VyZWiX4iO
- ヤリ●ンが脱いでもなぁSo what if a bi+ch removes her clothes?
- 716: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/10(日) 22:35:48.21 ID:VbL0WnSh0
- 一冊20万まで出すよ本当に出るならねI'm willing to shell out \200,000 for a copy if she really is coming out with one
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