Akanishi looked back at his first Hollywood role and said: "It really was a valuable experience". All his lines were in English, and Nakai poked fun at Akanishi who previously went to the US to study the language by saying: "So how was it speaking in English? Oh right, you studied in one of those English schools in front of the train stations, right?"*. Takuya Kimura and Shingo Katori also used formal Nihongo to speak to him, like "Zehi, omeshi agari kudasai" (Please, help yourself) and "Irasshaimase" (Welcome). Akanishi who was treated like a VIP felt awkward and suddenly blurted out, "Ahh, I wanna go home~".
When he was asked about his connection with Kusanagi, Akanishi revealed that: "I came to greet him once when he had a drama". Kusanagi who doesn't remember this at all replied with an "Uhmmm~". Akanishi didn't expect this reaction, let out an "Ehhh--!" and dropped his shoulders, and he was visibly uneasy from beginning to end.
Akanishi also talked about doing acting duties alongside his works as an artist. He comments: "Acting is totally different from music. Music is much more about expressing yourself, while in acting, you have to become someone else".
He also made comments about composing: "There are a lot of times when we compose the songs as a team. Song creation needs to have deadlines. If there's none, I'd just end up dwelling on a song forever. If there's no deadline, I will never feel satisfied with it".
* ("ekimae ryuugaku" = catchphrase of the language school NOVA literally meaning "attend language schools in front of stations"; as most of these establishments are located around train stations.)
Source: http://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/8288454/

Bullying = playing around
He's actually amazing for managing to keep up with his activities despite the strong opposing wind that he's been facing
SMAP's amazing, huh
SMAP's so merciless www
I LOL'd at the opening of the article where it said "Artist Jin Akanishi"
KimuTaku always feels desperate to look like he's of equal standing whenever a foreign talent guests on the show
I wonder how KimuTaku and Akanishi will act when they're together, since they both have this selfish, almighty persona going on for them.
It's been a while since I saw him.
Has Akanishi been forgiven because Tanaka from the same group got dismissed?

I was actually surprised that he was able to guest on the show. This wouldn't have been possible with the Johnny's that we know up to this point.
Akanishi's so gross, it's so obvious that he's just putting on that character.
His eyebrows and hairstyle are gross too, I was surprised.
And I also got the impression that Shibasaki must seriously have the hots for KimuTaku. Her face during the "face that way" part was so hot.
Jani seems to have mellowed down, huh
Yeah, I saw this.
I was like "who's this guy??"
until midway through.
Jin, you were super cool ☆
LOL'd at the ekimae ryuugaku part
The ekimae ryuugaku comment probably made him nervous
- 46 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/11/26(火) 19:41:06.38 ID:DeaXgYDS0
- >>43ドキっとはしないでしょ
Nah, I don't think so.
Akanishi's actually a pretty good English speaker.
(Related post HERE)
- 164 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/11/27(水) 03:41:19.39 ID:rWG32kNo0
- >>46超英会話うめええええwwwwwwww
His English is super amazing wwwwwwwwwwwwww
So his studying abroad just wasn't for show, huh wwwwwww
I think Tanaka was more serious with his work, though.
I wonder why this guy didn't get the axe while Tanaka did.
Jin-kun is the pride of Asia since he'll hoard Oscars and Grammy awards
- 52 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/11/26(火) 19:46:26.47 ID:Fb6s53riO
- >>48
I used to hate SMAP but my impression changed when Akanishi whom I hate more came into the picture.
I can root for them 100-fold rather than some delinquent.
Old-man group, do your best!
Now that this plague has been shoved towards SMAP, I see them ending up like Hikaru GENJI or Shonentai by the end of next year.
I saw the show, and he didn't really look uneasy the entire time. The article is too exaggerated.
Why is that guy always trying to act so cool? You damn brat, go ease the tension off your shoulders like Nagase!
Akanishi has this image of doing anything as he pleases, but he just never gets frozen out.
He must really be well-liked by that homo gramps.
He really looked sulky towards the end of the show.
Can't you even lower your head properly, eh?
He must envy ONE OK ROCK

That wasn't too strict on SMAP's part.
He does as he pleases, he even reported his shotgun marriage after it happened and ruined the reputation of the agency who denied that relationship. This is nothing compared to being sacked for all that trouble he's caused them up to this point. He's a chicken, he probably doesn't even have the balls to quit Johnny's.
I feel he's made love to both Johnny and Mary.
The way he held chopsticks, the way he ate, his posture, everything was the worst.
And more so than a foreigner.
It was so evident how badly he must've been raised, and I felt that the agency should've also taught him about those stuff as well.
Don't cause Keanu any trouble
When he was previously on the show, he seemed so cocky but now he's learned to smile a lot and has matured.
He was really so cool back in the day, what has become of him...
If he only had a good personality, his life must've been all roses by now.
He's always had wide jaws and a long chin before, why do you say that?
I don't think an adult would be saying "I wanna go home~" during the actual taping of the show.
He's already hanging by a thread now, he should at least show that he's changed for the better, or else he'll just cause trouble to his senpais.
I LOL'd at his reaction when he was told "ekimae ryuugaku".
And the way he holds chopsticks is so horrible.
Well, he still has to earn money for his baby
Akanishi: "Katsun (laughs), Tanaka baka wwwwwwwwwwwww"
Akanishi-san's really noble for using formal language when talking to SMAP who are of lower standing than him
When KAT-TUN made their debut, I really thought, "Wow, an amazing group just emerged", but they just sank down quickly
Keanu was so much cooler than someone like this guy

I think he's actually become a whole lot more decent now.
He really felt like some sort of maverick before.
But I LOL'd at how SMAP really seemed like they hated him w
Koichi still probably hates him, and this guy probably hates Koichi too.
Heh, someone like SMAP's acting so cocky, huh
Akanishi used to have an airhead persona...
Since when did he start acting cool?
He was a good kind of airhead, and was even liked by Takizawa.
Akanishi should turn "Eternal" into a Hollywood movie and blend with its spirit
I've been a fan even before he made his debut, but I'm not really going insane.
He did say that he wanted to get married and have a kid.
I've already gotten used to Jin pushing us fans around.
He's that kind of a man, but I like him so it can't be helped.
Jin is the unconvential type too.
Meisa should just support his private life.
Because we'll be supporting Jin's Music=Soul.
And that soul will be handed down to my children, then from my children to my grandchildren.
That's how my DNA will blend in with Jin's.
That's the "Eternal" between Jin and his fans.
- 24 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/11/26(火) 19:11:41.80 ID:rP0xDIHcO
- >>14コイツ気持ち悪過ぎ
This person is so creepy.
So this is the notorious "Jani-wota", huh.
- 29 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/11/26(火) 19:15:11.31 ID:t76Tmi78O
- >>14子供まで一緒にするなよ。
Don't drag the child into this.
Poor kid if he or she'll look like the mother.
- 37 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/11/26(火) 19:27:22.06 ID:RXeWKb2v0
- >>14これ見にきた
I came to see this
- 53 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/11/26(火) 19:46:43.02 ID:x9Aj4RgQO
- >>14これ見れたらもうこのスレに用はないw
I don't have any more business in this thread after seeing this w
- 122 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/11/26(火) 23:32:44.97 ID:qHSMIsb10
- >>14これホント逸品だよな
This one really is a gem.
The sense of grossness and creepiness that you get from this is something that you can't feel from a troll post or a joke.
- 123 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/11/26(火) 23:35:46.37 ID:1rq3/OB+0
- >>14やっぱり赤西スレには、この名作コピペがないとダメだよなw
Akanishi's threads are no good if this masterpiece isn't posted w
- 152 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2013/11/27(水) 01:32:49.58 ID:gPJFcvc10
- >>14このコピペがある限り
As long as this copy-paste meme exists, Akanishi will still have a secure spot on 2ch.
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