The stories aren't that bad, but two dramas which are not showing any signs of recovery are Yukie Nakama's Honey Trap (Fuji TV) and Yuka's Hakuba no Oujisama (NTV).
Honey Trap's lead is EXILE's AKIRA, but no matter how you look at it, Yukie Nakama seems like she's the main actress as she plays a mysterious woman in the drama. 6%-7% isn't shocking for a drama shown at 11 pm, but with the 'industrial spy' theme, Nakama's presence, and messy character relations, people can't seem to get emotionally attached to the drama. The ratings might still drop from here.
Hakuba no~ starts at 11:59 pm so no one will say it's a flop even if it only gets 4%-5%. Even the previous season's Machiisha Jumbo!! didn't reach an average of 5%. This drama though, started off with 5.6%, and went as low as 2.6%. The drama is about a teacher's love story, and Yuka's partner is a younger Takahiro Miura. They even had a teaser where they didn't reveal the actress until episode 1, but it did not lead to results.
People may see Yukie Nakama and Yuka as "expired goods", but there are still cases like Koyuki in Legal High and Yuki Uchida in Dr. X who still shine brightly as they now play supporting roles.
Nakama will be playing a supporting role in the next morning drama, but it might be about time for her to reconsider her own standing.
- 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:29:12.46 ID:Bz6ML2XI0
- 仲間がここまで落ちぶれるとはおもわなんだ次の朝ドラでは吉高なんかの脇だしNever would I have imagined that Nakama would fall down this far.
She'll even only be a support to someone like Yoshitaka in the next morning drama.
(Related post HERE) - 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:30:14.26 ID:+XMFW3JW0
- AKIRAこそが爆死の原因なんじゃないのか?Isn't AKIRA actually the cause of the ratings bombing? - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:31:22.24 ID:Ann5BYal0
- 優香の需要なんてどこにあるんだよ。Who the heck still has demands for Yuka?
- 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:35:22.77 ID:LeNvwHdV0
- 優香はもう厳しいだろ芸能界はあきらめて俺の家に来てもいいんだぞIt's already getting tough for Yuka.
She should quit showbiz and come to my home. - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:36:15.24 ID:Rr/uwBys0
- エグザイルってだけで見る気失せるんだよなI don't even feel like watching it the moment I heard that someone from EXILE is in it
- 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:36:51.59 ID:VFogKanF0
- 結局、脚本次第なんだよAnd once again, it all boils down to the script
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:37:28.84 ID:VT9t5EZC0
- 仲間ちゃん最近ミステリアスな役ばっかだねコメディが見たいよNakama-chan's always been playing these mysterious roles lately.
I want to see her doing comedy again. -
- 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:40:18.49 ID:hFoZ0C990
- >>23来年のTRICKの映画だけだなコメディやるとしてもTRICKやごくせんのように生瀬が居ないと何か違和感が(´・ω・`)That'll only be fulfilled with next year's TRICK movie.
Even if she does comedy, things will still feel strange if Namase isn't there with her like in TRICK and Gokusen (´・ω・`)
(Related post HERE)
- 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:37:29.99 ID:3XJvIsID0
- ハクバノ王子サマを今の優香でやるってのがそもそも間違いそれこそ仲間をこっちの主人公に持ってきたほうがよかったんじゃないかねIt's a mistake in the first place to make the current Yuka play the lead in Hakuba no Oujisama.
This is actually where they should've put Nakama in. - 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:38:05.14 ID:macXpU6O0
- 優香はかわいいけど女優は無理。司会の横にいるのが仕事だよ。Yuka is cute, but she doesn't cut it as an actress.
Her job is to just stand beside a host. - 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:39:38.21 ID:GGdSD4lY0
- 海の上の診療所の武井咲は主演じゃなく二番手でいい味出しはじめた。Emi Takei on the other hand has started to shine a bit as the second fiddle in Umi no ue no shinryojo - 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:40:35.27 ID:bwllR05x0
- 彼岸島は1%台だろ。あれは有名どころが出てないからかHiganjima is only around 1%. Not a single popular actor is in that one. - 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:42:26.94 ID:qhYbIVhvO
- 比較対象としてわざわざ優香と仲間由紀恵を下げて、特に誰も興味持ってない小雪と内田有紀を上げる。どんだけバーニング臭い記事だこれと思ったらゲンダイだった。I wondered why the article was lowering Yuka and Yukie Nakama while lifting up the images of Koyuki and Yuki Uchida whom no one really cares about.
I thought for a second that the article reeked of a Burning Productions scheme, but lo and behold, it's actually from Gendai. - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:43:11.57 ID:P2D0vsd90
- 深夜帯の視聴率合格ラインがわからないんだよなあ7%くらいで◯って感じかなI still don't know what the passing grade is for late night.
Can they call it a success if it gets around 7%? - 48: 保冷所 ◆Z/DNfeC8aU 2013/11/03(日) 12:44:49.57 ID:aHU5lxtS0
- (#゚Д゚)っ - 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:44:55.85 ID:R7ceJ/O90
- 優香でドラマ無理だろアイドルでピークの頃も全然だめだったろA drama with Yuka just doesn't work anymore.
She didn't even soar when she peaked as an idol. - 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:45:38.65 ID:8L+LaFfA0
- 主演は初回で発表とか引っ張っといて優香はないよなぁ。They even had this suspense about only revealing who the lead was in the first episode, and they give us Yuka? C'mon. - 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:46:26.63 ID:hDf4S+Pa0
- ハクバの王子様も1回目見たけど優香が大根すぎて無理だったたしかにハクバを仲間がやったら見たかったかもI watched the first episode of Hakuba no Oujisama but I gave up since Yuka was too much of a ham.
True, I probably would have watched it if Nakama did Hakuba instead. - 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:48:15.06 ID:f6ht3D0f0
- 前クールでやってた堂本剛と川口春奈の深夜ドラマなんて視聴率0%台だよwBut Tsuyoshi Domoto and Haruna Kawaguchi's late night drama last season was around 0% w -
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:49:48.88 ID:hDf4S+Pa0
- >>62川口春奈って今回爆死してる夫のカノジョの主演だろもってないにも程があるなHaruna Kawaguchi's also the lead for Otto no Kanojo that's flopping so hard right now, right?
There's a limit to having no luck at all.
- 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:54:07.39 ID:06H/t8yS0
- >>62そんなに悪かったのか。あのばかばかしさは嫌いじゃないので結構楽しめた。芹那がウザすぎたけど。It was that bad?
I don't dislike that kind of foolishness so I enjoyed it quite a bit.
Serina was so annoying, though.
- 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:48:23.78 ID:NVFtO1vg0
- なんで女優のせいなのかまるで分からん。明らかに脚本が悪いからだろ。もう、脚本が悪いのを女優のせいにするのはやめろよ、みっともない。批判するなら脚本家を名指しで批判しろ。I seriously can't understand why they're blaming the actresses.
It's definitely the fault of the screenplay.
Stop blaming the actresses for your bad scriptwriting, that's so shameful.
If you're going to criticize someone, go and mention the name of the scriptwriter instead. - 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:48:59.65 ID:bjc8uBbe0
- 原作からして別におもしろくもないしなんでも実写化すりゃいいってもんじゃないEven the original wasn't good.
Don't go making live action adaptations of everything. - 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:53:34.57 ID:u/1tCWgvP
- ハクバノ王子サマはつまらんけどハニートラップはまぁまぁ見れる。ただ時系列をごっちゃにするんですごい見づらい。Hakuba no Oujisama is boring but I can tolerate Honey Trap.
But they mix up the chronological order so it's really hard to watch. - 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:54:17.59 ID:NSCsCw6v0
- 小雪も内田有紀も別に光ってなくね?たまたまヒット作に出演してるだけじゃんBut Koyuki and Yuki Uchida aren't particularly shining.
They're just lucky that they're in hit shows. -
- 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:56:38.38 ID:qhYbIVhvO
- >>84だなー乗っかってるだけだよなー記事だけ見てるとさも小雪と内田有紀が数字持ってるみたいだよなーねーよ!Right.
They're just riding the wave.
If you just look at the article, it'd make you think that Koyuki and Yuki Uchida can bring forth the ratings.
No way!
- 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:55:34.47 ID:GGdSD4lY0
- 優香のドラマそこそこ好きだけどな。まあ、女優業に専念するって言って王様のブランチ司会辞めたのは良くなかったと思う。両立しろよと。I actually like Yuka's dramas.
But it probably didn't do her good when she said that she'd focus on acting when she quit being a host on Ousama no brunch.
She should have balanced both at the same time. - 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 12:58:16.74 ID:4jGhVl76P
- 仲間は今回に限ったことじゃないでしょずっとまえから討ち死にしっぱなしじゃね。30すぎてもきれいだし好感度は高いと思うから使われるのかもしれんけどドラマの内容が見たいと思えるようなものじゃないからなThis isn't the first time Nakama's had this issue.
She's been killing the dramas for a long time now.
She's still beautiful and well-liked even if she's past 30 so she'll still be used, but the stories don't really make you want to watch them. - 116: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 13:01:39.48 ID:svkUK2vG0
- 仲間はもう脇役に徹する時期優香は元々主役を張る器じゃないIt's time for Yukie Nakama to start doing more supporting roles.
Yuka never had what it takes to play lead roles in the first place. - 121: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 13:02:28.76 ID:fQNWvkXB0
- 結局脚本次第いい脚本に悪い演者でも成り立つことはあっても悪い脚本にいい演者がいくら頑張っても面白くなることはないIt still boils down to the script.
There may be cases where bad actors coupled with a good script will make things work, but no matter how hard good actors try with a bad script, it will never become more interesting. - 122: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 13:02:30.60 ID:0vrHmTkT0
- リーガルに小雪はいらないあれこそ仲間でよかったのにKoyuki isn't needed in Legal.
That's the part that should've gone to Nakama. - 133: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 13:06:28.18 ID:Oy9wslZY0
- 仲間は脇役もやったりするから大した影響はないかな優香は深夜ドラマとはいえ当てたかったなNakama has been doing supporting roles already so it won't be a huge blow for her.
Yuka probably wanted to make a hit out of this, even it were a late night drama. - 150: 保冷所 ◆Z/DNfeC8aU 2013/11/03(日) 13:11:55.19 ID:aHU5lxtS0
- (#゚Д゚)っ -
- 158: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 13:13:40.91 ID:6J6+M5kV0
- >>150この身体に仲間の顔だったら凄い事になるなwIf this body had Nakama's face, things would've gotten out of hand w
- 152: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 13:12:07.84 ID:LKDvqaSj0
- まあ何でも俳優のせいってのはどうかと思うクソつまらん脚本に責任はないのか?It's not right to blame it all on the actors.
So the stupid screenplay doesn't get any sort of heat at all? -
- 164: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 13:18:56.21 ID:P2D0vsd90
- >>152わかるけど俳優で切る人と脚本で切る人の数は違うかもねI get you, but the number of people who stop watching thanks to the actor is probably different from the number of people who stop watching because of the script
- 156: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 13:13:13.05 ID:4BCM+aIX0
- ハニートラップはエグザイルが主演じゃん。。。仲間のせいにするエグザイル関係者ってきたねえなあHoney Trap's lead role is played by an EXILE member...
These EXILE representatives sure are dirty for putting the blame on Nakama. - 160: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 13:16:31.73 ID:v7wOufWqO
- ハクバのは優香のせいハニトラはアキラのせいHakuba is Yuka's fault.
Honey Trap is AKIRA's fault. - 165: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 13:18:59.24 ID:4BCM+aIX0
- そういや、ゴーイングマイホームってドラマが爆死したの山口智子のせいにされまくってたんだよなあ主演は阿部寛だったのに。。。。恐ろしいなあI remember the drama Going My Home totally bombed in the ratings, and all the fault was put on Tomoko Yamaguchi.
To think that Hiroshi Abe was the lead... That was so dreadful. -
- 168: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 13:20:23.28 ID:IS2SVYAx0
- >>165ずっと高視聴率のあべちゃんが山口と組んだ途端に信じられないような爆死したんだから仕方ないIt can't be helped, Abe-chan who's always had high ratings had this unbelievable bomb the moment he got paired up with Tomoko Yamaguchi.
- 172: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 13:22:37.40 ID:NJgu/EjC0
- ハクバノ王子サマ、漫画は好きだったけどね貴子様のイメージと優香は全く合わないI liked the manga for Hakuba no oujisama, though.
It's just that Takako-sama's image didn't match well with Yuka. - 190: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 13:28:41.88 ID:QRV5juGh0
- ジャンボにしてもハニートラップにしてもエグザイル主演で低視聴率こいつら数字もってないんではないのBoth Jumbo and Honey Trap have EXILE as leads and both have low ratings.
Could it be that these guys just can't bring them in? -
- 192: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 13:29:24.16 ID:PsQnf4Ss0
- >>190持ってるわけないだろw自分達がやりたいからやってるだけなんだからOf course not. w
They're just in the drama because they want to.
- 193: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 13:29:52.37 ID:wTZQzSvGO
- ハニートラップの1話を見てたけどAKIRAの出川ボイスに耐えられなくて途中で見るの止めたwI tried watching Honey Trap ep. 1 but I stopped midway because of AKIRA's Degawa voice.
- 217: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 13:37:24.30 ID:qXRBlKDNO
- 仲間と優香が同列扱いってwHow could they even consider Nakama and Yuka in the same class w
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