They all look the same
- 2: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/06/08(土) 11:34:10.34 0 ID:
- 2番目と3番目はちょっと系統が違うんじゃないの
- 4: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/06/08(土) 11:36:56.73 T ID:
- ドツヨ気に入られてたのかSo DoTsuyo used to be his favorite?
- 5: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/06/08(土) 12:03:13.20 0 ID:
- ブサイクには色んなタイプがあるけどIt seems that there are a lot of different types of ugly people, but could we say that there's only one type of ikemen?
イケメンは結局1タイプになるんじゃね? - 9: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/06/08(土) 12:24:54.72 T ID:
- 理想のアイドルは郷ひろみなんだってねI heard that his ideal idol was Hiromi Go.
And that's why he didn't cause him any trouble when Go decided to go independent.
http://yumecon.jp/design/yumecon/img/img_jk25.jpghttp://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~hc3t-isi/ugimage/061009.jpg - 10: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/06/08(土) 12:29:24.30 P ID:
- こういう奴らは大事にされるんだろうなThese guys will probably be taken care of for a long time, without even having their d!cks sucked
ち●ぽしゃぶられる事も無く - 12: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/06/08(土) 12:31:29.35 0 ID:
- 堂本剛とサカナくんに似てる奴は特にお気に入りでジャニーさんと同じマンションに住んでるらしいぞI heard that the guys who look like Tsuyoshi Domoto and Sakana-kun are his favorites, and they live in the same apartment building where he lives.
http://blog-imgs-34-origin.fc2.com/w/a/f/wafoo/1195656856129162123322s.jpg - 13: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/06/08(土) 12:33:15.11 0 ID:
- これがジャニーズなNow this is Johnny's, ok?http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/womenshappy/imgs/4/5/454172a1.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/uwasainfo/imgs/b/f/bf401e0a-s.jpghttp://suma-to.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/takizawahideaki_a021.jpghttp://tokyo-gstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/kame0527110.jpegこいつらはなんなん?Who dafuq are these guys?http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/bakaleya/15880301.jpeghttp://pic.prepics-cdn.com/yuara0521/20788704.jpeghttp://images.star-pedia.com/big/2012514/Q1L514A4J8.jpgこんなんなら若いころの国分太一で無双できるわThese guys won't even be a match for a young Taichi Kokubun
- 19: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/06/08(土) 12:51:12.11 0 ID:
- >>13イケメンがジャニーズに入らなくなっちゃったんだな。Looks like ikemens aren't joining Johnny's anymore
- 23: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/06/08(土) 13:33:15.10 0 ID:
- >>13SMAPで言うとクサナギ君みたいなのばっかりになって来てるねIn SMAP lingo, it looks like Johnny's now is just infested by Kusanagi kun-like guys
- 26: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/06/08(土) 13:40:51.50 0 ID:
- >>13タッキーかっけーなTackey's so cool
- 27: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/06/08(土) 13:42:20.21 0 ID:
- >>13下お笑い芸人じゃんThe bottom one, that guy's totally like a comedian
- 32: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/06/08(土) 14:11:13.11 0 ID:
- >>13いやほんとそうNo, seriously.
Even Kokubun would be invincible compared to these guys w
In that sense, Morohoshi really was amazing, huh.
http://userdisk.webry.biglobe.ne.jp/005/440/80/1/_3L1.jpghttp://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20100827/01/yotteba/c3/92/j/o0476031810715566852.jpg - 1:|仝゜) れいなじる ◆017JIRUx.6 2012/11/20(火) 08:43:41.14 0 ID:
- ジャニーズ事務所社長でプロデューサー、ジャニー喜多川氏(81)が「最も多くのチャート1位獲得アーティストをプロデュースした」として、ギネス世界記録に認定されたことが19日、同事務所から発表された。Johnny Kitagawa was recognized by the Guinness World Records and was presented with the award of "most No. 1 singles produced by an individual"
- 2: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 08:47:24.65 0 ID:
- お前が知らないだけだIt's just that you didn't know about it
- 4: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 11:46:04.53 0 ID:
- >>1芸能事務所社長、演出家、プロデューサー、脚本家、構成作家メリーは芸能事務所副社長、スタイリストジュリーは関連会社社長(芸能事務所社長ではない)、スタイリスト、マネージャーマッチ・ヒガシは所属タレント、権限はない役員(確か株も持ってない)President of a talent agency, a director, a producer, a scriptwriter, and a TV writer.
Mary is the vice president, a stylist.
Julie is the president of an affiliate company (not a talent agency), a stylist, and a manager.
Matchy and Higashi are talents who are directors without authority (non-stock holders). - 5: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 11:49:15.93 0 ID:
- ジャニー、メリー喜多川兄妹は高額納税者発表してた頃When the list of the highest tax payers was released, Johnny and Mary Kitagawa both paid 700 million in taxes yearly.
毎年7億円ぐらいそれぞれ納税していた - 28: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 12:13:50.88 0 ID:
- ジャニーズって最初Johnny's began when Johnny himself coached a baseball team, right? Then he made that baseball team do musicals and stuff.
その野球チームでミュージカル始めたのが最初だとか - 33: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 12:22:58.11 0 ID:
- 少年野球の監督だったんじゃなかったっけHe used to be the coach of a boy's baseball team, right?
- 36: 名無し募集中。。。あら 2012/11/20(火) 12:29:04.67 0 ID:
- ジャニさんの経歴みたらGHQの情宣部門出身としって怖くなったwI suddenly got scared when I learned that Johnny-san used to be in the public promotions department of GHQ
- 42: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 12:36:29.61 0 ID:
- ネットでジャニさんの顔見たときは驚いたなI got really surprised when I saw Johnny-san's face on the Internet for the first time.
I always thought he looked like a halfie, but he's just a regular old man, huh.
http://varitopi.com/jyani-kigatara.gifhttp://www.tomocci.com/jannys/janny01.jpghttp://livedoor.blogimg.jp/aokichanyon444/imgs/6/3/634629fa.jpghttp://i1.ytimg.com/vi/JZDwH4bpAvY/hqdefault.jpg - 7: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 11:52:54.64 O ID:
- スマップの将来性を見抜いたのは本当に凄いBut he's amazing for seeing SMAP's potential back then
http://img04.ti-da.net/usr/ks4140/%E3%82%93s%E3%82%B9%E3%83%9E%E3%83%83%E3%83%97.jpg - 11: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 12:00:56.85 0 ID:
- ハロヲタの俺でもYOUやっちゃいなよって言葉とEven a Hello-wota like me knows that he always says, "YOU, yacchai na yo"*, and that he has the ability to see what boys would look like after 10 years.
* (Johnny apparently likes using the English word "you" mixed in with Japanese. In this case, "YOU, do that". ) - 13: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 12:01:43.89 0 ID:
- 凄いわりにSMAPの次が不作だなHe's amazing, but the groups that came after SMAP were duds
- 20: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 12:05:27.59 0 ID:
- SMAPがすごすぎるだけでSMAP以降も成功だろIt's just that SMAP was too amazing, but you can still consider everyone else after them as a success
- 24: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 12:09:37.31 0 ID:
- SMAPの成功は時代的なタイミングもあるよお笑い第3世代(DTとウンナン)がやってたコント番組とかがアイドルがやるにも調度良かったそれ以前にもアイドルがコントやったりしてたけどそれでブレイクにこぎつけたアイドルっていないしなSMAP's success was also thanks to the timing of their debut.
It was just the right time when idols would do comedy programs like what the 3rd generation comedians (DT & UcchanNanchan) did. Idols did partake in skits prior to that, but there was no one who seemed like they'd make a break back then. - 32: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 12:20:35.87 0 ID:
- そもそも本当は光GENJIに看板番組案があったのが本人らが乗り気でなかったSMAPはデパートやレジャー施設での営業から初めて、新曲出るたびにCD持ってラジオ局周りしたり、ローカル番組に出たりという時期があったジュニア時代は全員付き人経験もある努力が報われての成功ってところが諸星たちとは違う大きな要因There was actually talk that Hikaru GENJI were the ones who were supposed to get their own main program, but the group wasn't that interested in it.
SMAP began their career doing shows in department stores and leisure spots, then they'd do their rounds at radio stations whenever they have new CDs and appear on local shows.
And when they were still Juniors, they've all had experience being chaperons or assistants.
Their biggest difference from Morohoshi and the rest is that they achieved success after all their hard work has paid off. - 34: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 12:24:15.83 0 ID:
- 光ゲンジとSMAPは歳近いけど光ゲンジはお笑い第3世代出てくる前に売れてたからなこの時代の5年のズレは今の時代の15年ズレよりデカイHikaru GENJI and SMAP aren't that different age-wise, but they became popular prior to the 3rd generation of comedians. A 5-year gap during that time was much bigger than a 15-year gap these days.
- 35: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 12:27:24.00 0 ID:
- 失速の速さは赤西以上だったけどな<ひかるげんじただこの2グループはジャニではサンプルでもあるよねTOKIO以降の連中は、この2所帯で踏まえた点を持った上で活動してる低空飛行でも存続してるのもそういうことだろBut Hikaru GENJI lost traction faster than Akanishi did.
But these 2 groups are the examples within Johnny's.
Everyone who came after TOKIO patterned their activities after the examples which these 2 groups had set. And that's also the reason why some groups are still alive, even if they're just lying low. - 38: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 12:30:56.05 0 ID:
- 逆に考えるんだよSMAP以降は失速しにくくなったのはバラエティ向きトークスキルを身に付けさせるマニュアルを手に入れたからYou should think about it the other way around.
These talents that came after SMAP haven't lost that much traction because they were able to follow SMAP's blueprint for success to help them develop their talking skills to survive as variety show hosts. -
- 41: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 12:34:52.32 0 ID:
- >>38SMAPが視聴率王になってSMAPとの関係切りたくないからメディアが他のジャ二タレも使い続けるからじゃないの?Isn't it just because SMAP became the kings of ratings, the media didn't want to cut ties with SMAP, so they still keep on using these other Johnny's talents?
- 46: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/20(火) 12:46:53.70 0 ID:
- 何にせよ一代で芸能界に自分の帝国作った熱量はすごいんじゃねWhatever the case, that passion that he has to establish his own empire in showbiz all in his own time is damn amazing
*(different thread)
So Johnny-san was a producer, did you guys know that? I thought he was just the company president
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