In 2009, Takatsuki played a boy's role in the drama Otomen, where she portrayed the child version of Masaki Okada's character. The following year, she made her debut as an artist with the group bump.y, together with Nanami Sakuraba. She also played a student in the 2012 drama GTO, which made headlines by gathering popular actresses such as Haruna Kawaguchi, Mariya Nishiuchi, Tsubasa Honda, and others. She has gradually increased her reportoire with the help of her mature looks and gorgeous face.
And to prove this, she actually plays the role of a 23-year-old in Toshi Densetsu no Onna 2 named Ayano, a detective who deeply idolizes Masami Nagasawa's character Tsukiko Otonashi.
As soon as the drama started, people on the Internet have been saying that she looks like Masami Nagasawa. There are even comments on her blog like, "I think you look like Masami Nagasawa, what do you think about that?", and "I'm so surprised! There's a super cute girl like this who looks like Masami Nagasawa!".
- 3: アイアンフィンガーフロムヘル(芋) 2013/11/16(土) 10:36:01.74 ID:0pfDYK6x0
- いいんじゃないいんじゃない?
- Not bad, not bad at all
- 5: ローリングソバット(岡山県) 2013/11/16(土) 10:36:16.07 ID:lpgFf6zA0
- あら、いいですねえ
- Oh wow, that's nice
- 6: アルゼンチンバックブリーカー(北海道) 2013/11/16(土) 10:36:35.86 ID:+h+HhnQ20
- この系統の顔って巨乳に多いよな
- There are quite a lot of girls with this kind of face who have pretty large chests
- 9: ジャストフェイスロック(庭) 2013/11/16(土) 10:37:24.22 ID:8ziTpc1Z0
- NOチェンジ
- 10: キチンシンク(千葉県) 2013/11/16(土) 10:37:27.28 ID:XZKvW1vE0
- 顔が似ててキャラかぶりすぎてるキャスティングも珍しい
- It's pretty rare to cast 2 similar-looking faces with similar characters in one drama
- 12: 閃光妖術(アメリカ合衆国) 2013/11/16(土) 10:38:06.30 ID:4LRVfT3IQ
- 顔ちっさ、首ながっ
キリン - Small face, long neck
Giraffe - 17: アイアンフィンガーフロムヘル(芋) 2013/11/16(土) 10:39:08.82 ID:0pfDYK6x0
- 一枚目の化粧は酷いけどナチュラルメイクでいけば売れるよ
- The makeup on the first photo is horrible, but she'll definitely be more popular if she goes with natural make up
- 18: ラダームーンサルト(福岡県) 2013/11/16(土) 10:39:11.34 ID:PUXsAEH70
- 16だと?
- She's 16?
- 21: ジャンピングパワーボム(大阪府) 2013/11/16(土) 10:39:43.52 ID:F/BlV8nF0
- これは当たりだな、文句なしに可愛いわスタイルもええ
でも長澤まさみんと差を出す為にも髪伸ばすぐらいしたほうがいい - Now this is what you call a hit, no complaints, she's cute and has nice style.
But I think she should grow her hair longer to differentiate herself a bit more from Masami Nagasawa. - 30: メンマ(東京都) 2013/11/16(土) 10:41:48.64 ID:n2czzmZW0
- 髪型が似てるだけだろ
- It's just the hair that's similar
- 31: キチンシンク(dion軍) 2013/11/16(土) 10:42:07.27 ID:cOXkjFDT0
- ◯◯似の~
それ以上には注目されない。 - People labeled as
Sister of ◯◯
Husband of ◯◯
The person ◯◯ is still looked upon as the better one, so these people compared to ◯◯ will never exceed the original. - 34: フランケンシュタイナー(愛知県) 2013/11/16(土) 10:43:01.49 ID:NJ/QXlhYP
- おっぱい合格
Boobies - pass - 36: フランケンシュタイナー(東京都) 2013/11/16(土) 10:43:33.30 ID:sNpfF4NX0
- 良いじゃん
16ならこれからまだまだ綺麗になるね - Good.
And she's only 16 so she'll still become much more beautiful from here. - 38: エクスプロイダー(関東・東海) 2013/11/16(土) 10:43:54.95 ID:iFzwmNQZ0
- スタイルだけは認めるけど、ブレイクする顔じゃない
- I approve of her style and figure, but that isn't the face of someone who'll get her big break
- 50: フランケンシュタイナー(兵庫県) 2013/11/16(土) 10:50:18.43 ID:OPIRXX8vP
- 似てるけど、意識して同じ感じにしてるように思う
- They do look alike, but I think she's consciously trying to look like her
- 51: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(滋賀県) 2013/11/16(土) 10:50:30.61 ID:3gJzELoE0
- まず長澤まさみ自体そんなにブレイクしてないだろ
- First of all, I really can't say that Masami Nagasawa herself made a huge break
- 53: トペ スイシーダ(長野県) 2013/11/16(土) 10:51:46.73 ID:WzcLSWT20
- 少し不細工なところまで似てる
- Even the slightly ugly features look similar
- 56: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(茸) 2013/11/16(土) 10:56:43.19 ID:73XfH+9P0
- 脚はあまり長くはないな
Her legs aren't that long - 57: エクスプロイダー(福岡県) 2013/11/16(土) 11:00:18.39 ID:EvC1qKhU0
- 2枚目握手してんのにカメラ目線なのに噴くw
I'm LOLing at the 2nd picture, she's shaking the hand but she's looking at the camera w - 60: 急所攻撃(SB-iPhone) 2013/11/16(土) 11:02:55.29 ID:y3Q/bZvpi
- 長澤まさみ似って鈴木ちなみだと思うのは俺だけ?
Am I the only one who thinks that Chinami Suzuki is the one who looks like Masami Nagasawa? - 63: 32文ロケット砲(関東地方) 2013/11/16(土) 11:05:22.82 ID:BOe6Y9/KO
- ええ身体しとるやないかい
- Nice body she's got there
- 65: 稲妻レッグラリアット(WiMAX) 2013/11/16(土) 11:06:12.05 ID:vST7xpUNP
- 確かに可愛いが、俺はまさみで良いや
- True, she is cute, but I'm fine with Masami
- 71: アイアンフィンガーフロムヘル(東京都) 2013/11/16(土) 11:14:11.11 ID:4QWs1yrO0
- スタイルいいし、すげえ美味そうな身体だな
She's got great style and her body looks yummy - 73: 頭突き(鹿児島県) 2013/11/16(土) 11:16:06.10 ID:A7LgQPw+0
- 足短すぎだろ(´・ω・`)
Her legs are too short (´・ω・`) -
- 75: エクスプロイダー(関東・甲信越) 2013/11/16(土) 11:17:26.39 ID:4u+4GMlL0
- >>73モデル出来るほどのスタイルではないか。グラビアがいいと思う
She doesn't seem to have the body to become a model. Gravure's probably good enough for her.
- 81: 急所攻撃(茸) 2013/11/16(土) 11:22:29.99 ID:V05Lsxaa0
- >>73柄でそう見えるけどそうでもないやろ
It just looks that way because of the pattern, but that's not totally the case
- 77: ミラノ作 どどんスズスロウン(大阪府) 2013/11/16(土) 11:18:44.49 ID:dV3FG/Jv0
- 長澤まさみに似てるんなら長澤まさみのほうがいいな。
If she looks like Masami Nagasawa, then I prefer Nagasawa - 79: フランケンシュタイナー(家) 2013/11/16(土) 11:20:05.66 ID:1LfDl3zD0
- 似てるって言うか似せてるんじゃねーの?w
They say she looks like Nagasawa but isn't she just trying to look like her? - 85: テキサスクローバーホールド(沖縄県) 2013/11/16(土) 11:26:29.35 ID:vJK0sm3aI
- 長澤まさみのいいところは、神が与えた歯並びと足の長さ。Masami Nagasawa's good points are her god-given teeth and long legs.
It's no contest if it's just their faces that look alike. - 89: レッドインク(東京都) 2013/11/16(土) 11:33:37.79 ID:TQ0Aj0290
- 長澤まさみに失礼
かわいさがかなり違う - That's an insult to Masami Nagasawa.
Their cuteness level is totally different. - 93: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(神奈川県) 2013/11/16(土) 11:43:23.93 ID:7SAWiKoP0
長澤まさみというか石黒英雄に似てる- Not really Masami Nagasawa, but she looks like Hideo Ishiguro
- 96: 河津落とし(やわらか銀行) 2013/11/16(土) 11:49:30.01 ID:tLqRYAxg0
- いまいちやな。
- Not quite.
- 100: ジャンピングDDT(埼玉県) 2013/11/16(土) 11:54:06.29 ID:SrV1uw050
- 似てるね
似てるということは、本家を追い出さない限り枠が空かないってことか - She does look like her.
But if she just looks like her, then that means that she won't have a spot in the industry unless she drives away the original. - 105: ダイビングヘッドバット(北海道) 2013/11/16(土) 12:02:18.58 ID:hYY6JLo50
- 長澤まさみのドラマに長澤まさみ似の奴が出てるの
So if a Masami Nagasawa look-alike is in her own drama then won't people get confused as to who's who? - 111: アイアンクロー(千葉県) 2013/11/16(土) 12:18:37.37 ID:yWo16V310
- なんか違うThere's something off.
And I'd rather have Chinami Suzuki. - 122: ミッドナイトエクスプレス(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/11/16(土) 12:28:34.40 ID:tshvmSas0
- 長澤まさみは一人だけど長澤まさみ似はいくらでもいるからな
There may be a lot of Nagasawa look-alikes, but there's only one Masami Nagasawa
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