(F-PRESS, women aged 16~34, 131 respondents)
*9. Yuko Takeuchi - (15) 11.45%
*9. Masami Nagasawa - (15) 11.45%
*8. Tsubasa Honda - (16) 12.21%
*7. Saki Aibu - (19) 14.50%
*6. Ryoko Yonekura - (20) 15.27%
4. Yuko Oshima - (23) 17.56%
3. Nanao - (34) 25.95%
2. Ayame Gouriki - (41) 31.30%
1. Atsuko Maeda - (45) 34.35%
- 3: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 00:53:40.21 ID:KSbaCgZG0
- どこの中学校の調査?
- Which middle school was this survey conducted in?
- 6: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 00:54:16.54 ID:Pzoi625/P
- 剛力に勝ったな
- She beat Gouriki, huh
- 8: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 00:54:46.18 ID:4p8jgETf0
- 標本少なっww
- Such a low number of votes ww
- 11: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 00:55:49.86 ID:b/Hd+je00
- なにこのしょぼい表
中学生のExcelの授業か - What's with this lame table?
Is this a middle schooler's Excel class? - 16: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 00:58:03.49 ID:qVJdZy++0
- 短大生が書いたレポートレベル
- It's on the same level as a report written by a junior college student
- 17: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 00:58:03.63 ID:XqJRJD3A0
- 上野樹里が入ってないのはおかしいわ
女が絶対イラつくタイプ - It's strange that Juri Ueno isn't in there.
She's definitely the type that makes women irritated. - http://newest-trend226.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_5ea/newest-trend226/o0800109710262669266.jpg
- 33: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 01:06:57.63 ID:YhSnGDal0
- 最近のランキングは剛力、本田翼、優子はなんでもランクインしてる
Gouriki, Tsubasa Honda, and Yuko are always in any sort of rankings these days
■「理想の夫&理想の妻」ランキングRanking of ideal husband and ideal wife
1. Sho Sakurai (16.3%)
2. Masaki Aiba (8.4%)
3. Osamu Mukai (8.4%)
4. Masaharu Fukuyama (7.6%)
5. Tori Matsuzaka (6.8%)
1. Haruka Ayase (10.7%)
2. Tsubasa Honda (9.5%)
2. Ayame Gouriki (9.5%)
4. Maki Horikita (8.7%)
5. Yuko Oshima (7.9%)
- 35: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 01:08:29.14 ID:KUgewoXs0
- まず女優じゃないだろ?
- First of all, she's not an actress, right?
- 40: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 01:15:18.46 ID:Tl7oeB5i0
- 剛力はクロコーチで少し許したあっちゃんもたぶんこれから何か当てれば大丈夫大丈夫I have forgiven Gouriki a bit in Kurokouchi.
Acchan will be fine as long as she gets a hit in the future.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/nurupoxx/imgs/2/a/2a17cacf.jpg - 55: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 01:25:54.27 ID:4HifSDj90
- 米倉なんて嫌いの何十倍も支持されてそうだな。
- But someone like Yonekura is liked 10-fold compared to how much she's hated
- 57: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 01:27:28.81 ID:YeQIap9V0
- 嫌いに上戸が入ってても良さそうなのに
- I think Ueto could have been included in that hated ranking
- http://excite-now.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_fce/excite-now/E4B88AE688B8E5BDA9.jpg
- 65: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 01:39:26.30 ID:3Nxef9XEi
- >>57文春アンケートの嫌いな女優ランキングでは上戸は3位だねちなみに前田敦子、大島優子は圏外Ueto was 3rd in Bunshun's hated actresses ranking.
Atsuko Maeda and Yuko Oshima were not even ranked.
- 63: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 01:36:03.48 ID:vl+wNWrV0
- 前田はもう女優しかないからランクインはわかるけどAKB48やりながら女優やる大島が入るのがすごいなアイドルではなく女優のイメージがついてきたのかMaeda's an actress now so I understand why she'd be in this ranking, but it's also amazing for Oshima who's also an actress while being in AKB48. So does that mean that she already has an 'actress' image attached to her, and not an idol anymore?
- http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/akb4839/imgs/4/6/4624a116-s.jpg
- 72: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 01:44:45.38 ID:Hfma8+4F0
- すごいじゃん。あのゴウリキに勝つとか異次元やで
That's amazing. You're totally out of this world if you can beat that Gouriki. - 92: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 02:07:19.74 ID:PhYD4eERi
- 前田嫌いな奴2割好きな奴1割どうでもいい7割People who hate Maeda - 20%
People who like Maeda - 10%
People who don't care - 70% - 94: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 02:08:48.69 ID:WtQ/ZWhDO
- まだ忘れられてないだけマシ
At least people still haven't forgotten about her - 105: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 02:24:52.59 ID:vZXC7NCQ0
- ゴールデンで女優として主役を張るには女性受けが不可欠なんだよなあアイドル上がりは大変It's imperative for actresses to be well liked by women if they want to play leading roles on primetime TV. That's why former idols have it tough.
- 107: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 02:28:13.79 ID:xg+d1y640
- >>105女子から『嫌いな女優』として選ばれてるんだぜこれってつまり女子受けしてるようなもんなんじゃない?These people are selected as "actresses hated by women".
Doesn't this actually mean that they're popular with women?
- 110: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 02:31:37.30 ID:7v7c/nSs0
- テレビによくでる人は嫌いと。
It means that the women hate people who are on TV a lot - 112: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 02:37:20.86 ID:OCEW9Glk0
- そもそも女優ですらないだろw映画人入らず、ドラマ視聴率取れず、歌中途半端しか売れず、MC台本通りしか喋れずその上好感度無しどうすんだ?これ?wShe isn't even an actress w
No one watches her movies, her drama can't get ratings, she can only recite what's written in the script when she hosts, and has no likable factors whatsoever.
So what's she gonna do? w -
- 120: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 02:45:26.19 ID:DLnNftsE0
- >>112
シングルだって8万近く売れてると思うが - Her movie's actually a bigger hit than those of Haruka Ayase and Maki Horikita who are said to be well-liked.
Even her single sold almost 80,000 copies.
- 136: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 03:03:12.51 ID:1sGZAsbD0
2013年上半期ブレイク女優ランキング4位- 4th in the "actresses who made their break in 2013"
- 168: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 03:25:09.56 ID:SQbbW4sv0
- 歌舞伎俳優と付き合って嫉妬されちゃったかな相手の俳優さんユーノスのロードスターだっけ?あれ乗ってる男はヤリ●ンが多いよMaybe people got jealous since she's dating a kabuki actor.
And the guy drives a Eunos Roadster?
Men with that ride are mostly man-whores.
(Related post HERE)
http://kuchikomi-neta.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_f05/kuchikomi-neta/saved_quote_image_326499.jpg - 212: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 03:43:07.13 ID:Z/AkkdYkO
- 女の場合嫉妬があるからなビジュアルと共演してる男優と絡むとすぐアンチ化するからな
- Jealousy is also factored in women's cases, they immediately become haters once she partners up with a good-looking man.
- 180: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 03:32:07.92 ID:OCEW9Glk0
- 【あさきゆめみし】第1話 5.8%Asaki Yumemishi
第2話 5.0%
第3話 4.0%
第4話 5.6%
第5話 3.6%
第6話 3.2%
第7話 3.5%
第8話 4.2%
第9話 4.1%
(Related post HERE)
Ep. 1 - 5.8%
Ep. 2 - 5.0%
Ep. 3 - 4.0%
Ep. 4 - 5.6%
Ep. 5 - 3.6%
Ep. 6 - 3.2%
Ep. 7 - 3.5%
Ep. 8 - 4.2%
Ep. 9 - 4.1%
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20130928/00/kawapuru326213612127/72/8b/j/t02200311_0300042412698157116.jpg -
- 183: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 03:33:22.76 ID:wZv14Smi0
- >>180
木8時代劇では普通の数字だね - Those are pretty normal numbers for a Thursday-8pm period drama
- 184: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 03:33:22.64 ID:6O+FKLqP0
- >>180
限りなくL字に近いけど - It's a V-shaped recovery!
But it's actually much closer to L.
- 253: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 04:15:02.70 ID:Z/AkkdYkO
- 上戸彩が安ギャラでCM多数やりだして変わったからな好感度も関係ないだろギャラが安くて知名度あれば指原でも生理のCMできるんだからwAya Ueto changed after doing tons of commercials due to her low talent fee.
It has nothing to do with likability.
If the fee is low and if you're popular, then even someone like Sashihara could have that PMS commercial.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/hkt48m/imgs/4/7/471095a4.jpg - 261: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 04:22:31.18 ID:1X/TijYm0
- これは間違いなく尾上松也のせいですわ
あの売名歌舞伎が! - This is definitely Matsuya Onoe's fault!
Damn that kabuki actor! - 285: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 08:14:07.55 ID:ltT/1cEl0
- 表情が豊かなイメージがないからなあ
前田の時代劇は見てないけどどうなんだ - It doesn't feel like she can do a wide array of facial expressions.
Actors who can do various faces are popular these days.
I haven't been watching Maeda's period drama, but how is she? - 300: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 10:05:42.09 ID:fW7gUjsL0
- アヴリルにも名前呼ばれちゃうくらいだからあっちゃんの存在感はすげーな
Even Avril mentioned her name, Acchan really has amazing presence. I hope she develops well so that the young AKB members can be proud of this senpai.
http://news.mynavi.jp/news/2011/03/03/023/images/001.jpg - 303: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 10:11:36.82 ID:Sf2JmkPSO
- これも勲章の一つだな
- This can be considered a feather in her cap
- 321: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 15:28:04.00 ID:I6msBMQb0
- 創価タレントがランク・インしてない
- Hmm, no Soka talents
* (Soka Gakkai) - 331: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 22:20:36.49 ID:tOAGdu4g0
- AKBとか関係なくあっちゃんは本当に嫌われやすい性格なのかもしれん。
そんなに性格悪い子だとも思えんし。 - Regardless of the label AKB, I think Acchan may really have a personality that's easily hated by others.
I don't really know why, though.
I don't even think that she's a bad girl. - 329: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2013/11/16(土) 21:50:03.27 ID:KSbaCgZG0
- どんなランキングでも上位にいる間は安泰
- They're still safe as long as they're at the top in any kind of ranking
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