This all started from his picture leaking onto the Internet. It's actually an ordinary picture where 4 young men are sitting in a room, but the problem is one of them is holding a Smirnoff while canned Chuhai cocktails are seen on the floor. And judging from one person holding a pinata with "Congratulations" written on it, it can be deduced that they gathered here to celebrate an occasion.
"One of the guys in the picture is Mizuki Kobayashi, 18 years old. He's in 3rd year highschool, and a member of Johnny's Jr. Netizens have already identified that it's him thanks to his facial features and his clothes, leading to some people saying, "I never thought that he was such a foolish Jr. member", "KobaMizu is finished with this". Kobayashi is one of the Jr. talents who are being pushed for, as he's a regular on NHK's Test no Hanamichi and was in a pretty good position on Johnny's Jr. Land (BS Sky Prefect). He might not be in direct possession of the alcoholic beverage judging by the picture, but just by being in the company of other people drinking will lead to some sort of punishment." - (well-informed Johnny's writer)
(Continued after the jump)
- 2: 五十京φ ★ 2013/11/02(土) 14:12:05.44 ID:???0
- Other than Uchi, there is also the case of Hironori Kusano, who has left Johnny's because of underage drinking. And in July of this year, Yuya Tegoshi was reportedly together with SKE's Momona Kito as she was drinking, which apparently led to Vice President Mary yelling at him, "Tegoshi, you fool!"
There was also Shusuke Osaka, Masahiro Anazawa, Kazuo Hamada, and Kazuki Omi, Johnny's Jr. members who were scooped by a tabloid in 1999 and consequently left the agency.
There seems to be no end to all these suspicions of Johnny's members drinking before they hit the legal age. Some fans have already been saying that Kobayashi will probably quit the agency too. But since Johnny's don't announce the Jr. members who leave, the only way of confirming this is through his regular programs. - 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 14:13:20.07 ID:Wqd9ZUSe0
- なーに、ジャニーズ社長がいつものようにもみ消してくれるから無問題!No problem here, President Johnny will erase all the facts like he always has!
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 14:15:42.59 ID:7CTUihlI0
- スミノフをボトルてアル中ってレベルじゃねーA Smirnoff bottle? That's not on the level of alcoholic, yo.
- 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 14:16:05.57 ID:/fqFoEzS0
- ジャニーズJr小林瑞生応援日記Fan diary dedicated to Johnny's Jr. Mizuki Kobayashi
これは怖いThis is scary -
- 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 14:51:22.75 ID:3j44N66JO
- >>11ヤバイなおい‥殺人事件起こりそうなんだが。。That's so scary.. feels like a murder case waiting to happen..
- 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 15:20:02.17 ID:5bbaI8L30
- >>11妄想で狂ってるな。無視って最初から一万人の中のお前に目なんか行かないだろ。She's going insane with her delusions. He's ignoring you? There's no way he'd look at you amongst a crowd of 10,000 people.
- 91: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 15:21:19.83 ID:1eUZaEM20
- >>11,52アカンこの人生きて行けるのかこれはネタなの?まじなの?(´・ω・`)Holy crap, can this person still live on?
Is she just trolling? Is this for real? (´・ω・`)
- 117: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 15:44:05.15 ID:Bi2GouKVO
- これでJr辞めたら>>11はどうなっちゃうんだ…What will happen to >>11 if he quits Jr...
- 132: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 15:53:13.50 ID:Z0jurBmC0
- >>11ジャニオタきめええええええええええええええええええええええええJani-otas are so digustinggggggggggggggg
- 170: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 16:57:13.51 ID:bVgpshAf0
- >>11山Pに粘着しまくって異常ストーカー化、最後は逮捕された糖質おばちゃん思い出した。あの人、まだ堀の中かな。強制措置入院という名の。I suddenly remembered the old granny who was so attached to Yamapi that she stalked him and was eventually arrested.
I wonder if that person is still confined. In a mental hospital that is.
- 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 14:22:29.88 ID:51FX1tgY0
- 表沙汰にならなかった不祥事もあるはずなのに、表沙汰になったものだけで近年のジャニーズはボロボロだよな。そもそも社長からして問題あるわけだし。I'm sure that there are a lot of cases that weren't made public, but just with these ones that were, it looks like Johnny's is in shambles recently.
The president himself has problems as well. -
- 264: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 23:10:22.72 ID:5B1oF7YJ0
- >>21この程度の知名度の奴は切り捨てればいいので割と頻繁に流出するよPeople like him who aren't that popular are expendable, so there really are a lot of cases leaking out
- 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 14:38:04.75 ID:7ny9If4F0
- 女性関係ならともかく、犯罪はだめだねジャニはその点厳しいよねWomen problems, yes. But crime is a much bigger no-no.
Johnny's is pretty strict in that respect. - 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 14:46:07.53 ID:tosfg0wi0
- 楽屋にコーラぶちまけてYOUTUBEにあげたジュニアは結局解雇されたの?So what about the Jr. who poured cola all over the dressing room and uploaded it on YouTube, was he terminated? - 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 14:54:21.22 ID:ASJcjmwW0
- >1999年に大坂俊介・穴沢真啓・浜田一男・尾身和樹といった人気Jr.の飲酒・喫煙が週刊誌に大々的に報じられ、4人とも事務所を去っている。この場に滝沢もいたらしいがおとがめなし売れてるやつには甘い>There was also Shusuke Osaka, Masahiro Anazawa, Kazuo Hamada, and Kazuki Omi, Johnny's Jr. members who were scooped by a tabloid in 1999 and consequently left the agency.
Takizawa was apparently with them but he got off the hook.
They're pretty lax when it comes to people who are popular. -
- 266: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 23:13:44.94 ID:5B1oF7YJ0
- >>55滝沢が写ってる写真は持ち込んだ奴の言い値でジャニが購入したらしいI heard that Johnny's bought the picture from the guy who brought it based on his demands
- 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 14:54:57.52 ID:hUf4PZEU0
- タッキーレベルの人気とジャニーさんからの寵愛があれば隠蔽してもらえるIf your popularity was on the level of Tackey and if you had Johnny-san's affection then they'll cover it up for you
- 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 14:57:45.36 ID:wxRiNIKY0
- しかしまぁ、このくらいの年なら、飲酒したことのある奴の方が大半だろ、ホントのトコはwBut in reality, majority of the kids at this age have already experienced drinking w
- 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 15:08:01.05 ID:kB+FyPnfi
- まぁダメだけど18ならチューハイやスミノフぐらい大目にみてやれよI don't think it'll happen, but they should forgive an 18 y/o for something as petty as Chuhai and Smirnoff.
- 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 15:08:15.91 ID:D65Ha8n10
- 関ジャニも昔結構やんちゃしてた気がするけど残ってるぞ。タッキーの同期辺りはまとめて粛正されてたり基準がよく分からんな。Kanjani were also pretty wild in the past but they're still around. The guys who came together with Tackey though were punished altogether, so I really don't know that agency's standards.
- 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 15:19:32.11 ID:Ex5kp8yn0
- なぜかもうジャニって魅力感じなくなったなジャニーズ系という言葉ももはや古臭いI don't feel any appeal in Johnny's anymore. The word "Johnny's-kei" is already a thing of the past.
- 137: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 15:54:22.10 ID:vc3FDGqs0
- これってジャニーズ辞めたいから写真撮らせたんじゃね?Maybe he had his picture taken on purpose because he already wants to quit Johnny's?
- 158: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 16:38:07.99 ID:m1DNzlbfi
- ジャニーズに清廉潔白なやつなんておらんやろThere aren't any people who are upright and honest in Johnny's.
- 162: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 16:40:37.94 ID:RSXdPItE0
- >>158TOKIOくらいか?山口が免許切れそのままってのあったけどMaybe TOKIO are the only ones?
There was a time though when Yamaguchi's license expired but he still used it as is.
- 179: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 17:15:26.80 ID:wbEUcNhUO
- >>158堂本は?二人とも変人だけどスキャンダルはないよな?What about Domoto?
Both may be queer, but they don't have any scandals, right?
- 160: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 16:39:59.58 ID:0XDdp/7FO
- テレビで一回も見たことないのに辞める辞めないとか俺完全に置いてけぼりI've never even seen him once on TV and you're talking about him quitting or not. I feel totally left behind.
- 172: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 17:02:54.64 ID:eyNbrWlm0
- 大麻はアヘ顔だったが大麻の証拠写真じゃないからなこれは酒ビン持ってるから逃れられない個人的には酒くらいいいだろと思うがそれ許すとどんどん崩れて外で醜態さらすことになるから厳しいんだろうなTaima (Ohno) had that high-looking face but it wasn't enough evidence for drug use. This one has a liquor bottle so there's no escaping from this one.
I personally don't see anything wrong with sake-wine and the like, but if you forgive something like this, then these talents will lose control and expose more shameful acts outside so the agency is keeping it strict. - 185: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 17:49:11.97 ID:XQyBiOob0
- 手越もたくさん流出してるけど全然大丈夫じゃん守ってくれるよTegoshi himself has a lot of leaked stuff but he's totally fine.
They'll protect this guy. - 204: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 19:34:33.27 ID:+JcaXAbV0
- 画像Picture -
- 212: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 19:43:57.49 ID:AndTXI4u0
- >>204これくらいならセーフだなI don't think something like this is a big deal
- 226: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 20:04:11.97 ID:i8F6O0zZ0
- >>204この集まった中の奴か、この中から送った奴か、やめさせたくて流出させたんのかまぁ友達でも信用せず、酒のある場面じゃ映らない事だなSo the guy who leaked this is probably one of those who were at that gathering, huh. Maybe he really wanted this guy to quit Johnny's. Just goes to show that you can't trust even your own friends, and that they should've been more careful not to be seen together with liquor and stuff.
- 211: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 19:41:31.04 ID:/Lwq02hTO
- 草なぎくらいハジけちゃえば印象に残るのにHe would have remained in people's minds if he was as crazy as Kusanagi
- 219: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 19:55:02.62 ID:EvKBFbOO0
- テストの花道で見たことあるけどこの子ジャニなのかw何かマジでジャニの顔面偏差値下がりまくりだなI saw this guy on Test no Hanamichi and I didn't know he was from Johnny's w
Seriously, I get the feeling that the average facial score of the Johnny's members nowadays have gone down. - 234: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 20:24:28.63 ID:4DR8L7Ee0
- あっさり切られる人間と完全スルーの人間 なにが違うのWhat's the difference between people who are easily cut from the people who have things like this ignored?
- 236: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 20:26:41.59 ID:+JcaXAbV0
- >>234人気あるかないかIf he's popular or not
- 259: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/02(土) 22:31:54.75 ID:a6/b7w4g0
- 仲居くんの時代とかネットなくて助かっただろうなwNakai-kun must be grateful that there was no Internet yet during his time w
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