After the broadcast, this drew a lot of positive reactions on the Internet: "It's been a while since I laughed out this much from a TV show", "I'm in tears from laughing so much", and "Minami Minegishi's Gouriki dance was so funny".
Minegishi also did this at AKB48's handshake event the next day, as Haruna Kojima uploaded Minegishi's Gouriki dance, complete with the same get-up and all on Instagram and has similarly drawn positive reactions. With Kintaro's "Flying Get" also becoming a hit a while back, people will now be paying attention to what will become of Minegishi's Gouriki dance.
Video uploaded by Kojima:
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:02:57.33 ID:jVrr3wo8i
- 剛力の真似する奴初めて見た
だって周りで全然流行らなかったもん - It's the first time I saw someone imitating Gouriki.
It never became viral around me. -
- 157: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:31:47.39 ID:JbhYxzKbi
- >>26このモノマネには敵わない
It's still nothing compared to this imitation
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:03:17.92 ID:8aJS9Mup0
- 面白かったな
別に男がいたことくらいどうでもいいだろw - It was funny.
But boy, she really was ugly. Then again, who cares if she had a boyfriend? No problems there. - 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:07:49.14 ID:RdFPdAnf0
- 何回もやっててわろた
- LOL at how she did it over and over again
- 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:09:36.32 ID:QtaAYDiy0
- これは正直面白かった
ゴーリキ好きじゃないのもあるけど、意図していないのに軽くバカにしている感じもいい - This was honestly funny.
And I liked how it looked slightly off from the original which increased its comedic value.
I liked how they're poking fun at Gouriki, even if it probably wasn't intentional. Maybe because I hate Gouriki. - 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:13:59.13 ID:f7WmE5VB0
- 両方動画みたけど本職よりゴーリキーのがダンス上手いな
- I saw both videos, but I actually think Gouriki's dancing is much better
- 230: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:48:47.10 ID:kEuMwY7r0
- >>83ゴーリキはずっとダンスやってたからねただ変な振り付けの歌を歌わされてるだけGouriki has always been dancing.
It's just that she's made to sing a song with strange dance steps.
- 90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:15:24.20 ID:wBmW+w5y0
-めごっちバカにしてんじゃねえぞこのクソブサイクは消えろ!Don't make a fool out of Megocchi.
You fugly girl, go get lost! -
- 96: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:16:45.88 ID:zBLenZJK0
- >>90
これかわいいじゃん - This is cute
- 100: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:17:24.16 ID:Mk6tM+qx0
- >>90峯岸の全盛期と良い勝負だな
That's a good match against Minegishi in her prime
- 847: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 14:04:14.02 ID:PbR9kUFIi
- >>90あれ、顔は変わってないからこっちの髪型だと可愛いじゃん
Hm? Her face hasn't changed so she actually looks cute in this hairstyle
- 91: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:15:48.17 ID:nFd+WOze0
- まあ、面白かったよ
- Well, it was funny
- 94: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:16:07.08 ID:oGJKb9Nz0
- これって剛力も峯岸もぜんぶひっくるめて馬鹿にしてるよなw
- I think both Gouriki and Minegishi were made fun of here w
- 120: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:21:13.25 ID:kDP5y26Mi
ではランチパックを再現した - This was during the handshake event.
She spoofed the lunchpack commercial. -
- 153: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:30:42.86 ID:9Crjm0Y80
- >>120
かわいい - Who's the yellow one on the right? She's cute.
- 194: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:38:39.82 ID:dbdR0BOA0
- >>120
左から板野友美、渡辺麻友、剛力彩芽、篠崎愛、横山由依 - From the left
Tomomi Itano, Mayu Watanabe, Ayame Gouriki, Ai Shinozaki, Yui Yokoyama
- 142: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:27:21.90 ID:8aJS9Mup0
- AKBはブサイク言う人多いけど
でも一番面白い - A lot of people are saying that AKB are ugly, but this girl takes the cake.
But she's the funniest of the lot. - 175: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:34:17.13 ID:9tt2h8k+0
- こいつ嫌いだけど剛力をバカにしたのはいいな
どんな反撃くらうかしらんがw - I hate this girl but I like how she made fun of Gouriki.
I don't know what kind of retaliation she'll be getting, though. - 184: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:36:27.50 ID:Tzo8Osw/0
- おもわず笑っちまったけど、めごっち今頃泣いてんだろう
- I unintentionally laughed at this one, but Megocchi must be crying now
- 193: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:38:23.90 ID:LzbBKYJM0
- >>184
多分笑ってると思うよ - I think she's laughing at this too
- 213: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:42:12.74 ID:Q0uavIV10
- 263: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:59:02.13 ID:Tl9sMdiU0
- >>213
スタイル悪すぎワロタ - LOLing at how bad her style and figure is
- 217: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:43:01.49 ID:m1K3Lfc2i
- これだけやってもオリジナル剛力ダンスのが面白いんだよな
- Even if she does this much, the original Gouriki dance is still funnier
- 231: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 09:48:53.72 ID:zM1nx8CX0
- 峯岸は尾木プロか
まぁオスカーに潰されはしないだろうけど - Minegishi is from Ogi Pro, huh.
Well, I don't think Oscar will be able to squash them. - 298: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 10:09:07.93 ID:+3hZtNn70
- 剛力さんの事可愛いと思った事ないけど
この人見た後だと可愛く見えるw - I never thought Gouriki-san was cute, but she actually does look cuter after looking at this girl w
- 345: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 10:26:33.81 ID:7IodqMhB0
- 剛力さん、カラオケで歌って踊るぐらいAKBが好きだったのになぁ・・・
To think that Gouriki-san loves AKB so much that she sings and dances to their songs on karaoke... -
- 831: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 13:51:37.87 ID:/idZ5h1S0
- >>345
その番宣の番組でよく歌うっていって一緒に踊ってたな - When she was together with Oshima in a drama, they used to sing and dance together while promoting that on programs
- 354: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 10:29:29.15 ID:a5AjIEqz0
- 面白いけど確実にバカにしてるやろブスのくせに
- It was funny but this ugly girl was definitely poking fun at her
- 369: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 10:33:28.09 ID:nVTFHRvk0
- 剛力VS峯岸なら、剛力につきます
- If it's between Gouriki and Minegishi, I'd take Gouriki
- 424: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 10:51:24.27 ID:iymLa9n50
- 昨日の握手会でもやってるし仕上げてきてるなw
面白いからどんどんやってほしい - She even did it at the handshake event, and it seems like she's been polishing her act. w
It's funny so I hope she keeps on doing it. - 438: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 10:57:50.32 ID:EEN/6Su+0
- 汚れブスが女優をおちょくるとは笑止
- It's not funny how a filthy, ugly girl like this is making fun of an actress
- 440: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 10:59:30.79 ID:M883y5gw0
- >>438
剛力ほんとに怒るぜこれw - The ugly Sashihara started the joke and this bi+chy Minilla did her filthy dance over and over, sucking as an impersonator. Gouriki will definitely get mad at this w
- 481: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 11:11:08.72 ID:igjHs2xA0
- ゴーリキーはランチパックとMステでしか見たこと無かったがクロコーチから贔屓にしてるので小馬鹿にされると興味の無いAKBでも嫌になる
- I've only seen Gouriki in Lunch Pack and on Music Station but I've been favoring her after watching Kurokouchi. So even if I don't really care about AKB, I'm starting to hate them since they're making a fool out of her.
- 566: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 11:38:29.87 ID:H922orsM0
- なんつーか、まだゴーリキのが顔もスタイルもマシじゃんと思うとは思わなかったw
- Errr, never would I have imagined that I would think Gouriki's face and style is much better w
- 618: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 11:57:50.92 ID:JMzJtW790
- 剛力の炎上マーケティングしようとしてるだけじゃん
コラボだろただのこれ - They're just making some negative press for Gouriki.
I think they actually collaborated on this one. - 739: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 12:56:25.30 ID:e9DeyoI2O
- 正直めちゃめちゃオモロかったわ、また見たい
- It was honestly funny. I want to see it again.
- 745: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 12:57:56.13 ID:mRKezL1s0
- >>739これ鉄板ネタだと思うよたぶんいろんなところでやるだろうねI think this will become her "thing".
She'll probably do this in a lot of different places.
- 743: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 12:57:27.33 ID:lhnnJE630
- 動画見たがバカにしてんのか?
- I saw the video, is she making fun of her?
- 748: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 13:00:00.35 ID:a5i2B8C+0
- オスカー敵に回すのは怖いよぅ
- Making enemies out of Oscar is pretty scary
- 752: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 13:02:51.09 ID:iMXVLZ5N0
- >>748
これで峰岸干されたらオスカーマンセーするw - If Minegishi gets frozen out after this, I'll start praising Oscar w
- 795: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 13:26:43.07 ID:fB7gle300
- >>748
オスカーなんてバーニング系列には歯が立たないだろw - But Oscar doesn't stand a chance against the Burning group.
- 779: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 13:18:47.61 ID:sAvG8XPB0
- これで剛力はあの踊りを踊れなくなってしまったわけだが
- Which means that Gouriki won't be able to dance that anymore
- 789: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 13:22:42.12 ID:xd1KtXJ90
- >>779
キンタローのフライングゲットみたいに - This actually became the song she's most well-known for.
Like Kintaro's "Flying Get".
- 866: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 14:21:30.13 ID:gahu247f0
- 剛力本当は結構ショックなんじゃないかな。
- Maybe Gouriki's actually in shock right now
- 882: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 14:28:52.92 ID:Bj8wPinIO
- てか剛力のファンからクレーム来ないのか
剛力のファンはAKBのファンと違ってキ●ガイがいないのか、それとも剛力にファンがいないのか… - Won't Gouriki's fans be complaining about this?
If someone imitates AKB stupidly like that, that person would get death threats w
Could it be that Gouriki's fans aren't as crazy as AKB fans? Or is it just that Gouriki doesn't have any fans? -
- 889: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 14:33:18.53 ID:E267ejeL0
- >>882
AKBファンとその他のファンは全く別物だと思うぞ - I think AKB fans are totally different from the other fans
- 899: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 14:46:52.92 ID:qQcEJW8H0
- 剛力さんのファンっているの?
- Do Gouriki fans even exist?
- 917: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/18(月) 14:58:08.73 ID:hC/ERqUiO
- AKBが日常的に剛力を馬鹿にしてるのはわかった
もっとやれwww - I got from this that AKB is making fun of Gouriki on a daily basis.
Go ahead, do it some more www
Ayame Gouriki's video reaches 10 million views on YouTube thanks to Minegishi's spoof
The single which was released in July of this year is an up-tempo number dedicated to an all important person who is more than a "friend" to the singer. Thanks in part to the Mecha2 Iketeru special shown on the 16th where Minegishi imitated the "propeller dance", Gouriki's music video has now exceeded 10 million views on YouTube.
Gouriki's reaction to this feat was: "I'm really happy about this! Is that really, really true (lol)!?"
"The music video for the song 'Tomodachi yori daiji na hito' can only be played in Japan, but I'm really surprised that 10 million people in Japan have already seen it! This is all thanks to your support!", "I'll keep on working hard to bring smiles to your faces!"
- 7: キン肉バスター(愛知県) 2013/11/20(水) 06:29:18.67 ID:+giXHqJV0
- 低評価多すぎワロタ
でもダンスは普通に上手くないか - LOLing at all the downvotes.
But isn't her dancing actually good? -
- 47: 中年'sリフト(岩手県) 2013/11/20(水) 08:34:06.03 ID:ipw9Vvjo0
- >>7
キレがありすぎて逆に痛さが倍増 - It's so sharp and snappy, which actually makes her look more pathetic
- 8: ダイビングヘッドバット(大阪府) 2013/11/20(水) 06:33:39.73 ID:X5k88fQU0
- 歌声も爽やかだし楽曲もオーソドックスで楽しい
なのに悪評価2万www - Her singing voice sounds pleasant and the song itself is orthodox and fun.
Even the video has a lot of cheerdancing with backflips and stuff.
But what's with the 20,000 downvotes? www - 9: ドラゴンスリーパー(北海道) 2013/11/20(水) 06:36:20.10 ID:HS+tN+tG0
- オマエらもっと叩け そして落ちてきたところで俺が剛力と結婚する
- Go bash her some more. And once she's down in the pits, I'll go marry her.
- 14: ドラゴンスープレックス(家) 2013/11/20(水) 07:03:06.35 ID:YF/m+ikc0
- 最近超絶いい子に思えてきた
- I'm starting to think that she's a super duper nice girl
- 26: 断崖式ニードロップ(関西・東海) 2013/11/20(水) 07:40:42.12 ID:Jmqt263VO
- >>14
テレビって怖い - Me too, thanks to the segment on London Hearts.
- TV sure is scary.
- 15: ジャーマンスープレックス(dion軍) 2013/11/20(水) 07:04:18.77 ID:1DaFK90U0
- 剛力叩かれてるけど嫌いじゃないんだなあ
- People are bashing her but I don't hate her
- 16: マシンガンチョップ(北海道) 2013/11/20(水) 07:15:33.80 ID:5nSswAwtP
- 峯岸効果ってことだな
- It's the Minegishi effect
- 17: エクスプロイダー(中国・四国) 2013/11/20(水) 07:33:44.98 ID:gTwUW92CO
- もとから1000万目前やったがな
- But it was already close to 10 million views a while back
- 29: リバースパワースラム(福岡県) 2013/11/20(水) 07:56:44.85 ID:R8nK6Qz50
- 初期の道重と同じだな時が経てば今の道重みたいに好きになる
She's the same as when Michishige first came out. As time passes, people will adore her like how we do with Michishige now. - 32: アトミックドロップ(大阪府) 2013/11/20(水) 08:04:31.66 ID:jvwuNpQB0
- やっぱショートカットがあかんねん
Short hair really doesn't suit her -
- 59: ドラゴンスリーパー(栃木県) 2013/11/20(水) 08:50:32.75 ID:yVar2S500
- >>32
違うんだな - I thought Gouriki looked good with short hair, so I was wrong, huh
- 34: ニールキック(SB-iPhone) 2013/11/20(水) 08:06:50.91 ID:YrPTa18bi
- 40: 不知火(北海道) 2013/11/20(水) 08:27:59.76 ID:W10Sm7XAO
- >>34
ぶっさああああああ - Fuglyyyyyyy
- 37: ジャストフェイスロック(チベット自治区) 2013/11/20(水) 08:25:59.87 ID:PebCk46f0
- 剛力さん、ええ人や
- Gouriki-san's such a nice person
- 39: エメラルドフロウジョン(dion軍) 2013/11/20(水) 08:27:31.79 ID:bWskBUmU0
- どう見てもミニラより剛力の方がいい
- Gouriki > Minilla anyway you look at it
- 43: 頭突き(西日本) 2013/11/20(水) 08:29:12.44 ID:ub4sXoBG0
- 本当はイラっときてるんでしょ?
言っちゃえよ - But she must really be pissed, right?
Go say the truth. - 50: レッドインク(西日本) 2013/11/20(水) 08:38:27.73 ID:u/ym5tEU0
- でも峯岸の名前は出してないから怒ってるんだろうな
- She didn't mention Minegishi's name so she must be mad
- 58: マシンガンチョップ(東日本) 2013/11/20(水) 08:50:32.67 ID:c2evZreYP
- 剛力さんは歌もダンスも演技もAKBよりはうまいな。
- Gouriki-san's singing, dancing, and acting are better than AKB's.
- 60: クロスヒールホールド(神奈川県) 2013/11/20(水) 08:51:28.24 ID:S8n6nN/80
- 剛力ってここまで馬鹿にされるようなことはやってないと思うんだけどな
- I don't think Gouriki did anything to deserve this sort of treatment
- 71: 男色ドライバー(関東地方) 2013/11/20(水) 09:33:07.06 ID:ffx4cepZO
- クソ坊主のネタがまた一つ出来ただけなのに剛力かわいそっ。
事務所は怒らないのか? - This damn baldie just got herself another skit at the expense of poor Gouriki.
Won't her agency get mad at this? - 84: エメラルドフロウジョン(愛知県) 2013/11/20(水) 11:03:56.85 ID:84+/snf10
- めごっちを叩いていいのは俺らだけだろ
テレビであんなふうに笑いものにするなんて許せん - We are the only ones allowed to bash Gouriki.
I can't forgive them for making fun of her like that on TV. - 90: 中年'sリフト(茸) 2013/11/20(水) 12:42:09.33 ID:5E55/gGp0
- 剛力マジでメンタルつええなww
- Gouriki's mentality is seriously so strong ww
Minegishi apologizes to Gouriki for the "Gouriki dance" wwwww
That's so loose of them w
@みぃちゃん「剛力ダンスについて優子経由で剛力さんに写真付き謝罪メールを送っていただくことにしている」 #DMM
@ Miichan "We will be sending an email apology to Gouriki-san with a picture through Yuko" #DMM
Ayame: "I'll forgive you if you go bald and apologize"
What's the connection between Yuko-san and Gouriki?- 8: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/20(水) 19:40:50.71 ID:+epMqiBDO
- >>3月9フジテレビドラマで姉妹役演じてた仲
- They were sisters in a Monday-9 Fuji TV drama
- 12: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/20(水) 19:42:20.60 ID:PjPMkwhG0
- >>3月9私恋の姉妹
Sisters in Monday-9 Watashi ga renai dekinai riyuu
Yuko will feel awkward with this w
They should attach the imitation video when sending it to Gouriki w
I hope Gouriki and Minegishi collaborates
LOL www
Gouriki seems like a good sport so she might reply with a nice comment
Isn't this a win-win situation for both of them?
Go at it some more www
So Oscar's mad?
I don't think they are, but it's safer to give some sort of apology as a form of respect
Isn't this alright? Both sides are happy anyway.Kintaro on the other hand imitated a serious scene so that one's no good.
Oscar should actually be thankful for this www
Are Yuko and Gouriki close with each other?- 50: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/20(水) 19:57:32.08 ID:XXTdCq600
- >>49
ドラマで共演したことあるからな。あれから仲いいかはしらん - They starred in a drama together. I don't know if they've been close since that time.
Gouriki looks so sensitive.She might actually be pretty shocked about it.
And we'll be seeing Minegishi sending a ton of lunch packs to her
Gouriki: "Yuko is a *tomodachi yori taisetsu na hito" * (a person more important than a friend)
- 84: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/20(水) 20:21:20.95 ID:OAonJWRb0
- >>70
× 大切
○ 大事 - Not Taisetsu, but Daiji
Minegishi isn't my friend anymore~She's now a person~ who's more important than a friend~
Such a well done scenario
Make Gouriki join AKB.She's a good dancer so she'll be an asset.
I remember Sashihara's yutaka being compared to Gouriki's on Iitomo which made her cry
Minegishi should actually be the one receiving lunch pack and a letter of gratitude for reviving the Gouriki-chan boom
I don't understand why they have to attach a picture in the email wwwThat's like fanning the flames further.
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